PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006008.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

iO!. M~ jL~. TUESDAY, 1 FEBRUAR' 198d3
wile it. is a matter of great regiret to me and to the
uoverenment that M'r Nixon will be retiring from politics, lie
has elaedto ame his wish to pursue other interests and to
&. i~ vote mave time to his family, and I comoletel~ y understand
:.: respect these wishe-s. His experience and wise coun., al
i L1l e 7rc, tlv r, isse~ d byL the Government, the Parliament a-nd
1e, Aus tra1i an com-mun i ty.
, A~ s a Niinister in the Holt, McEwen, Gorton and McMahon
Ger:~ ntsas well as in my own Government, Mr N\ ixon has
handle,,' a variety of portfolios and has contributed in r'any
different areas. He has been outstanding in my ownl admlinistrcftio:-
as Minister for Transport and now as M'inister for Primary
Indu] Lstry. He has been involved in difficult ndqotiations on
orimarx' production and trade side and has earned thle
]. ikinq and respect of his counterpart Ministers in other
couintries. Mr Nixonl -: ill continue as Minister for Primary Industry tip
Lc' trno time of the next election.
Iiis colleagues and friends, while regretting his departUre
fromn the political scene, will wish Mr Nix on well in whatever
occ: upation hie chooses to pursue. We have all greatly enjoyed
his comradeshiio: in the Parliament and in Governmcent.

44. I Nixco: 1)
1) S to
I tin; 26,0 0 N Pj II R F QI~ Z P 1 II Y IN~:
T c I, 1, kon,. t0) 62) 73 1711
I lue i: ua iry Ii3 1
i wi t: irn CJ to in! form you tli-t1 -1. not b,-
.4qt: s ca t o f G ipp) s I a nd a. 1: LI( iet I-', dc r i1
& Vu , Ic~ c( ilis~ ( cecisionLaft rgiv;-, ohe
mra. tr -4erjiou:: Consideration and after diF~ cussior.
T t a MeiAu: er of Ii. 1. c. ntfor 21 ,& rs-
ScZ Front Bench. ie] as; hh con'e,, for
~:: oc'time wvith my fari l-v arni pursue other.
p) urpesa, in writing now is to cixv o you Maa r12ii~
2. œ tyin i~ ny re-arrancorements with 1'-r ' thn
wisn c .,. ake.
s~ far z., F my portfolio is concernedl, whilst.
industrios are going th'rough a trau-matic time,
c-1r) 7 ts e-hor in place or in'the pipeline o
m e0 t~ o coail symnpathe tical ly with the p'rob Lei! s.
tlt ~ osay hc-ow. ; iuclh I hav. apprec: atcd our
c-nw orkincr relationship and enjoyed working with cm
in 1975. Because of '. our many,, cualities I know, you
-Al " rc-m zsrength to strength.
~ i m al.-o writing to Mr Anthony. Yours s. incercl',,
Frl ser, CJ!