PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00006749.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Members of the Design Council
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am honoured to be here today to present the Australian
Design Award to Consolidated Electronics for their
" CEICART" Autophase 2000 Stereo Replay Machine a
precision machine which automatically rectifys phase
differences in stereo reproduction and allows for
complete clarity in broadcast sound.
In so doing, I want to congratulate the Australian
Design Council, not only for its activities in promoting
the importance of design in the commmercialisation of
products, but also in promoting technological change and
innovation in Australian industry.
This years choice for the Australian Design. Award has
three important characteristics:
it is technologically advanced;
its design is innovative, making it highly
competitive with imports; and
it has substantial export potential;
These three characteristics exemplify the Government's
goals for our manufacturing industry. For Australian
industry to grow and develop it must become
internationally competitive and export oriented.
For me, there is a fourth characteristic the company
is situated in Australia's No. 1 Electorate Wills.
Indeed, the development and application of new
technology iust be embraced as one of the driving forces

behind the process of economic change with important
consequences for the competitiveness of industries.
There is no escaping the fact that industrial innovation
is essential to Australia's future economic wellbeing,
not only in industries producing glamorous new products,
but throughout established industries as well.
However, the achievement of growth through innovation
and technological change requires commitment by both
industry and the Government.
My Government has recognised that there are barriers to
successful technological innovation, and we have put
into place policies and programs to overcome many of
these barriers. These include:
the successful establishment of an economic
environment conducive to industry growth and
development which has resulted in a resurgence
of profits from which investment in research and
development, among other things, can proceed;
incentives to stimulate private sector research
and development, in particular the 150% tax
incentive which has been effective from 1 July
1985. These incentives are aimed at directly
stimulating firms to undertake more and longer
term investments in R D projects;
the provision of venture capital through the
Australian Industry Development Corporation as
well as through taxation concessions for
selected management investment companies for
investments in tkechnologically intensive firms;
and an examination of the methods by which public
sector research can be transferred to industry
These are the major Government measures.
However, industry has an equal responsibility to
overcome barriers to technological development and
innovation. It is industry that stands to gain most in
the long term.
In the changing economic environment of the 1980s no
longer can industry rely on protective barriers to
maintain market shares, nor indeed can it rely on
borrowed product and process technology that often
operates on a scale less than that for which it was
originally designed. r

The introduction of new or at least relevant
technologies is essential if Australian industry is to
once again significantly contribute to the Australian
economy. In the Government's view there is a growing awareness in
Australia that our major competitors, especially those
within our own region, are undertaking new long term
investments, adopting new business strategies and
applying new technology. Our location in the most
dynamic, forward-looking part of the world imposes on
our industries a need to develop new technologies new
products and processes if we are to compete
effectively. Rapid growth of our trading partners will
provide many market opportunities for future
exploitation but only if we can improve our
competitive performance.
While the challenges are great, Australians need not be
daunted or seek to avoid them. In fact, Australia is
better placed than many of us appreciate. While there
is plenty of room for improvement of our
educationalsystem and research establishments, they are
much higher in quality than in most countries within our
region and reasonably good by the standards of
industrial countries around the world. It is an
advantage that our children grow up speaking English,
the language of modern technology. In combination with
our strong resource base, these human resources should
enable Australia to move flexibly and effectively to
take advantage of the emerging opportunities.
In meeting these challenges, Australian industry must
recognise the importance of, and increase its investment
in, research and development.
Countries such as Japan, America and Sweden, which have
in the past recognised the importance of investment in
research and development and innovation, have had growth
patterns far in excess of Australia's. Australia, on
the other hand, has a level of private sector R D less
than nearly all comparable OECD countries.
Australian Industry, therefore, must change its
attitudes towards technological development and
innovation and take advantage of the opportunities
afforded to it by Government policies and programs which
are designed to promote long-term structual change and
economic growth. Strong, steady and sustained economic
growth requires the progressive adoption of productive
new technologies, structured change and high levels of

I am heartened that there are some bodies such as the
Australian Design Council which recognise and actively
promote the importance of and the inter-relationship
between technology, innovation and economic growth.
I thank the Australian Design Council for promoting
innovation and once again I congratulate Consolidated
Electronics for their " CEICART" Machine. and I wish them
and their employees a highly prosperous future.