PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006955.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

A Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU) between the Commonwealth
and Tasmanian Governments about the conditions for expor--ts of
woodchips was signed in Canberra today.
The Memorandum was signed by the Feaeral minister for Primary
Industry, Mr John Kerin, the Tasmanian Premier, Mr Robin Gray,
and the State Minister for Forests, Mr Ray Groom.
Mr Kerin said the industry could now proceed on a firm basis.
" The community can be assured that the woodchip operations will
be carried out in an environmentally responsible manner.
The development of the Memorandum followed negotiation to
ensure that the Commonwealth's demands, announced on 16
December 1985, would be met.
" Included in the Memorandum is an agreed buffer zone to protect
the wilderness values of the South West National Park".
Commenting on the Memorandum, the Prime Minister,' Mr Bob Hawke,
stressed that in the event of disagreement with Tasmania where
forestry operations would adversely affect National Estate
values all the Commonwealth's powers would be used to protect
those values.
Mr Hawke emphasised decisions would be taken by the
Commonwealth only when appropriate consideration had been given
to environmental aspects.
" As part of this process a Commonwealth consultative committee,
which will include environmental experts, will be set Up," he
said. " No logging in the National Estate areas will be permitted
before the formal process of consultation, as set out in the
Memorandum, has been completed and the Commonwealth is
satisifed that the National Estate values will be protected.
Other items covered by the Memorandum include the supply of
information and the monitoring of woodchip operations,
compliance with management prescriptions, introduction of
improved forest practices, five yearly reviews of forest
operations, requirements for regeneration of Crown and private
land, provision of adequate reserves to protect rare and
endangered species and implementation of a program of research
into matters of environmental concern. 2/

" These are all matters that the Minister for Arts, Heritage and
Environment, Mr Cohen, had recommended to me as a precondition
for the renewal of Tasmanian export licences," Mr Kerin said.
" I believe the Memorandum and the export licences provide a
means of ensuring that the issues raised by Mr Cohen in his
assessment of the environmental impact statement on Tasmanian
woodchip operations, will be covered in a practical and
effective manner.
" As I said at the time of the decision, the Government's
approach is to seek an appropriate balance between the
interests of workers, industry and the environment.
" The Memorandum enables industry and employment to be
maintained, while the environment is protected and subject to
continuing review", Mr Kerin said.
" Now the document has been settled, I will be looking to
quickly put in place the necessary supporting mechanisms
including research arrangements and a consultative committee."
Further information: Lin Enright ( 062) 726649
12 June 1986