PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00006184.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

1j, AL'r KA L [ A f
PRIME MINISTER 22 August 1983
The Prime Minister today sent the following letter to the
Tasmanian Premier, Mr Gray.

22 August 1983
The Hon. Robin Gray, MHA
Premier of Tasmania
My dear Premier
I am writing to advise you of a number of further decisions
the Commonwealth has taken regarding assistance to Tasmania
consequent on cessation of work on the Gordon-below-Franklin
scheme. You will recall that in his discussions with you in Hobart
on 11 August, Senator Grimes mentioned the development of
tourist facilities in the South-West, and the Queenstown
sewerage proj-ct, as two areas in which the Commonwealth
would be willing to provide assistance to * your Government.
I understand that you indicated that such proposals would
be acceptable to your Government. In respect of tourist
facilities, the Commonwealth is prepared to offer to
provide funds of up to $ 2 million in 19S3/ 84 and a further
$ 3 million in 1984/ 85, on the basis that the State
undertakes to provide at least 110 man-years of employment.
The initiative in proposing particular projects would of
course be primarily a matter for the State, with
individual projects subject to Commonwealth involvement
to the minimum compatible with its responsibilities.
For the Heritage Area itself it is clearly most important
that we should press ahead with the development of
appropriate arrangements, including the preparation of a
management plan, and the Minister for Home Affairs and
Environment, the Hon. Barry Cohen, will shortly be
bringing proposals to Cabinet for this purpose. There
are a number of ways, however, in which tourist
facilities in the region, particularly outside the
Heritage Area, could be developed quickly. Such
facilities could include construction of new visitor
information centres, campgrounds, picnic and toilet
facilities, jetties and wharves, and it is for such
proposals that the Commonwealth is now offering assistance.
For the Queenstowri sewerage project, the Commionwealth
offers to provide up to S1.7 million to Tasmania subject
to the State undertaking to provide at least 30 man-years or
/ 2

employment. This project has been suggested to us as a
means of providing some early employment opportunities
in the South-West, given that plans have already been
ccmpleted. We would normally have taken the view that
the Commonwealth should not be involved in such a
proposal, since it is essentially one for State and
local government consideration. Having regard to all
the circumstances, however, we believe that it is
appropriate for tne Commonwealth to offer assistance in
this particular case.
In respect of both these matters the appropriate course
would presumably now be for your Government to put forward
detailed proposals which would provide the basis for formal
agreement between our Governments.
As a further Commonwealthi initiative to provide employment
opportunities, we have decided that tenders should be
called immediately for strengthening aircraft pavements
for unrestricted B727-200 operations at Hobart Airport,
at a cost of S3 million. You will be aware that these
works had been deferred on the recommendation of the
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works. I
am advised that the runway pavements are still satisfactory
in terms of aircraft operations, although they are now
showing some signs of stress.
In terms of overall priorities in the aviation field and
the need to exercise the firmest restraint in public
expenditures, the Commonwealth seriously considered
further deferral of these works. In the circumstances
flowing from the High Court decision, however, we have
taken the view that it is an appropriate project to
bring forward at this time.
We have also given careful thought to the various
proposals for the upgrading of Wynyard Airport, having
regard particularly to such factors as passenger traffic
trends and the availability of airport facilities in
Northern Tasmania generally, as well as to the potential
of the project for employing resources formerly engaged
on the Gordon-below-Franklin project. The overall
position we have reached is that the major expenditures
involved in the development proposals for Wynyard Airport
cannot be justified at this time. The matter will, of
course, be kept under review.
We will continue to give consideration to the possibility
of other Commonwealth initiatives. It would seem,
however, that when the proposals I have outlined above
are added to those that have already been agreed between
us, and taking into account other proposals being developed
by the State, we are well on the way to providing for
all. the job opportunities that are required in 1983/ 84. / 3

As to the funding of other works to be undertaken by = he
State, T advised you in my letter of 29 July that the
Commonwealth was considering the provision of a quantum
of funds ( block fundino) that could be-applied to projects
of the State's choosing. We have given this matter furtner
thought, and as a result have asked Senator Grimes to seek
an early meeting with you to discuss a possible approach.
Yours sincerely
R. J. L. Hawke
r. 2'