PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006642.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The following arrangements have been agreed by the
Minister for Transport, Mr Morris, and myself, to give
effect to the understanding on transport co-operation
with China that I reached with General Secretary Hu
Yaobang during his recent visit.
During his recent visit to Australia, Hu Yaobang
described transport and energy as two major areas of
attention in China's Seventh Five Year Plan.
Australia's transport experience is of particular
relevance to China. Ours is a vast continent with
diverse transport needs and problems. We have developed
special expertise in moving bulk commodities over long
distances, and also have relevant expertise in such
diverse areas as road building, air services, road
transport and cargo handling.
I advised Mr Hu of Australia's willingness and capacity
to co-operate in the review and modernisation of China's
transport infrastructure.
As discussed with Hu Yaobang, Sir Peter Abeles, Managing
Director and Chief Executive of Thomas Nationwide
Transport ( TNT), has agreed that a planned Ansett/ TNT
visit to China will be expanded to include a Government
delegation. Sir Peter Abeles will be leader and Mr Paul Barratt,
Deputy Secretary, Department of Trade, Deputy Leader of
the Transport Mission.
The official mission will be responsible for developing
with the Chinese Government a permanent Government to
Government mechani'sm for promoting long-term
co-operation in transport. Within this mechanism,
opportunities will be developed for a wide range of
Australian private and public sector interests to
co-operate in China's development.

In preparation for the Transport Mission, the Department
of Trade tomorrow, 7 June, will convene a briefing in
Canberra for industry associations in the transport
sector. The briefing will outline the Government's aims
for co-operation with China in the transport sector,
identify possible options to achieve those aims, and
seek industry views.
The initial mission to China will identify particular
transport issues facing China and develop options for
future bilateral co-operation in those areas where
Australia can best assist.
Members of the mission will meet with participants in
the Australian transport sector who are interested in
developing the relationship with China after their
return. The findings of the mission will be put to
Australian industry and a package of initiatives and
plans for future action and further missions will be
developed. The Government's success in maintaining economic growth
and concentrating our efforts on those goods and
services where we have a competitive advantage, have
placed Australia in a useful position to provide
assistance to China. Our experience in comparable
conditions will be of particular benefit.
Australian industry needs to be sensitive to
international opportunities and place emphasis on those
areas where we have superior technology, expertise or a
competitive edge.
The Government's first objective is to co-operate with
China in developing its transport system to support
economic development. Commercial and economic benefits
for Australia will be a pleasing bonus.