PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006058.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

FOR MEDIA Thursday, l17 1arch 1983
The Government has received many requests in the past week from
organisations and individuals wishing to participate in the
National Economic Summit.
In response to these requests the original list of invitees has
been expanded.
A number of broadly based community groups have also bEen invited
to the Summit as observers.
However, it has not been possible to include all those who have
asked to participate in the Summit because of the limited
capacity of the H1-ouse of Representatives Chamber.
Another important consideration has been the need to ensure
the Summit is small enough to allow, productive discussion.
I will be writing in the next few days to everyone who has
been in contact with the Government about the Summit to express
my thanks for their interest.
The Government will be providing other f" orums for discussion
and consultation, including the Economic Planning Advisory
Council, industry advisory councils, advisory councils to
Ministers and pre-Budget discussions.
Canberra Note: Attached is the final list of participants and observers.

Prime Minister
Treasurer Ministers for Employment arid Industrial Relations
Finance Industry and Commerce
Social Security
Primary Industry
Education and Youth Affairs
Premier of New South Wales 2
Victoria 2
Queensland 2
Western Australia 2
South Australia 2
Tasmania 2
Chief Minister of the Northern Territory 2
Australian Council of Local Government Associations 2
Employers/ Business
Australian Bankers' Association
Australian Chamber of Commerce
Australian Federation of Construction Contractors
Australian Industries Development Association
Australian Manufacturers' Export Council
Australian Retailers' Association
Australian Road Transport Federation
Confederation of Australian Industry
Council of Small Business Organisations
Federal Chamber of Automative Industries
Housing Industry Association
( J Master Builders' Federation of Australia
Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia
National Farmers' Federation
Oil Industry Industrial Committee 2
Sir Peter Abeles
Sir Keith Campbell
Mr A. Carmichael
Sir Roderick Carnegie
Mr A. W. Coates
Mr P. J. W. Cottrell
Mr W. L. Dix
Sir James Foots
Mr J. B. Gough
Mr B. N. Keiman
Mr J. H. Leard
Mr B. T. Loton
Sir Eric McClintock
Mr H. M. Morgan ( AMIC)
Mr F. J. Neal
Sir Arvi Parbo
Mr J. W. Utz
Mr L. S. Zampatti

Professional Groups
Australian Medical Association
Institute of Char-tered Accountants
Law Council of Australia
Unions Australian Council of Trade Unions 31
Other Organisations
Australian Council of Social Services
Observers Australian Association of Permanent Building Societies
Australian Conservation Foundation
Australian Council of Churches
Australian Episcopal Conference
Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations
Australian Federation of Credit Unions
Council of Professional Associations
Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia
National Aboriginal Conference
National Council of Women of Australia
Taxpayers' Association
Women's Electoral Lobby
Youth Affairs Council of Australia
16 March 1983