PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00006347.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Mr Premier, Distinguished Guests,. Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is a small but significant ceremony-to commemorate the
transfer of the former North Head Quarantine Station to New
South Wales. That it occurs at all reflects the close
co-operative arrangements existing between the Australian
and New South Wales Governments. Such co-operation now
extends into many fields of community interest. That it
should continue is in the interests of all of us -of all
Australians. This former quarantine station site of about 27 hectares is
being transferred to the State under the provisions of the
Land Exchange Agrqement between the Commonwealth and the
State for inclusion in the proposed Sydney Harbour National
Park. The Agreement is unique in Commonwealth/-State negotiations
on the purchase/ disposal of Government owned property.
Among other things, it requires the purchasing government to
use the land for a prior nominated purpose at an agreed
value based on that use.
I have been advised that the current size of the Sydney
Harbour National Park is about 465 hectares. Of this area
the Commonwealth is contributing 80 per cent 372 hectares,
with only 82 hectares remaining to be transferred. The
State has so far contributed 93 hectares..
The North Head component is the largest and one of the most
prominent areas of the proposed National Park. This area,
contributed by the Commonwealth, comprises over 55 per cent
of the total park area.
In the 1800' s, North Head on the northern side of the
entrance to Sydney Harbour, was isolated and unpopulated.
Store beach was protected from the southerlies and provided
safe anchorage, drinking water and sandy beaches.

Before the area was proclaimed for quarantine purposes ships
arriving from overseas used to put ashore on the beach at
North Head, with some provisions or rations, passengers and
crew who appeared to be suffering from a communicable
disease. A scare resulting from an outbreak of cholera in England and
Ireland prompted Governor Bourke on 14 August 1832, to
proclaim the site for quarantine purposes.
In 1837 temporary buildings were erected between Collin's
Flat and Store Beach. By the end of that year the occupants
moved up the hill to the present station site where nine
permanent buildings were being erected. These buildings
were finished in May 1838.
When the Commonwealth was established in 1901, the Federal
Constitution included quarantine as a specific Commonwealth
responsibility. The Commonwealth Quarantine Act was passed
in March 1908 and came into force on 1 July 1909. As a
result the station, which originally operated under State
legislation, was transferred to the Commonweath.
The station has many links with early white settlement in
Australia and is part of our historic heritage. It is
especially interesting that rock carvings, made by crew and
passengers, may be found in a number of locations such as
Store Beach, Spring Cove and Old Man's Hat.
Over the last 10 years the need for human quarantine
stations has diminished with the advent of better public
health services, the eradication of smallpox and changing
world disease patterns. Quarantinable diseases such as
typhoid and cholera contracted by travellers from overseas
are very few and each State has agreed that any cases or
suspect cases can be adequately handled within the existing
State health authority system.
The transfer of this property is tangible evidence of the
Commonwealth's desire to see that any lands it holds are put
to the most appropriate uses and, wherever practicable, are
made available to all Australians.
Mr Premier, I am delighted that, through a spirit of mutual
co-operation, such a worthwhile asset will be opened to the
public. I know that its inclusion in the Sydney Harbour
National Park will enhance what is generally and rightly
regarded as the most picturesque harbour in the world.