PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00005601.pdf 7 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

EMBARGO: 12: 00 pm
FOR l'll~ DiA SUDAY, 3JNE 7 1.981
~ ThC: MOMc,: J Partyv hasi M& C~ an -imc-i; Contribution to Ailstraliz
aind to Queenriand. A\ strong4 LibortJ. Party in \ eery Atate is-
Australia's b. est. guarotce for the future. Wo biV'@ ra1s iAnow
well thnt no other~ part wi aavaice the v'aBucs in which wc
bel: A eve. And the~ y orei not Just out VaiAuun; Out poli cies
reflect thu vaue~ s of won~ t Austraans.
Wh did Peoter White do s: o wc1 3 in McfPlron, & o much better
than ( 11Jr Qy) JCS ñ XPe~ te6? It WVS beCaUSC~ Of hKV POSitiVe'
Lll eCal pol~ icies, the spiri t oft enerqy aQ ci Cooperati3on 0
suL oo for ant) hi œ ucommiitmnft to a way of life fo a03
As you know, my qL-o& I frifnd . ioh triad all1 hi~ s pc'uaivc:
pocwin M'c~ iherson. But it was our PON0100~ anid our
philosophics xWh. ifh PrcOvAN3. It U. the Liberal Party
thait represents the Autnali an (: 01) fliiuty ( nit2. rety.
we reject sctioialis~ m in ST A forms, just ats we reject
~ oi; eji . cl oterbackward'-looki. ng philonc phaer We4 st~ ni
for free~ domi, for i. t in the ire, ac. tions and inixtiativonc~ 0i
Ausrainu which will gjive A\ ustralia a rofe;; V and
dynami3c future. We are the Mre enterp3:. so party, and we. have
ichievea the great upsurge in privat. ac~ tivity now taking
place in Anstye~ ia.
J. Sbcra1ls are also iorcmtost in taking~ pcositivc zution to defend
individuai righits and civil librcrties. it in Whacrals who
spook out for . ommunWity reposiilt setth anrd
of pubjic liCf e, A strong Liberal Party in Qucenoland is
esse~; ntial on the nation~ al scene and also for the future of
Queen~ islanid, Bu t a s t ronq LUY~ ~ a3Ipa. r ty dpends~ on a w; tyrorv'
( Ynso roots orqfanisztion.
only by buil1di ng at braincl a cvoly-: WON we bLu able to Servo
Au~ tyalla bent. I want Q~ rlnesfrom Canm: oyAi-c t0
Bou3 iv, from burhetovn to CunnaTmulla, t~ o ha. vo tho uption
of joining a Liea Party blonrch Too often in this
State that opti on ha nlot o x: tod,

wor); arld dcIication are required, and the active leade. rshiip
of I'arliamen ~ y bcpcnawtivtt. l huto ut strongq
brarichcs, we czjnr,; hopa to in nion-Liberal seats which should
be Libeal. WCn must be ready, so. that we can capture these seats
when1 opportunities aryQ
V) Qeour party has adyanca in strength arnd riU iMr: it i~ s
only bKcsys,. the foundation;~ havo been laid bt thv base . l
& nd it is by buildingc from the base that w. e will attain nd~ c
Manti aJ pvtion of strcriyth an~ d sutprcrnac"' We m' 1t~ act
so that more anid more pQopl( e 1c0X to our patrty for leadership
anvd to that everyone JRnOWF that wo alone ale a truly
nationwide party,
We must minit ain our cnstancy of purpoun for it is that which
gives our party the will an~ d strength to ride the stormfs and to
be a guidi~ ng forcc in Australian life. We have providcd
loadership to Australia Decnusc of our stoardy purposo. aU.
pha AosophioaJl diroction, and at no W~ he in recent years hais
that sense of purpose anid direction bee'n wtroncr thnn
it is now.: Our philosophy' has now wonu to the forefront
anid this isn .11 itself a yrmarkable turnabout. For it was
vol3y in 1.970 that Whitlamism -the so-crtllod moneratc version
ol Labor vocia1li wa i full flood.
Thip dontrine gaive a vas: t role to govcrriment and so there
OnrUC6 an endles~ s creati~ oni of de artircnts, oarci& and comniJr
~ ich prciued a riasu of 5 2 ,000 . in H eimlopYwOo&. in MWche
ynrwhilIc nlloymont In private unturprisc: W~ S un 3linea.? C
under t. his doctyrine the States8 were to 1) 0 replacd by thO
agents of Caerlc~ ra, and pri vate ent~ erpri se wbs suibjected tW the
mUost detatilo d () oVernnenV1t dircCtio anid1 reJu3 ation'
Iiinl L: h) t this don. t . Linn aver ted th~ t g'overnmntsn and
bura~ wat know~ what is gcoa for us better t han we know.
it ourselves. E veryone oxcept Labor now rcjcts that 6oe 01nie,
lodeed, their federal exaout ive onliy a fcew 40ys 00j -ieassOU0t
thu. socialisation oblectivc Of their party.
ylte Labor, ' Pai ry remaLins xcuoin,~ te in . its it3orltteem
face the past, to 1ook back~ ward rathcr than t oward thQ futuxv.
