PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Press Conference
Transcript ID:
00006737.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

E. 4. O. fl. PROOF ONLY
JOURNALIST:.. you insist on Dr Armstrong's resignation?
PM: I have nothing to say about that at this stage. All I have to
say about current circumstances is that I spoke to Mr Reid today at
his request on the phone in Townsville. I will be seeing him on
Thursday-in Canberra. I have nothing to add.
JOURNALIST: Do you have confidence in Mr -Reid' still as Chai-rman of the
AuthorityY PM: That's not fatir, Michiellv, at this stage. I have answered that
question before in the very precise terms that I will be talking with
Mr Reid.
JOURNALIST; Can you reiteratLe
PM: Can you let me finish the answer the answer, please. I will be seeing
him on Thursday. It is quite unfaiir to him, to me, and to everyone
involved to say anything on that question until I discuss it with him.
have gone.
Dr Armstrong Mr Reid doesn't seem to know quite why Dr Armstrong should
lie seemed to be in two minds. He wasn't sure whether
why you had insisted that he go.
PM: If.. you have -got -any doubts about what Mr Reid is saying, you should
be addressing your questions to Wr Reid.
JOURNALIST: INAUDII3LE Is that your expectation?
PM: I'm not going to go to that issiue.
talk after I've seen Mr Reid.
JOURNALIST: I will be quite prepared to
What did Mr Reid 43y?
PM: Mr Reid just conveyed to me the decision about.... the Board
had expressed confidence in him and his handling of this matter. and
confirmed that he will be meeting with me on Thursday.
JOURNALIST: Mr Reid was quite precise. He said he didn't know why
Dr Armstrong resigned.
PH: Did he?
PM: That's intereting.

JOURNALIST: What's your response?
JOURNALIST: Mr Hawke, did Mr Reid inform you that there was no tax
minimisation involved in Dr Armstrong's resignation?
PM: When I raised this question he expressed confidence in the matter of
tax. In that context I said I still want to have something in writing from
you and Mr Reid confirmed to me today that either before I see him on
Thursday or certainly by Thursday he will have a full answer in writing on
this matter. Again, it is not appropriate to talk about that until I get
that from him.
JOURNALIST: Do.' yot'uthink, Prime Minister, that the meetin-on Thursday will
clear this up?
PH: Woll, I would trust that the response that Mr Reid gives to me,
inaudible I hope that that will clear that matter up.
JOURNALIST; He said the tax had nothing to do with the Authority,
though. It is a matter between Dr Armstrong
PM: I am
make Now, On the question of tax, Michelle, I simply repeat what I have said.
not making any further comment on that. It is not fair to Mr Reid to
any further comment on that matter until I receive his letter..
I will be able to talk to you after Thursday.
JOURNALIST: Are you pleased that the Board backed Mr Reid today?
PH: I am pleased that they discussed the matter and they have confidence in
what he has done. Of course I am happy about that.
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