PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005710.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

FOR~ IAEDI T I i EIS D 1L M r't' w
PAs part of the overa).]. srnrthlincj of tr). DsLefonce
F'orcet, the Goverr\. ment is tax ingj a r. h fSteps to Support,
an en). airged pi: o. 9ram~ of. defence deplo5'-R~ elt it) Vc~ anid N r
The latest deci. iol, Atounce4 laciL n~ ight b* y thE. i, 5iSter for:
Defervze, wil). establii9h th istriituyore~ in the
pilbara IEegion. This wi~ i. oOnil c~ ustv). 3AZ Day and talr
the form of two units of th(, Eth Tn edr: R ) eC np) ZTY, baSC-d
at N( 2wmn. and Tom~ Price This Co tyany wiji be ' mrowrt ezs thct PJ. ha~ i,
Regjiment, ancl fwrther units Pnvc!' into th-: a~ nhd e. he
estab1.~ hed tks the Coilnpaly diev . Qps;.
Thle ( 3overnmrnent has re: ently s; o" hL the. Support of tho Wes" tern
Astralian Govertirket for itLs an ~~ iiu
Yi. n inq aroa hGul. f, Tile Coverr~ n ~ ai
incr: ease ill the lvrcber and scopt of erciies; iinn th" i bb
At~ stralian rorof~ s cOc~ rat 1i pndng~ and. J-1 conrIlltion
with our alilien,
[ Uscussions have heiri hi~ d voith the S kmsr~ i~ re) aill Covol 1firiemi
abouL osbeœ~ tOI for an adCdition3). navalt. ill
noc* ' L-west. zA\ Lmu* a. ia1, and v)', jucane. Y ln hear Port. Redlandc ha s
been ide-: ntifiecl as a sujitable Site., it i tht-at.
appropriate facility wifl. he inoludea in tlho ne.;-t 5-Yeair 1rol9) ATIn
prograri, followaing further etie e> jiatilon by the r; fencE,
repartm,. nt of the, precise n--xtwe of the feaility requ ived, and
the. bc~ t way of provIding it,
I~ rly in 1.984, the first R4di ship3j wif. be " hoime.-porIJng" at
wi4PS Stirlinc ancl 0. E! Cold ve'-: se will " homa-po:' L" thcere inI'
The naval. base at Coc~ burri Souroi ig beirnq. doevelope: d, at. all
estirlatted cost of ' AbOlt $ 30 million. La~ st month all anumrunitiol
depot was: b. ougjht into operat3. on, has been ~ curdfor tho
Coll 3tr1, uction of abu: 200 houses~ for 3o~: cne
Coilsidoratiol is beng~~ ito the: constr-un'tiofl of d() OcJ. nlcj
facilitics for des: oyers, at ao~ it. of ove i: $ 20 mi3ll. ion.

Deti&( I p1lannincj Als in h-irlcl to ex~ p. mnd the~ m sE oreu
facillities at Gu~ i., dford w-an stimn\ ted-coit of $ 3 rni3. ion,
and also to in'elop zlrwy ~ srctrainingj f& Cilitlos at
xarrakatta at ' A cost of ove-r2 rl. Ulion.
In aadiiii tr. these mcl~ asures5, the Gvpnjetha: 3 lr1??: cast'd
surveillalice over the XIdian Ocea-nin The Covc): rent J. i
comr--. itted to thtt e ' eopm-nt of4 ail airfield ZIL OE) 0b) Y So" Izi
at a Cost of over $ 50 P. 13. lion. The fcda
Leartnonth is beinq upgr~ adied, A patrol. hoat base hlus been
Oonstructed it) Darwin w. hich wil, be. operied ' oirly nwx ye,.-
And the~ Covernmonrt will. sQoon be rnaJirigj ai~~ Ii~~~ l ivsc
in facilities Arn Darin to S-pUCvt: th taC: Licla). fightor~ force
which Will, 1 be based thiere, This, has olwicmu f~ o~ x( o~ ia
north-we 9t hu Lr-nI ia
Any que,' Aion of de~ fen~ ce in north-owe3t AmtrlZli Obvi2o'js). y
depends not Only Oil the defence py: esencrc and support'Jrj
infrastructure in thce area, buL also on the capacity' o~ f o
defence forces as a whole, Ausfr. iaos1Forece J r)-n
Steaclily stwite d ~ i Sn. Ui. L the eenn m J~~ ex
to an adequate dc-iencC! cotpac5. t for
Ow.-6' w-defence CapabUllL.' es rmutui) Jy -1einorr. n' those of-our
a1 . We oe pu partiou. rl' c3. osel1Y with the Un. t'od
States. A wrshIp of the R. AN h1as been on qtniton~ in thIe
north-We6. t Indian Oceain sinnce rid-19 eo, wjj~ e-It ha-a e ' se d
~ itU~ I~ tet r2S~ a~ i a'. y. Tho Unitel State-i; Strat cjic
Air Coxnj'itlc h a s b C el de pIow/ i rici 11 52? aIt, ca f t t lr ou ch Da r w 3. t
since early this yer Sorre 250 rz(., mbers of the 31st. 1,4rinoc
kxi" Ohibiovs Uni t J: rticlpated in ElWC5( O'i. iai-At Uh
which ,, as hceld at Lartce). in, 100 Xmomt north~ of pcrth, it) Fel.-iry',
Elements froni theo sait uniLt O:. eci. ed in th: iExpmouth Gul. f marea
en route to X,:-mcareoo 81 in Oc~ obsr whero sor: ec 2100t) troopas
paricipat, ed in thn rn,; Ajor lancl : C. C held inT Aust): a. i
th3. s year. A s u brmia r i r o f t he U1 ( ita, eenet nia
force visits Coc eburri Sound\ tbout. o, ic e. 1m-nth It' thO
framowoi2; of the pkWzus trkEaty, w'e wol. o) loys iCly with
jNewj Zeal. and and the United S& tt noL it) IilitenrY
e:. ercises but in a wh) jo). ranqej ( of polit. ical, stratecjic and1
1Cfst2. c arrancjents
Again, under the P'oywee ~ r Defonce M OOCiE
with M. i3kaysia Sinc1( jov thIe tited ' K'idian ew ln
in important naval, 81r and l-and Qx r iC4 ' hwS of
thie Sincjapore Al-r-force train inR AmqtraliaUa Orion L ) nc ru" 11co.
M ar3 i, r7c aft are ( deployed, tlirovjh BtU1;. frwor~ l
where MzilaysJan pirforce porsonnel. Co0-oPerat(' i~ n o
so the defence0 co-Oper;; Itiori thatt we wjith wr 0t. 13. en
Eild our neighbou~.' s is ojr~ in' in ( dep'th anld a'
It enhanc(! s Australiar SecurILy, incl. udincj that of~ Western