Therc is noW Virtuutly UniVersal K010YnitiOn that the right
( Va tv~ tiovi for Augtjrai a regu; Lcew utting back on burcavcr~ ec'
aiid wastce in w. jcfnen~~ t' , eucn cotly XC( JtllatiUo, avid
oup~ . iation butween Conitfunwalth and A; ta tn IVCli ( iV
pyiviite cn ~~ rrisc, reJuLXin Y oVernment SPOenUis and
retyni to [ ICCpleC thyough lower taxes a qrsater say OVOr
how tMhir own varni ngs ale to to pOA
Tho icepae by uta aV that th is Oirction is the right
ony is; an~ eiiorhous achlvomcnt. 0otr party was at the fofefront
in world tn m in re cogn ising duyn g the scaverlti e the kcindc
oif Cfov( ynmenL~ that wou1A ibe aippropriadte for t he rest Of U' il
ccT% tu 1: S'Y teo . ai d that ce rtain pol ice AXthat had huen
ef lectiv i" 0 ay 1ier dcpcadEs woul d no lonqer work And our
1975 ro~ a sp! 0 edOut t he pol icics t hat are MAWueiic
in thi& coqudtry the way of life which Autral,~ iians value,
l. ook forwayd to, and are ejiti tIcd to have. WC took a lead
at a time Mhen maniy peo p3c wcsre cOnfused /: I

Mnd Whet), IVIZ1. nyr i COonriCS AF1 Ut10 fe,' tF are Still StrUgfl irlIC
to re( fin i car sc! Itsc~ of C' 3CtAowe are lort-unat to be.
wide cniti~ reL. ti.~ airit polric~ f unamrbiguo~ usly t owa1: d S
1 o'; er taxes t hcll LaboJfr eovder ( five Z-410 t~ o qcte job)
C) PpC. n1 V-1t., 0U1 i3 t. 11 . ir s; chAw" C".. hi I( C at(' to i11. tQ1' OVjed
Ua~ n3rds of lIIfe for~ all A. U _ txzAliarls' protection for those
in a-1d. u1ni ktielding riusistancee to racism nd riintecn
tlie jproftectioci of ~. ii~ wl righ~ ts imd the~ co) Iserwv. tLio] of
Austri~ i~ S ~ qrifie na ituril ieritaq. e for the bcenIefit
oVa.' A I crneat ions.
A ev~ lem-in t ini ach iev. i ng our qobal s vas to es t, 0bl ish a
m'c' 1 nitod jol. c fo'r cocvc rnrr1Min TO thA1 01-1ed WO. h1VCci Ut
b t-h ( c moim n thI I œ_[: L~ rlirq at a proportion of GDP ftom
touVr2~ 30b; 1 aA s Z-A \ i ta. C1 hA vme for itV hC. IPS
1TfVYJ: rpomiv ~ c ~ eto qro'; q. W jyjtc-yj tco goj furtlwr,
bu-kt kwt: a have'om as farc as, wLe have onlo throuqI~ h the ulost
ri qcroug rest raint of qlovernice-nt epriLr
We hlave reduccd the nurcmber of pulblic scervants tinder staf f
i ns by scr, r 10 ,000 and. t is rkow well Lonthat ou r
rtccent declicns rvdll leadi to further reductions of sonme
16,000o) C 17,000. ' hl~ oklh Sir P-hilliip LynCh'S far-rekchin( g
11 vi. bji...' ji of l'un* c~ tj'~ 4j. we
~ l2 jqa jubrC) 14 arms The t 3 LrCcmI cejb b3
to 011,( ntal* t2sO t rtertZ1.1.1~. sblii
3t3X:.' LtS C) 2 , A. isF t--r1 -1 -CC'. eFdc , eC IIre r
h i tcriu revieLw, e: riui~ ber of functi tu. vwiJA -c te ci~ dt
1privote entctrlprise , And af ter dcesof 5oit t lsat ion
nLrC an-bvrr~ m, the )' cKw f c one Plut nctionE;, byj elimniat Sn(
6upJ icL." tion wn4enablin'j the. S t~ i tiCt px thleir L. r-1: opri ate2
fVIn t ( rn; without in( rC~ t~ from~ te" Y! nn~~ lt will help
to. c'' tjS~: the c ea e tc~: p* Amr . Ui-i ted r
objetivein te ne ~ ar~ nt5for ta>: xe-ibiei
to the tates.
