PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006942.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The most recent economic statistics, notably the March
quarter National Accounts and the ABS Survey of Investment
Intentions graphically highlight the magnitude of the
economic task before Australia.
While no major change in direction is required the
statistics provide further confirmation of the need for some
modifications to our already successful policy to meet the
new challenge presented by world trading conditions.
They also show clearly that the co-operation of all sections
of the community will be required if we are to continue to
prosper in these conditions.
In the Government's view discussions at ACPI will be most
fruitful if both the outcome of the NWC and the details of
proposed modifications to the Government's policy stance are
known to participants in advance.
This view is also now shared by representatives of business
and the ACTU.
Accordingly, with the agreement of these participants, the
meeting of the Advisory Committee on Prices and Incomes
scheduled for this Thursday has been postponed.
The meeting will now occur after the Conciliation and
Arbitration Commssion has announced its decisions following
the current national wage case hearings.
In the meantime the Government will be consulting separately
over the course of the next week with representatives of
the business sector and the ACTIJ in informing its judgements
of the scope which exists for action by Government, business
and workers alike.
I will next week in an Address to the Nation share with the
people of Australia the Government's approach and decisions
which we regard as necessary to protect and advance the
interests of this community in the economic circumstances
confronting us.