PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006235.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

I give an unequivocal commitment on behalf of the Federal
Government to total continuity of funding for construction
of the Burdekin Dam.
There have been promises to build the Burdekin Dam virtually
continuously since the Second World War.
I am proud it is only the Federal Labor Government that has
matched its promises with action.
The $ 13 million we will spend on the Dam this financial year
will enable construction of the main Dam Wall to commence at
last. The Chifley Government's Snowy Mountains Scheme was an
historic recognition of the significance to Austra. Lia of
major developmental works.
The Snowy Scheme became a cornerstone of post-war
The early completion of the Burdekin Dam will confirm the
Federal Labor Government's role in fulfilling the historic
needs of Australians a Government pursuing coherent,
confident, robust policies for national davelopment.
The demeaning and destructive comments about the dam by the
Deputy Opposition Leader, Mr Howard, are an indictment of
the Coalition.
For example, The Age of 19 August quotes Mr Howard as
saying: I wouldn't have regarded the Burdekin Dam as any more
sacrosanct than other areas. I'd have put it into
hotch-potch with some of the other things".
The last thing the people of North Queensland need is for a
cloud to be cast over this great national development
With a Federal Budget of over $ 50 billion, it is amazing
that Mr Howard has singled out the Burdekin Dam as the one
project to be consigned to the scrap heap.
The people of North Queensland have waited 30 years for the
Burdekin Dam. Isn't that long enough even for Mir HIoward?,
Even more disturbing is the absolute silence on Mr Howard's
remarks by the Opposition Leader, Mr Peacock, and the Leader
of the National Party, Mr Anthony.

In the face of their apparent disinterest or worse there is
no doubt Mr Howard would get his way as Treasurer under a
Liberal-National Government although on the Opposition's
current performance such a Government is a long way off.
There is an interesting paral. lel between the Burdekin dam
and the history of the Tennessee Valley Authority in the
United States.
The Tennessee Valley Authorifry was dogged by interference,
was vilified in Congress, was abandoned by two American
Presidents, was hindered at every turn for 20 years.
Australia's 20 year wait indeed 30 year wait is over
at least while I have any say in the matter.
A great: deal. of the credit for our final decision to proceed
with the Burdekin Dam must go to the forceful and persuasive
representations of the Stat,: Opposition Leader, Keith
Wright. He has been a great advocate for North Queensland to his
Federal Government colleagues and will continue to be as
Premier., I have noted Keith Wright's commitment on behalf of the
State Labor Party to the building of a water pipeline from
the Burdekin Dam to Townsville on the basis of one-third
funding from each of the Federal, State and Local
Governments. I look forward to discussing this proposal with Keith Wright
when he is Premier.
Tenders for the mass concrete gravity wall of the Burdekin
Dam closed on September 20. Eleven tenders have been
received. I understand the range and quality of these tenders has been
very favourable. There should be little difficulty in
selecting an appropriate tender. Accordingly, I urge the
Queensland Government to quickly come forward with a
recommended tender for the Federal Government's
consideration and approval.
We want the construction of the Burdekii Dam to proceed as
quickly as practicable and will work hard for its completion
by 1988.
Townsv il1le
9 October 1983