T) I'ie ne 1, w. 1J e 1. COn) fer1enI cC 9 I 011 wi I ~ n-0s 1S Re -. 1h oa
th. vr Iq s a't gh c) u. d b~ ; h ar-e-c: d h, m-ta c-n t hec Lt teC . z A r,
report On Uhese relativities is diue next: wee), fronrt the Grants
C " D Ii s Gi~ -I ' one ( A us ) hnows wh-at will in this report.,
ilie(.. di -: tx6btion of the IrALTA. .13 L ) 1) AttXr ffh.' It. CO() C: QrJ* 1.. tj) e
Stat( L-1: -than t he Co~ nelh. But 1 t11'. ve Yn%-t~
ai c a' ted the(.-~ mwe w ilinyicVt 165 to 8s Si! st IC~ est. eat.~
to 1: e&. kch arLW'lt~ bout to ( cC( I wdC ~ aIti h ddt hlre} o
anYE:'-1 to ho@ J d a X u., cthC! C mx-; o feocCIT
t~ lat ~ tteIf required,
r, 19 fernc o b [ 2 on yClI nq at the
i nf ra: tructm1re boro, i3ng p~ coq_,' mTrnc,, wh. ch tzjxtc61 Ain 19 78, to
a .1ray approved woul d Jivolve 1: tIorrowi nu Over $ 4 b-i. Miion rniur
the 1 980S and wlitioic'. pcJ3:) osals fL-owi the St ates. wouldI
i1tcore than dobethis arfmunt

Wehaihle St~ j. x se! t is proposa). s ai e~ ssenti al, s. uch a
level of borw~~ jwould drivc Up'-intez: cSt rates, threc!, ttenanq
the ( IrLam of hoeonrhidwi; qac sinai e~ scainoi
pu~ si~ yve stppn9the' ( 10V'CIopmelt that v'ouide jxuwt. ifY
It is '. erw obvio) US ite that&. th is Yv( ern3C: r5 o fwl
r Cc] i rCe CO-Opc~ rItiOri ancl a c car view of our phi 1oscophy
%. Will fl55i.; t in ( jotting~ wiE: O dlecis; ion-_ OnJ thes-esc :
Our nen. w flea~ i th poi icy also exprcssu.:; our Philosophy c ~ r
This policy p~ co% 1i A1ncentives to insuranc: anci enotiiqcf;
pe,_ oplde to luook aftex) thcutnelves. . ut at tU) aetmei ok
3fteO-tjie needy andC the 6is Vantaclcd by providin1. q for f re e
Iioalth care for: over 3 )-id, 14on people. It cii~~
the Sa tuAtionf~ Vwhe-re le~ alth COMs 0i the QC-3 1-to-do ( Ir 0
paid for by thie txpzipoyC-, andI At micC., as thait ocWI: bureaucracy
rather thanl two wi. 1 be. involved in the xunning of each
state'. cpubllic hospita3.1-.
W'hile th _ u rec-CC1jitO:-have trade: mw~ cirecton cleiarcs
thain ever, we have been nmovin~ j ste ; dily in thlis Clirccion ever-
Lnaice 1975, and Our umove t. oaai-CIs moye . i , TIintud and nioclerr,
qo~ exflmen M bcoii an inft , cjra1l 1w: of coeC.) J\ mic: 17c:\ iVa
f~ 3a tA Cmn has, of cojjs ben ur first pri. Ori't-y and Nwe sh all
kc-o: p can: ( Jrip on that as t iqht as ever ' it Al, that qI* rJp wh ic 1
hascI~ t rpi; e All t-rnaia from so iwany 0 V IC A, S C( ko 1i0~ 1i /, I
t II t. ( 11, 111 cIh II ce I abh, 1 A1 ) t Z-l in IC 1G: ' C; YIe tn i anyonel
sltlyc, thatw have p1 i-c~ d too mucalh n( l~ ouC
mI cm ol s ily nay thali. a s; okund. ccoicm'* lY Lth
prC~ d Q nr of ainw.' st. evelry ci. her. jloal
Our ecuonmic pc r;, and tho ' I. Copc w,, hich we hilve( i ' f
to pyi vtc ' in. t -it ivo. htavc un 1 c-' a~ 1ed enrcl rn C
() rjc awl the proqircss this country no-w rrtakinc is
CalZ1Ika tlIe Th e p-' uos rc-ee-. rtt Un~~ chwtat in the ha) f
Sto rDccel*[ erl nn** far prvt cjmc'w at an annul rate
of anf wihi~ t~ adn ratle by OLThCL) standa rd-c
Arnd prIivaIto usnes ives ti'ret is 110v; JSAW , I t the s tzonqcsi.
