PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00000584.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

0 N19TR A M11V & 2t1%
r Oaismn, Rabbi Pozush Rabbi Bastm W Mayo,
Parli trl Q most Ldies aadm antlem a
Ithin I ouAt to begin bap ing back to the
begnnig-( thaiv'e' smtking to be said for that) and tban
thia Mayer fbi is wleo to this ld and faoias o1aipalitr
I always kaw that it is old; I read about it in the early
sistory of Sr& Wro and I had no idea that it bad bw properous
a lag uati I sa his Mayoral arbna ( Laughter) I gthered
that there vere 65 affairs tever you all thi . o it,
all looking remzaribly like g1dL
6ht Sir it is very kind of you to oos here to
velom my Wviea 6I yslf to thi mmiaeiplity. We are
delighted to be he And, of eoaaeq we ar pertl * I" I
delighted to be here cam more an an oeaas 11i1bat hi
Whn I wa. about it this morning, I said to m wife,
Owel, it ive years ap that I vat out ther
" a11m0 I aid o tu t I" OJkohinn CCrrawmeor vvmilly 1w the heir of the
bed 0and~ d a Wing U ths s he u And I said,
As it Iswe eiarsagp, the" r is a serious risk of
aIing watl tben said and I my sy it all a In*
boasoiouuly, and people vill be very smvl ustisted.
* owever that's a risk that am has to take. It is all right
for my i M, b, sebers, to say that ha's a van of fI
vOwf. p That seed to m to have all the dm1s of novelty,
that omerk. ( Laughter) Bu, 1 stills be said it and tearefbre
1t stand, Sets a ma of ftv s Nobobdy could vr ay
that about so, ( Iaughth) A man wbe makes " an speads
in the cors of a yar as I do probably repeats himself Most
Intolerarbly, Ba Ifait erch ben wasi ai to bo this
bean and t G einsygi ef it again bemfs ite I was gheIa)
whe I an a abTarear In ity a ed Bnrat itteb
bn i e of ya my mitoyuits m inind. the State of ti
aonedi a serarb e ied. ileyiw ifpr bldift that
ultlto a anti" t blokdo W aIt shc allad the Sam I
Asy~ OnZaothus asa kanda hhaetd a rs ofl alfit
It wao * Ho lttle t ree a f bomie rodt t is
onoisel a If It an Iit) a didg to ogm LY~ I
And thr otb m ofh a liIet w If is thira shano
spirited yoa livg what ot did to the peop tll livedtin i
I can ity as iideoalors this baalar you ban a itbtt
bit ilk the AW own MINA; Dr~'~
is n % oew a omatit to try tod Awo t of that mlo-er
litiately tschdoor bomus sheme. q n know bar
a lot of lofmab" Wmt pensionsI and about oter florm of fi
but do kwhnv the Vmt probla of people tt~ o It Is
the P av~ anogi a howe to live in tat is bir own 91* 00
who" a4 " y lie with Other ve" p10 but vul" n their
Identity as ir i~ r nla I am" It know ow you ma do it* but that
is the thing you ougt to try to dooof Ad out of that mwrpd
thi xeb . Y S W@ O**/ 2

