PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006781.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

FOR MEDIA 12 November 1985
Operation Noah a national phone-in campaign against drugs to
be held in all States and Territories on Wednesday 13 November
deserves the support of all Australians.
As part of the National Campaign against Drug Abuse, the Federal
Government is providing extra resources to law enforcement
agencies. But to be fully effective, our law enforcement agencies need the
support of the community.
That is where Operation Noah comes in.
operation Noah is a community-based approach to the drug menace.
It will be the biggest campaign ever mounted against illegal
drugs in Australia and will be directed particularly at major
traffickers in hard drugs.
As well as attacking those who traffic in illegal drugs,
Operation Noah in most states is designed to provide confidential
help and assistance to those who are using drugs, their friends
or relatives.
On Operation Noah day, it will be possible to phone drug
counsellors and speak with them confidentially.
Anyone with information about trafficking in drugs which would
assist our law enforcement agencies, or anyone requiring help or
advice about his or her own drug problem or that of a friend or
family member, should call the advertised numbers for their State
or Territory.
The traffic in illegal drugs causes great misery in our
community. operation Noah offers a potent method of attacking this problem.
I ask all Australians to support operation Noah and help make it
a success.

Of all the issues that face Australia at present probably no
other has such broad support as the fight against the drug menace.
Earlier this year, my Government convened a special Premiers,
Conference to discuss what Federal and State Governments could do
together to combat this evil.
As a result we have launched a national campaign against drug
abuse as a cooperative effort among governments.
The major emphasis of the campaign is on reducing the demand for
drugs through education, treatment and rehabilitation programs.
But this emphasis on reducing demand has to be matched with an
effort to control supply, through law enforcement methods.
To be fully effective, our law enforcement agencies need the
support of the community. That is where Operation Noah comes in.
Operation Noah is a phone-in campaign directed against the
illegal drugs trade.
It will be held in all States and Territories on Wednesday 13
November. Operation Noah represents a community-based approach to the drug
menace and will be the biggest campaign ever mounted against
illegal drugs in Australia.
It will be directed particularly at major traffickers in hard
drugs. If you have information relating to the importation, distribution
or sale of illegal drugs, you should call the appropriate
telephone numbers for your State or Territory on Operation Noah
day, Wednesday 13 November, between 9.00 in the morning and 9.00
in the evening.
As well as its law enforcement aspect, Operation Noah is also
designed to offer help to drug users and their friends and
families. On Operation Noah day, experienced drug counsellors will be
available to speak with drug dependent people or their friends
and families.
They will be able to provide confidential guidance or advice to
anyone who phones them.
If you have information about trafficking in d rugs which would
assist our law enforcement agencies, or if you require help or
advice about your own drug problem or that of a friend or family
member, I urge you to call the advertised numbers for your State
or Territory.
The traffic in illegal drugs causes great misery in our
community. Operation Noah offers a potent method of attacking
this problem.
I ask you to support Operation Noah and help make it a success.