PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00005934.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

11 October, 1982
My dear Prime Minister,
I wish to advise you of certain decisions that I have
taken concerning my future involvement in public life.
May I first of all thank you for the consideration you
have extended to me during my recent illness and absence
from Ministerial duties; I have appreciated the regular
personal contact you have maintained with me during
this period. Although I am continuing to make good
progress, it will be somne weeks yet before my
convalescence is complete.
As you know, I have discussed with you on a number of
occasions in recent years my desire to conclude my*
Parliamentary career in view of the strains imposed on
my family by the pressures of senior Cabinet office.
This was the principal reason for relinquishing my position
as Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party earlier this year.
I took the view, in coming to that decision, that I should
remain for a time as a Minister having regard to the
obligations I felt to the Government and to my electorate.
The circumstances have now changed and I am no longer able
to compromise my family and personal responsibilities
by contemplating continued Parliamentary office. My
medical advisers have indicated that, while I can look
forward to complete recovery, it would be unwise to
carry the burden imposed by Ministerial and Parliamentary
life. * I do not believe that I can properly disregard
this advice.
It is therefore my intention to resign from the Parliament
within the next few weeks. Having regard to our previous
conversations, and to the medical advice to which X have
adverted in this letter, I am confident that this course
of action will have your concurrence and support. -It is
appropriate, then, that I should now formally submit my
resignation as Minister for Industry and Commerce with
immediate effect. It is in the best interests of the
Government that you should have the opportunity to fill my
position in Cabinet as soon as practicable.

I have had the honour and privilege to have served as
a Minister for twelve of the past fifteen years and, for
ten of those years, as Deputy Leader of the Liberal
Party. My participation in coalition Governments over
this period has given me a substantial measure of fulfilment,
and I draw satisfaction from the knowledge that I have
played a part in securing a number of policy objectives
essential to the advancement of our national welfare.
I would like to record at this time my admiration for the
leadership you have provided to the Government since 1975.
As * must be expected in politics we have had our differences.
We have nevertheless worked well together and you will
continue to have my unqualified support as Leader of the,
Party. Having represented the Electorate of Flinders for a record
term of sixteen years, I shall retire from the Parliament
with considerable regret. I am, however, confident that
the seat will be retained by the Liberal Party and I will be
doing everything I can to support our candidate.
I wish you and our colleagues every success for the future
arnd I look forward to playing a continuing role in the
Liberal Party of Australia during the years to come.
with kindest regards, Yours sincerely,
The Rt Rion. Malcolm Fraser, M. P.,
Prime Minister,
Parliament House,
CANBERRA, A. C. T. 2600

0 4e1.0 I
to the Government to learn of your decision to step
down from the Cabinet and retire from the Parliament.
Needless to say, I fully respect and understand the
position as outlined in your letter of today's date.
After your sixteen years in the Parliament twelve of
them as a Minister I can well understand how difficult
a decision this must have been. As has been the case
throughout your political career, you are acting in
what you see as the best interests of the Government
and your colleagues. it is with much reluctance that
I accept your resignation and note your intention to
retire from the Parliament.
Since you won the seat of Flinders in 1966, you have
made an exceptionally distinguished contribution to
the Liberal Party and to the Government. Over the
years you have done an outstanding job in six different
Ministerial portfolios.
I am particularly grateful for the support that you
have given me, both as Deputy Party Leader and as a
senior member of the Cabinet. I am extremely sorry
to lose your services and I know these sentiments will
be shared not only by your Ministerial colleagues but by
all members of the Coalition Parties in Canberra.
I hope you will soon be fully recovered from your recent
illness and much appreciate your offer to continue your
support. / 12 ' S

My personal thanks for your great service to the Government
and to Australia. It has been a very distinguished
Parliamentary career, during which time you have made
many friends on both sides of the Parliament.
Again, it is with reluctance that I accept your
resignation. I wish you every success and happiness
for the future. 2>
The Rt Hon. Sir Phillip Lynch, KCMd, MP,
Minister for industry and Commerce,
Parliament House,