PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007029.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

NOTE FOR MEDIA 6 November 1986
The following can be attributed to a spokesman for the Prime
minister: Attached are transcripts of two interviews the Prime minister
gave in Melbourne this morning, mainly on the subject of
logging in Tasmania. Also attached is a copy of a letter the
Prime Minister has sent today, Thursday, 6 November, to the
Premier of Tasmania on the subject of the logging activities
which commenced in the Jackey's Marsh area yesterday,
Wednesday, 5 November. The letter follows the two
communications which the Prime minister sent the Premier
As will be seen, today's message is in response to the
Premier's statement that the logging activities are in
accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding which seeks to
control exploitation of forest areas in Tasmania.
while the Memorandum of Understanding does canvass
exploitation of Jackey's Marsh in accordance with
environmental impact studies -the clause upon which the
Premier appears to be relying -it also provides for a series
of consultative measures in the case of areas listed as part
of the National Estate, and in the event of disagreement
between the two governments over the future of those areas.
In the Jackey's Marsh case, those consultative measures,
outlined in Clauses 23, 24 and 27 of the Memorandum of
Understanding, must be brought into play. In the event of a
failure of those measures, Clause 30 then provides for matters
which cannot be reconciled at officer level to be then
reconciled at ministerial level.
The Government has asked for legal advice from the Attorney
General on its powers and possible courses of action with
regard to protecting the National Estate values of the
Jackey's Marsh area.

Following my letter of 5 November 1986 on forestry
operations at Warner's Sugar Loaf in the Jackey's Marsh
Quamby Bluff area, I have noted public comments by you that
logging is proceeding in the area in accordance with the
provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding on Tasmanian
Woodchip Exports.
I draw your attention once again to Clauses 23, 24 and 27 of
the Memorandum of Understanding which outline the
consultation process " for places listed on the register of
the National Estate". You will be aware that on 21 October
1986 the Australian Heritage Commission publicly advised its
decision to list Jackey's Marsh Quamby Bluff on the
register of the National Estate. National Estate values
identified by the Australian Heritage Commission in the
Jackey's Marsh Quamby Bluff area include rare/ threatened
plant species, outstanding aesthetic value, archaeological
sites and rainforest.
In authorising forestry operations in the Jockey's Marsh
Quamby Bluff area, the Tasmanian Government has not followed
the process of consultation on the manner in which these
National Estate values would be protected.
The Advisory Committee on Tasmanian Forestry Operations has
been asked to report to the Commonwealth on the Lemonthyme
State Forest and Jackey's Marsh Quamby Bluff as a matter
of urgency. The Committee has indicated that it will make
every effort to provide that advice by the end of the month.
Meanwhile, the Deportment of Primary Industry has requested
from the Australian Heritage Commission detailed information
on the National Estate values of Jockey's Marsh Quamby
Bluff, to be forwarded to the Tasmanian Forestry Commission
as part of the formal consultation process.
Clearly there is disagreement between the Commonwealth and
Tasmanian Governments over this issue. Accordingly, I draw
your attention to Clause 30 of the Memorandum of
Understanding which states that:
" In the event that any dispute arises over matters
concerning Forest Operations and other export-related
matters which cannot be reconciled at officer level, the
two relevant Ministers will meet and will discuss the
problem with the intent of reaching a mutually
acceptable solution. The MPI and the MEF agree that
every endeavour will be made to implement and administer
the matters the subject of this understanding through
mutual co-operation rather than by resort to the
coercive use of Commonwealth or State powers and

I now call on you to agree to the activation of that clause
so that the Commonwealth Minister for Primary Industry and
the Tasmanian Minister of State Forests can discuss the
matter as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I am sure you will
agree that in the spirit of consultation and co-operation
forestry operations in the Jackey's Marsh Quamby Bluff
area should cease immediately. I trust you will take the
appropriate action.