PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007074.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The Prime Minister, the Minister for Primary Industry, Mr
John Kerin and the Minister for Arts, Heritage and
Environment, Mr Barry Cohen, today reaffirmed the
Commonwealth's determination both to protect those National
Estate areas in Tasmania that may be of world Heritage
value, and to resolve once and for all the issue of whether
there are viable alternatives to forestry opearations in the
contentious National Estate areas.
The Commonwealth continues to believe that it is necessary
for a full and careful review to take place as to whether
there are environmentally and economically prudent and
feasible logging alternatives within Tasmania to existing
logging plans for the contentious National Estate areas.
The Government has not yet concluded its consideration as to
the most appropriate machinery for such a review, the best
way to ensure that possible World Heritage values are fully
protected during the course of it, and appropriate
compensation arrangements where legitimate commercial
interests are affected by the review process.
Further consultations will be held over the next two weeks
with all relevant interests. The forest industries have
indicated a desire to have consultations, following the
provision of detailed information by the Commonwealth. The
Government also will be consulting with the ACTU. The
Government wishes to allow every opportunity for these
consultations to lead to the co-operation of industry in
undertaking the review.
The Government will also take advantage of the advice of a
senior expert of the International Union for the
Conservaticn of Nature and Natural Resources CTUCN), which
advises the World Heritage Committee on natural heritage
values. The expert, Mr Jim Thorsell, will visit Australia
this week.
The Commonwealth is hopeful of industry and State Government
co-operation, but will consider appropriate legislation if
it becomes apparent that this is the only way that the
necessary review and associated environment protection
arrangements can be put in place.