PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005648.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

( The weekly Prime Ministerial electorate talk is today given
by the Minister for Employment and Youth Affairs, Mr Neil Brown).
I wish to talk to you today about the positive action that is
being taken by the Government to help young people. Let me say
at the outset and there should be no doubt about this
that the Government is committed to increasing education,
training and work experience opportunities for the young.
By increasing these opportunities we will ensure that young
people can share in the prosperity of Australia, take advantage
of the expanding labour market and obtain stable and rewarding
employment. The challenges have been to get the economy moving; to increase
the number of permanent jobs available; to make the education
system more responsive to the needs of the young; to ensure
ycung people acquire the skills and experience which they need
and which employers seek; and to provide better guidance on
careers. The responsible policies pursued by the Government on the
, ec-onomic front have been successful in expanding activity
and confidence in the privAte sector and producing higher
employment growth. Full-time employment has grown by 5.3%
over the last two years. The growth in full-time employment
for 15 to 19 year olds was over The Government's
achievements to date are encouraging, but more needs -to be
done. I can assure you the Government will vigorously pursue
its efforts to build on this success.
During this year, substantial funds will be expended on manpower
and training programmes by the Government with particular
emphasis on young people.
School to Work Transition
The Government's School to Work Transition policy provides
education and training opportunities within schools and TAFE
colleges. we have committed ourselves to expend $ 150 million
over five years and in 1981/ 82 a total of 16,000 young people
will be assisted to atte ' nd educational programmes, pre-vocational
courses, pre-employment icourses and pre-apprenticeship courses..
To encourage young people to enter such courses the Government
pays a pays a transition allowance which is higher than the
unemployment benefit. ./ 2

Skill Training
A number of new initiatives to provide skill training have been.
taken by the Government. We have substantially increased
grants to TAFE colleges for this purpose $ 206.8 million
in 1981/ 82, we will pay $ 72 million to employers under CRAFT
this year in respect of 95,000 apprentices, we have allocated
$ 8 million to the Skills in Demand Programme under which
almost 70% of the training places -approved to date have
involved people under 25 years of age and, $ 5.3 million
is available to aid and stimulate the development of training
programmes through all sectors of industry and commerce.
Work Experience and Training
The Government has taken action to ensure young people acquire
the skills and experience which they need and which employers
seek by establishing the Special Youth Employment Training
Programme. This programme will provide nearly 70,000 new
places this year.
Counselling and Job Placement
The Commonwealth Employment Service in 1980/ 81 increased the
number of people under 21 years referred for job interviews
by 20% and increased the placement of these young people by
18%. Also, the CES has expanded its programmes on-occupational.
information and has developed career reference centres and work.
information centres.
The Government's Record
If you want con-firmation of the real commitment of the
Government in work experience and training, you should look
at the Government's record over recent years. Expenditure i. n
1979/ 80 was $ 112 million; 1980/ 81 was $ 165 million; and 1981/ 82.
iwill be $ 203 million. Whilst expenditure figures alone do not
tell the full story it should be recognised that these are
expenditure on targetted programmes to help young people who
need work experience and training to obtain permanent employment.
They exclude educational expenditure on the school to work
transition programme and the education programme for unemployed
youth. Under our programmes, over 210,000 young persons will be
assisted this financial year higher than at any other time.
If it emerges that some young people are unable to use the
expanded opportunities provided by our extensive range of
programmes because of their geographic location or because
of their personal i~ nsuitability to the present programmes,
the Government will, of'course, look very closely at the need
for different or new forms of assistance or special programmes.
This demonstrates that the Government has a firm commitment
to assist the youth of Australia and help them to take an
active and constructive role in society.
National Youth Advisory group
A further illustration of theGovernment's interest in young
people is the National Youth Advisory Group. The group providE! s
the Government with advice on young people's needs and concerns;
informs the Government of the impact of its programmes

affecting young people; and suggests ways of improving
communication links between young people and the Government.
The success of the group s; hows that the Government has here
an influential body which can provide a very valuable link
between the youth community of Australia and the Government.
Before leaving you this evening, I would like to refer to the
latest monthly labour force survey which illustrates the
positive contribution the Government is making to youth
employment. Over the year to August 1981, the level of teenage
full-time unemployment fell by 17.6%; the number of teenagers
seeking full-time employment fell by 19,600 ; the number of
teenagers looking for their first full-time job fell by
15,700; and the number of 15-19 year olds seeking other than
their first job fell by 3,900.
Whilst some young people are experiencing problems in finding
employment, we are determined to help them in their endeavours
to find su . itable employment by strong and positive action.
As Minister for Employment and Youth Affairs I am particularly
concerned to ensure the needs of young people are considered
by the Goverment and that programmes of assistance are instituted
to meet those needs where necessary. It is important for
Australia that the young people be given every assistance
and encouragement. as they are our hope for the future.
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