PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005886.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

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The Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Fraser, made the following statement
today on the situation in Lebanon:
" The continued fighiting and destruction in Beirut, costing the
lives and destroying the livelihood of innocent and powerless
Lebanese citizens, is of the gravest concern to the Australian
Government and people.
Australia has always been deeply conscious of the age-long
suffering of the Jewish people and their right to a homeland.
Australia has always supported, and of course continues to support,
Isreal's -fight to exist as a state within secure and
recognised boundaries.
Australia does understand Israel's concern at the repeated terrorist
attacks and the threats made by the PLO. We deplore terrorism
of all kinds.
We deplore the unwillingness of the PLO to recognise the
right of Israel to exist, and its unwillingness to negotiate
sensibly in the cause of a lasting peace.
However, despite the provocations Israel has received, its present actions
in persisting with the use of its formidable military strength in
Beirut, long after achieving its initially declared objective, are
short sighted and foolish.
Lebanon has been caught up in a quarrel of which it has wanted no
part. The PLO forces came to Lebanon to use it as a sanctuary for
attacks on Israel, particularly-its northern settlements. Israel
has responded by actions which have resulted in the destruction of the
Lebanese capital and of significant parts--of the country, and
have caused immense misery to the Lebanese people.
By the continuation of its present actions Israel is serving its
own intesests and the interests of the region very badly indeed.
There can be no solution to this problem by destruction, by ' killing,
by war. Ultimately there has to be a political solution which allows
people to live out their lives. The belief that military victory
alone can achieve solutions-is making it difficult for Israel's
traditional friends to sustain their support-.
There are over two million Palestinians in the Middle East who
have no homeland. Of these many are not accepted as full
citizens by any country in the region. This represents a condenriatic
of all countries in the region and outside it which have allowed
this situation.. to continue for over 30 years.

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The Foreign Minister and I will also seek to discuss wnith the Jewish
community in Australia the Government's concerns. We will seekl to
explain in detail why this statement of policy has been issued,
and we will elicit their support for policies on Israel's part that
are conducive to lasting peace. We will appeal to Jewish communities
around the world to take note of a voice that has been raised in
friendship and support of Israel in a way which has been unequalled
and unchallengeable.
If an Australian Government which has supported Israel so staunchly
believes there needs to be as comprehensive a change in Israel's
mind and approach as is called for in this statement, that surely
is warning enough that world opinion can no longer be Ignored,
and that the very survival of Israel itself may be dependent upon
everyone involved bending their minds and their energies and their
opinions to the search for a lasting peaceful solution.
This will require a corresponding readiness on the part of the PLO
to accept the reality of the state of Israel and to make it possible
for the Lebanese people to regain effective control in their own
country. All those able to bring influence to bear on the PLO to act
in this direction should do so.
Australia does not pretend to have the details of a solution. That
is not for us to propose. We are not party principals to this
dispute. We are not a country with major influence. But we are
concerned, and our support for Israel in the past gives us not only
the right but the responsibility to speak our mind bluntly and
honestly." ( Canberra)