PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006679.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The Government is disappointed that the proposed rebel
cricket tour of South Africa appears iikely to proceed.
On the other hand, it welcomes the moves which have been
made by the Aus~ ralian Cricket Board in an effort to
deter future rebel tours of South Africa.
On behalf of the Government, I reiterate our repudiation
of apartheid, our support for the Gleneagles Agreement
and our opposition t~ o this proposed tour.
Two important developments have occurred since news of
the proposed tour first emerged. First, the
cancellation of the tour by the All Black Rugby Union
teamn has further isolated South Africa in international
sport. Second, the imposition of the state of emergency'
in South Africa has underlined the racial injustice of
the apartheict system and the repressive ruthlessness of
its practitioners.
The growiny world reaction to the apartheid policies and
practices of South Africa has for instance been
reflected in recent resolutions of the United N'ations
and the United States Senate and House of
Representatives, calling for economic sanctions.
While recognising that it is the individual right of
Australian cricketers to decide whether they will tour
South Africa, I nevertheless ask those who have become
involved to think of the consequences of such a tour for
Australia's and their own reputations, for Australia's
international relations, includiny its international
sporting contacts, and, above all, for the oppressed
non-white people of South Africa.
I express the earnest hope that, having reflected deeply
on the important issues of racial equality and justice
wnich are involved, they will reconsider their