The Federal1 Government will conduct a nation-wide consultation
with the broad youth community during December.
In my Address To The Nation on the Priority One youth strategy
I undertook to consult with young Australians to review the
strategy. The Government has decided that the most effective m~ eans of
consulting the broad youth community is through youth media
outlets. In early December I will participate in a number of talk-back
sessions on youth radio stations throughout Australia.
These sessions will launch a national phone-in campaign with
young people using toll-free telephones to make their views
known on issues of concern to them.
The operators taking the calls will code the answers and feed
them into a computer terminal.
The computer process will allow statistical analyses to be
undertaken relatively quickly.
The project, which is being co-ordinated by the office of Youth Affairs, will allow the Government to establish the relationships
between young people's concerns and the Government's current strategy. I take the opportunity now to invite young Australians to use
this opportunity to exercise a direct influence on the processes of Government.
The details of the process will be advertised over the next few weeks to ensure that as many young people as possible are
made aware of it.