PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00006791.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

8.2Oam E 0 r Proof only
JOURNALIST: The Federal Government have recently started
a Campaign to help unemployed youith called Priority One
and an Sunday, 8 December, 2SM in association with the
Australian Rock Company and the Human Rights Commission
will present the Priority One Summer Rock Concert at
the Domain. And to talk about it, the Prime Minister of
Australia, the Mon. Bob Hawke. Prime Minister, how are
you doing?
PH: Very well thanks Leon.
aOURNALIST: Mr Hawke, the concert I just mentioned will
feature the Cockroaches, Gangajang, George Smilovic,
Moving Pictures,,. Pseudo Echo, Dynamic Hypnotics, the
Machinations, Australian Crawl I just wonder would I
be likely to find any of those bands in your record
collection or would i be more likely to find maybe
Vera Lynn's Hits of the Blitz.
PM: Oh, well you wouldn't find Vera Lynn's Hits of the
81itz And I must honestly say you'd more likely to find
records of the groups you referred to in my daughter's
records. But I'm catholic in my tastes, I enjoy a lot
of modern music, but my preference is for classical music.
aOURNALISTt Would you have any idea just how many people
in the age group we're talking about are going to be able
to get permanent jobs as a result of Priority one.
PH. Well let me put it this way if we look at the
16 and 17 year olds for a start, we believe that as a
result of the combined things that we'll be doing in
increasing the incentive to stay in education, the
traineeship scheme, plus more job creation should mean
that by the end of this decade we should have eliminated
virtually unemployment amongst 16 and 17 year olds. We
ought to have created a situation by the end of the decade
where all 16 and 17 year olds will be able to be staying
in the education system, be in employment or training,-or
a combination of those things that's for 16 and 17 year
olds. And that as far as the next group of 18/ 19 year olds, we
should also have been substantially able to reduce the
level of unemployment in that area. in other words we have

IA PM cont... s made a significant inroad into youth unemployment
nince we've been office and the Priority One concepts are
direCted'towards very significantly further reducing that
unemployment level by the end of the decade.
HOURNALIST; Prime Minister, I note that you're very
enthugiastic to Cet people to stay at sphool longer and
I know that you, yourself, some years ago werA a damn
hardworking academic, hence you're a Rhodes scholar. You'd
probably be aware that something like 80,000 students that
sat for an English paper recently haA a situation where
be-aune of markers who were on strike, they didn't get
of their paper marked. How would you feel about
something like that.
PM. I'd feel very annoyed. You'll appreciate that that
is and I'm not trying to avoid the thrust of your
question hut as ynu appreciate that is a State matter.
The question of education is basically a State one although
we are involved in a funding sense. And all I can say is
in direct answer to your question, if I was one of the kids.:
involved, I'd be bloody annoyed-
JOURNALIST: I've heard a rumour that you and Molly Meldrum
may get together to organise a deficit-aid concert to help
fix our balance of payment, problems. Is that true.
PM: No, but let me say this in regard to Geldorf lnternationall'
and Molly here. I do appreciate very much the way in which
they have-' used their Qreat talents to try and help those
in the world who are significantly less fortunate thah
ourselves. I think they are deserving of great commendation.
JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, I'm sure that those of all
political persuasions would wish you well over the comina
festive season alonct with your family and I trust that
your questtOor all things reasonble continues successfully
in the New Year.
PM: Leon thank you very much and I want to thank you and
the station for your preparedness to be involved in what
really is Australia's greatest-challenae, and that is
to ensure that we use the great resources of this
country to ensure that for our young people there is
a future of hope.