PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006252.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

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FOR MEDIA 2 November 1983
The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister today met with the
Heads of Mission of Commonwealth African countries ( Ghana,
Mauritius, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia).
At the meeting the attached aide-riemoire was presented
in response to Australia's new policy initiatives on
sporting contacts with South Africa

The Heads of Mission of Commonwealth African countries
( Ghana, Mauritius, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia) accredited to
Australia have been encouraged by the official statement
released by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, on October 26,
1983 with regard to the new policy Jnitiatives of the
Government of Australia on sporting contacts with South Africa.
They hope that in the implementation of these policies, care
would be taken to avoid misinterpretation with regard to the
amateur and professional status of sportsmen and women from
South Africa.
There is no doubt that many African and Third World
Commonwealth countries would be heartened by this significant
strengthening of Australia's anti-apartheid position, which
should further encourage other Commonwealth countries to
adhere to the spirit and the letter of the Gleneagles Agreement.
The Heads of Mission also note with appreciation the
decision of the Australian Government to permit both the ANC
of South Africa and SWVAPO of Namibia to open information
offices in Australia. This move will significantly assist in
keeping the Australian people inform-ad about the true situation
in South Africa and in Namibia. The Scholarship scheme for
the victims of apartheid, and the arrangement for the opponents
of apartheid to visit Australia and share their experiences
with the Australian public also deserve commendation.
Mindful that the Australian Government has yet to take
a final decision on the question of flights by South African
Airways and Qantas to and from Southern Africa, the Heads of
Mission sincerely hope that the final decision will help to
reinforce Australia's commendable position in the overall
struggle for the elimination of the apartheid system.