It bea 1W a provision tNot Vwee ParULly religions
and charitable orpailstians mated to establish a Earn. fbr
elderly people, we tmld subsIdise to the extant of pound fbr
0mdIt wa sleW to Pt pi4Ng. It Is Interesting to look
canIt but the first ' m'I don't think that w. 1laid out
mot than W1t of whet we = antieipat. e bet It takes a little
tise fos' thoe Ideas to gtber ml= bt It tow~ s a little tim
fbr to realise that If you sam Pt Sa.. n* rul-i
9 find a peWA a pound -a pound and have two pounds
s eacho tI3Sg yea develop a Uap ano of momy and you can
do thig that= might not have thoght of, ftt in the
result . the I1s8L ovI think, a little more than see
and a half yeams old4 we hAve a" a Goesfmnt already nue
subsidies or an'qupd for subaldis to the ton of amrly 04M.,
and the aot Is growing, and I mat to tell you, that every
year at ftpt tine, Treasurer* get paler and paler and their
colleaps palr and paler., Iteos of expenditare are
Investipe, aleptions of extra vapgee fly qte reyaod
the roast ;" aa this itan not a pomy off. It cn doble and
w'lbe hspw* ( Applause).
! he sesord thing that it doa I believe, Is to give
an oppoetn'tit to a mioul-Muinded people whether they are
rich or not so, Ash or poor, to do somin at a smarinie to
t~ evas with the knildge that Its effoet will be trobled.
and therefore nothing that th. W do Is quite mll* This, I
thilnk, is a stimulating Idea*
of so se, Sir the Jewish smnmity which-like the
Jeotso has eeftsimLly LZe emae d of being a little mea
you have heard that alleptios hakven't yeW? tNo to m00st
charitabl meI" e in the wrld gave alumy been aeesed of being
a little ebeepq or as they would say in deotlaad, a little
near. Mt yewr emmty has a record of social resposibiityo
partloularly to its am people wieb, I think is = qualled In
thnodern history of the world. It always gives me peat
pride I have been to a anber of o pg of on kind or
another Awm the Jewish ityndh1a re an elewer a M I mist
say that I slum" p with a high feeling of pride that I -n the
Citizenm of a ctjw that prodseepol of soak generosity and
imaginan. of Course hero today you ave it in a big my.
There soas. to he no limit% to What Mr. Romunbem Is Prp0ared
to do. I have knon a Mew popale, havvnlt you who beae
rich and mean and wto seemed to have only one ambition and that
to leav a vast fbrm to their children whe as a rule dissipae
it within two geneations. if have s00a lot Of peOP1e lik1V
that* it's a wonderful thinlg to see a ma pia& along L~ t life
who has money9t hbaesn ored for' it, wh has aeemlated son@
inu~ whefinds his hihs lea Sure In, giving It amsy; and
givn it In eiramstaaees that Will prdoe the meximim
Of pleaMMAr for as nany people as possibLe. ( Applause)
just a quick game around as I eum in Indicated that
parsamisus follow, Sir Adolph ~ srm ee ( Applause
It isn't fbr nthing that your 00 iy a0e~ e soak
peol an wA Rabbi & awas hespais so eloquntlyI I
thoug ha , put his finger on the reason tt o I realised fbi'
the first, tImh, as he quoted the text that with Yost charity
Is not Jt. a Idwss It is In a tfte sense at dutt. And
this is the mat llZWat" l exposition to sy mind that I
have board. It explains so Much. 0000 o / 3

Ust als referred or was It iHabbi Pemush? -to
the element of dignity.* Sow this Is It about these Bomws...
lon ko the old Institutional Idea of people Just hWW
tosether, gie the minim of attention with all the cold
aura of o olcaldom about it, beamse ef icialdom ha to to
old, that** the way It Is Wuilt bat today in Homes lke
this we have aimed at preserving the digmity of man, the
dignity of voang Instead of berding them together as If they'
weram at the end of their iou and could be fbrgrtten or
trea ted an inbezs in a book* But homn beinags lving in
a Ste to of CIvilisatOU living in a Btot of di i, sooeting
ttbix frionst living Ums asm kinid of lives as te have
always mted to live and doing this in auoutne of
beauty and pleasr anid Social Intercourse and dignity this
is It. Whan a m losem his dignity I don't ma popity,
that's a detestable thina the moment a maw leaws is inner
dignity, be loses much ofhis manbood. It's esertial to
prsev it. W' VsImUaWy all thank God that we have In ourmmit
anid you In yours people eadowe with a divine nwstandIng
of these matter's and a villngess to make pGOworfil contributions
to sahewlag the results.
air$ itsn a Verygreat pleasure to he here spnin*
I marvel more aMno" er at what yona oommaity has beew able to
do and when I say your tar no-one koibetter than I do
that it has not mads, Itself sometig apart In AUstrlIa, it
has infused its influnce throufftout Autralia. TO V bik a
little tim thai. We", not so ay ies in Autralia, In the
early thiris, not so any, relatively fewo The imabers have
inareased wy omnsider'ably sine thene So-" of course have
been here fbr So long and for so man generatonS that t4ey knw
this Is, In a tre ene their own countryand there are otbere
who havw arrived compartively recently who feel strange, a
little diffident, wbo may comes frm cutries where their own
race and their ow religiom have been & bused, and sometimes
topture all these, things we have In Mial. Bat to all of
you I say, 01awgvt all about that. 2his Isa a voedrftil GatrY.
A wonderful omWo ( Applause) It IS 00lY fGols whO nurtUre
pre judices in a emtr7 ikes AustraliA. S0obody Occa sionally
Says to nee * Do you tikthere is any anti-Smitimi in Astralia?"
iw rw Ilokif I thoutt there were I sb= M have
81" Plss 20S. 1couldn't imagine anyting mre stupid.$
Because here we aroep We are ali Agestralians vim tover car
religion way be# watever our pols may weo are all
Australia= s. We all IN" e a LCt and a pleasuare to live with
each other. To live in happiness. There Is nothing better
for a mom-lw, lijo myself, nothing better flor me, than to eame
hero and look arun so and amwhat is belng done a* 4 feel
proud of my Jewish follow-itisns
Sir ar wi fe and I are both dolijkted to be here and
for myself, thOu I think you do me too macb benour 1W Inviting
se twies to the saw lace for myself 1 want to telra
With all sineeritr, t~ t2is a sinealar honour to besbMe to
deals" e this Wing opea.