PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Joint Statement
Transcript ID:
00006616.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

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FOR MEDIA 12 April 1985
Forrest Place, in the heart of Perth, is to be enlarged and
redeveloped at a cost of $ 5 million in time for the 1988
Bicentennial, the Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, and the Premier, '. r
Burke, announced today.
The project will be jointly funded under the Commonwealth/ State
Bicentenn" ial Commemorative Program, which aims to provide lasting
memorials to the 200th anniversary in all States and Territories.
The Federal Government has allocated $ 48 million to the
Commemorative Program, of which Western Australia will receive
million, to be matched from its own resources.
Other Western Australia commemorative projects which will receive
Federal funding include:
establishment of a Ningaloo Marine Park and tourist
facilities, $ 1 million;
restoration of Fremantle's Arthur Head precinct, incllding
the-Round House, $ 1.5 million;
development of a network of heritage trails throughout the
state, $ 1 million.
The two governments have also agreed to provide substantial
funding for an Aboriginal Commemorative project and a s * ail
training vessel for young people. Details of these projects are
at present being finalised by the Western Austialian Government.
Mr Hawke said the Commonwealth Government had allc'ated nearly
$ 200 million for a wide ranging national program of projects and
events to mark the 1988 bicentenary.
" Our aim, which is reflected in the diverse range of projects to
be carried out in Western Australia, is to provide something that
will appeal to everyone.

" The Nitional. Program has been initiated and is now being
implemented by tY-e A~ istralian Bicentennial Authority. They are to
be congratulated for their success in putting a Program of such
breadth and complexity together.
" We want 1988 to be a peoples Bicentenary, to be shared and
enjoyed by every Australian. Just as these projects illustrate
our Bicentennial theme ' Living Together' by providing another
example of Commonwealth/ State co-operation, so too will our
Bicentennial celebrations throughout the year provide the
opportunity for all Australians to get together and ensure a
memorable year for all."
Mr Burke said the financial commitment of the Commonwealth and
State Governments to the Bicentennial Commemorative Program would
give the State projects lasting value.
" Each of them will enhance our heritage in some way", Mr Burke
said. " T ie Forrest Place redevelopment will provide Perth with a true
city square, highlight the grace of the old General Post Office
and Commonwealth Bank and link the central business district with
the exciting cultural centre development.
ilAt Fremantlc, the Arthur Head project will protect the State's
oldest building and make the historical precinct more attractive
and accessible.
The Wingaloo marine park-coritains some of the State's most
outstanding scenic treasures and as a Bicentennial Commemorative
Project will also be protected and made more accessible.
" The development of heritage trails will enable Western
Australians to better enjoy some of the state's mo~ st appealing
environments. " The sail training project will not onl y impart new skills to
young Western Australians, but also assist in the development of
leadership qualities for the future.
" The Aboriginal project will be a proper recognition that the
human occupation of Australia pre-dates white settlement by
thousands of years.
" The State Government is delighted to be associated with all of
these worthy projects", Mr Burke said.