30 September 1983
The Federal Government is planning to install the Australian-designed aircraft landing system ‘Interscan’ at a number of airports in Australia
Interscan - which is a world leader in its field - was developed as a joint project by the Department of Aviation and CSIRO in the early 1970’s
Submitted jointly by Australia and the USA, the Interscan principle was adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as the world-wide standard for future landing systems
Interscan Australia Pty Ltd was set up with Governmnet funding through the Department of Science and Technology to proceed with the design and manufacture of the system Wilcox Electric Inc, Interscan’s American partner has, on behalf of the joint venture submitted a tender to the US authorities for the supply of 208 systems It should be known by the end of this year whether this tender is successful. If it is, the vital antenna systems will be made in Australia.
The company is in a position to take orders from aviation authorities around the world.
The planned initial procurement demonstrates the Australian Governments confidence in Interscan. Its installation at Australian airports will allow the world to see Interscans capabilities as the most advanced aircraft landing system.
The decision is another example of the Government's firm commitment, recently announced by Mr. Barry Jones, Minister for Science and Technology, to support the growth of high technology industries based on Australian ingenuity.
The Interscan system provides precise electronic guidance to aircraft during approaches to airports and during landing. It will allow aircraft to land in conditions of poor visibility such as foq and low cloud and will be of great benefit to airlines and the travelling public at airports selected for its installation.
The Minister for Aviation, Mr. Beazlev will announce details of the operational and installation program as the planning proceeds.