PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006016.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The.. Governrcent has indicated its br-d endorsenent of
the reuommendations of the R. eview cf Ccrel~ nsrtc~
. The recomendation. s of the Feview, zhñ r Mr J. F. !: eid
are a working blue-j--ri'nt f-: r perfox-; c! ~ f t.-, e
Public: Serrice. Th'e;' img~ reater
K respons15Ld-. ty & partments, * gjvinj-t~ ie97 : 1 L ~ t
insafic and firv t-atters to ena2. e th'n: better
cope with t~ ne . a', enges faceJ bypbi siust~. n.
Alongside this greater devoJ.-ition off respcnsibility, the
cent-ral azenciles of ~ erin are t1o-0 ~ ave a rc-re
active role in aEsistrng deparmentS, tpartic-ularly in , atters
of staff deve~ lp-c. ent, a-w.-aa2ie-. acia
t 4 Among the major recomm rdations. aff : tlng the Pul: iLc Service
which the Gcvarr-xz', en-. suczs re:
an indeper4 nt rezssess~ et. of the efects cf: the sy't~ em
of ad inistra~ i,, revi~
promulgaticn of gu. ide'ine s r the . reatiofl ai1,' -3ntro! of
stat-utory authorities;
greater f lexibility in: fia> i -, aniagement by g-qVrpin
a new f in a': ial ennt i zcte men program eC
greater use of bul. ik es tab: sua c-ntroI syate:-to give
g re ate r f lexi), 1i t 1 tc -pat~~ rB, taff Min a t;
eouinof ar-i.! 1. ert dlr. i sl. wers f--O dt-art-ment;
( With C*-: 4Sting~ app-e-a.
eaxrly ocfu ~ . a" r J~ mt ge.-, ent ve
cons ider; ticn of f . it >; prCct-e Staff
select~ ion proces s, with fr.-ire', ti
K qr~ t~ r ~. thrit cP-r-7. vc-r ' , e-a2
staff I-h;

I. Public Service Board to participate in senior appointment
deci. sions, to en~ sure wide field of candidates are considered
and dlue weight iAs given to breadth of experience and
managerial capaclty; appeals tILo senior position to Le
aboliahed; greater access to senior appointmTents by talented
people outside the Service;
* PSB and departments to develop career development and
trainiing programrmes for senior m~ anagers;
* suitable consultative process. and demonstrated policy.
of rotationl in permanen~ t head appointments;
each Permanent Read to submit annual Management
Imzprovement Plan to his Minister.
Following the election, the rsovernment will ta. Xe all
necessary action to consider the details of the reconumendat ions
and implement them as a matter of priority.
The Joint Cominittee. of Public Accounts Report on the Selection
and Development of Senior Managers in the Commonwealth
Public Service deals in greater detail with some of the matters
discussed in the Rleview of Commonwealth Administration, and
contains many recomnmendat ions and suggestions which, in effect,
amnplify the Review. The Government intends to make a
detailed response to that Report to the new Parliartent, but
to the exctent that it is consistent with the Review, its
detailed suggestions will be ta)~ en up as a part of the
implementation of the Review.
The Governmrent will also consider putting forward the
Review's proposals through the normal Parliamentary, processes
relating to:
a reform of Parliamentary sitting times
* a referendum to enable the appointthent of members
of Parliament to assist Ministers.
I would like to thank. onoe again Mr Reid, Sir Ronald Elliott
ahd Proferssor John Rose, together witb their support staff,
for producing a report which contains sensible, realistic
but imaginative specific proposals to ensure that Cormnowealth
Administration i. z better able, by building on its current
achieve-mcnts, to meet the challenge of rapid change, a ne--essaryj
wntrol ov; er resources, greater public scrvtiny and
technological development.
Review of functions-28// 3
4 2 8/ 2/ 83