PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006264.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The Federal Government has decided to declare Stage 2 of
Kakadu National Park in accordance with the provisions of
the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975. In
addition a notice of intent to prepare a report recommending
declaration of Gimbat and Goodparla pastoral leases as
part of Kakadu National Park will be published by the
Director of National Parks and Wildlife.
In taking these steps, the Government is implementing
recommendations made by the Ranger Uranium Environmental
Inquiry in respect of Kakadu National Park. Of particular
importance is the inclusion in the Park of virtually the
whole South Alligator River Catchment, with its
internationally significant wetlands.
In moving to include Gimbat and Goodparla in the Park the
Government is conscious that the lessees have been aware for
a long time of this possibility. The Government will seek
to acquire the two leases.
Serious consideration has been given to the position of the
Northern Territory Government which has stressed the
importance to its economy of mining, particularly in the
Alligator Rivers Region. It is the view of the Conmmonwealth
that appropriate tourist development in Kakadu National Park
will generate a major long term increase in job opportunities
and increase significantly revenue to the Northern Territory.
The area is already a major tourist attraction, and the proposed
developments will need to be undertaken in such a way as to
ensure the protection of the natural and cultural values of
the Park and be sensitive to Aboriginal interests.
A basic program of development for Stage 2 will include work
on basic park infrastructure, such as power and water supplies
and service roads, as well as provision of some essential
visitor facilities. The Minister for Homze Affairs and
Environment, the Hon. Barry Cohen, will be discussing with
the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, the Northern Territory
Government and Aboriginal groups an augmented program of
development of visitor facilities and park infrastructure

in the Klikadu National Park over the he(-xt six years, brinjiiig
forward the introduIction of recreation facilities providing
for busThwalking, nature observation and water-based activities.
These visitor facilities will he developed to ensure that
visitors are able to enjoy the Park better while niot
endangering its natural and cultuial treasures.
This program will put millions of dollars annually into the
Northern Territory economy and open up major employment and
economic opportunities, especially for Aboriginal people.
Details of the program will he announced after Mr Cohen has
completed his discussions and the Government has had an
opportunity to consider specific proposals.
Subject to negotiations with the Northern Territory Government
and Aboriginal groups, an additional expenditure of the order of
$ 36 million over six years is envisaged under the accelerated
development program.
This, together with the associated private sector expenditures
on tourism, would generate very substantial numbers of new
permanent jobs over the next decade and beyond.
Canberra/ Darwin