PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006424.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

FOR MEDIA 13 July 1984
Statement by the Prime Minister, Mr. Hawke, and the Premier
of Western Australia, Mr. Burke.
The Commonwealth and Western Australian Governments have
agreed on January 1 next year as the date for the handover
to the State of the Army land on Rottnest Island.
The State Government will pay the Commonwealth $ 2.2 million
as a contribution towards the replacement elsewhere of
improvements on the 55.7 hectares of land.
Arrangements for the transfer have been worked out by
Commonwealth and State officials and were announced today by
the Prime Minister, Mr. Bob Hawke, and the Premier of Western
Australia, Njr. Brian Burke.
This follows Mr. Hawke's agreement last September to a request
by Mr. Burke for the return of -the land, ending years of
Commonwealth-State argument about it.
Under the arrangements, the State will make payments of
$ 1.1 million on January 1 and July 1 with vacant possession
on January 1 and the handing over of title on July 1.
The State has been relieved of the responsibility of finding
acceptable replacement facilities for the Army.'
The Commonwealth originally sought $ 2.9 million as the State's
contribution to the replacement of facilities and the State
of fered $ 2 million. The agreed contribution follows
discussions between officials.
Mr. Hawke and Mr. Burke both expressed pleasure that the
arrangements for the transfer had been completed and that thert. e
had been agreement between the Cormnonweallt-h and the State on
the terms of the transfer.
Mr. Hawke said that as someone who had visited the island on
many occasions in the past, he had great affection for Rottnest's
unique charm, lifestyle and environment. He was delighted to
have had the opportunity as Prime Minister to make more of thE!
island available to Western Australia.

Mr. Burke said the handover on January 1 was a day that all
Rottnest lovers had looked forward to for many years.
Like the rest of the island, the land would be placed under
the control of the Rottnest Island Board. No decisions
would be made about its future use until after the review
of public submissions on the interim development plan for
the island. U I