PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005898.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The a'ttached letter has been sent today to the Premier
of Victoria, Mr Cain.

27 August 1982
My dear Premier
Interim Report No. 4 of the Royal Commission on the
activities of the Federated Ship Painters and Dockers
Union again brings starkly to public notice the extent
of criminal activities, particularly in Victoria, of
members of that Union.
I mention briefly some of what Hr Costigan has had
to say on this occasion:
in Victoria the Union is under the control
of hardened criminals'. ( Paragraph 7.02)
there has been... . some 15 murders that. took place
between 1970 and 1979. The two worst years were
1971, when three murders took place and 1979 when
four took place". ( Paragraph 5.06)
" Their answer to any-interference with' their
activities is not to use the processes of the
law but rather threats;' violence and intimidation"
( Paragraph 4.14)
I am concerned, as I am sure all other Australians are,
that the criminal justice system does not seem to have
been able to stamp out the notorious criminal activities
of members of the Union.
In its response to Interim Report No. 4, the Commonwealth
has announced its intention to appoint a Special
Prosecutor, assisted by a task force, to pursue prosecution
of persons involved in the promotion and execution of
" bottom of the harbour" tax fraud schemes. The
Commonwealth Attorney-General also advised the acting
Victorian Attorney-General on 24 August that the
Commonwealth agrees thil. the task force be established
jointly with your State.
Mr Costigan has proponc'd t-here be! a special group to
pursue prosecutio~ n to suppress the crimi~ nai activities
he has brought to notice. The Commonwealth stands
ready to participate in such a group. The Attorney-General
has announced his intention to discuss the matter with
Mr Costigan and with your Government.
The public apprehension that has been displayed following / 2

release of Volume 1 of interim Report No. 4 has clearly
demonstrated the need for decisive action against the
violence and illegal activities of the painters and
dockers. As their crimes of violence clearly fall within
State jurisdiction, I raise with you whether or not
your Government might wish to initiate similar action
in Victoria to that which the Commonwealth has taken
in relation to tax fraud schemes.
If your Government did decide that such action is called
for but found difficulties in assembling the necessary
resources, the Commonwealth would be prepared to give
sympathetic consideration to any request for assistance.
I should appreciate advice as to the Victorian Government's
thinking on this matter. Yours sincerely
( Maltolm Fraser)
The Hon John Cain, MLA
Premier of Victoria