Tne Economic Planning Advisory Council ( EPAC) met in
Canberra to~ iay. The main items on the Agenda were
reports by. the Treasurer and Minister for Employment and
Industrial Relations on current economic conditions and
consideration by the Council of a series of papers
prepared by the Office of EPAC on issues related to the
regeneration of Australian industries; and size of
government. Under regeneration of Australian industries, Council
considered papers on the international outlook, the
economic effects of payroll tax, corporate financing in
Australia and the role of small enterprises. Under size
of government, papers were considered on international
comparisons of the relationship between size of
government and economic performance, components and
trends in public sector expenditure in Australia and
Australia's foreign and public sector debt.
Council also considered a paper assessing leading
economic indicators and approved a Corporate Plan for
the Office of EPAC.
Copies of the papers considered at the meeting will be
made available by the Office of EPAC after revision to
take account of comments by Council members.
The text of the Treasurer's report will be available
from the Treasurer's office.