rate foor: e dc. cadesu. The April lTi4' ioiC yIInen-t. : Xiatc. of
C,. 6b iIs t II usw': " A 11pA raZt for f r M a i V Co))
Cccat lon i-s now taj~ i rlq [ 2ic:. Over thcf two yea)-. to inast
[ E-cfmIbCIC, 250 ,000 nerw jobsDL 1ive been c; Let. Ced b: y P. a'Va'V
It Ce2-p n Andc in all these ecoitom'i( cAn: ovmn~
Auit.( alin has. been InluVinu aqlaim-t the tide w. hijc other
(: ourntra cf have been st nIdhil 8; t. i 31 01i event ( joii e nckad
, J are ( foinq forwr syd.
Private eerrs haIs takenJ-ful ( L~ i'.' i] t4CC ( f tl) iCpFo t~ l
r( pcK1cies have implantQed, and A13strIaliZans a're feeling
t he( b1n, Qf i ti. T'here is onu par-ticul ar point on whchwe mw~ t
be very eleri tvded OuIr p 0 i Cj Cfe qoVernd~ Cc ' n t.
are the poife or ox-pansion -and jIrow. th. These pColicies
not only crLeit~ eop rutiie in tU-, u pivate sector,
they also produce ffole C4i the woidth that needed to fund[
pr-iority cJ ernrI l_, n t 1proq'rj iamces anet at thc , amc time, they
eIntC0IrltJO YOVcmnmenITAtS to ( tco-C.-juist. wh-ere their orte
re i 1y ie(.

c; and gonticui, for decades, gove'. rnmienitsF lhc cn
tacing more an3 more from people in taOxcs, Th; or has to be
a limiL to th a prcess. The t. uim-e hns OO for q0CVOrInCVnt.
to stop taing aicl argecr and3 larger share of the Paiopc
resource, If the Covernment wants to spr! and ior in some
area, then it Fihoul ro-alooso it s priorities, as for
exmple in CdO'Vt& Or, Whae we are increasing thIe 0vCYON
Commonwealth cMAincit by I. SO~ in real termiis in 1932.
' ihis is the wayi to pr-otect. the riyhts of taxpayerS, iind
let there be noa mistake we ai t. hu 3o tax. party,
Ii tie three Laor budgeats, the ta. a reccipts of the
CCona'nweatl th i3ncy. cmasd by Over 10% per nr. num. in rCal tCrms
Irn our MeV budgets, we have cut it back to 31' por a~ nnumc
in real te~ rms, Genuine t. ax; recductioms canf 1be ach ieveCd Oni
Only One way, ronly by policies which stimulaC! t. aionl
pronpe ri ty on te one hand anid hold bar,; the dcuonds of
go~ vernmtent a n the other.
For tMc comi year, there is a tax cut. which will lea've
$ 500 million mre . in~ tapayers' pockets anl the ret. c:
oi health isuxrnoca in uvLed to reiuce the Commwronwecal tih
rovenulD by a fo , the $; 50D tillion in the foClowA ng yea.
ic: iC: VC thait pLeoj. e Caarnt ( j e their own pCC aid wanKt
0 great deal better than can PCd0t.? Q1anlg on 0fficils.
' lhis in what freom is all ahcoUt., aldc wec. Vicnve that this
free~ ow Wal producc a mluolh better Austral ia, and a muchn
better CYS; ciC; aOD of tiie values of Australians, than onc
bu\ il. by 90\ goiAynrnt cNcoycs But to ga& Lin the full O: Oct. Si
of irecdom PCOPIn WOOguise that f WHO ape!
rCsponiisibility go handI A hia nd t. at froodorw i epedlts
upon a sense of moral obligations without recoursae to lawr
at every po int! A : aflrtnirch; ip in nuusful w'hens the
partners und w tans o ud worik wi th each other, and hnow wha~ t
t. hir conitribution should be if thcyv evec. r havo to look
up thec partnership agcat, tu agicreemen't is doomeld.
I" i our on scity a proor cs of obl igati{ Ooi s m snA ncj
in seo'/ reI tat2Qfl right sio in tax avoidance, A. n inm~ tial
d isplutosi.; anid i n WeA ation to inflation itself. John Howard
has rceCn~ vt. ly int roduvdC~ legislation to stamp out. tNi,
grioss tasx avoidance c: 8huwuD! whinh htave been growing~ up
whereby p; eople have a'efugwod t. o h( I. pay for the servi. cc.;
gove rnment mius~ t p: rovide. Tougfh Acg > tiofl is uliavoidnblc
but it is very muac) h a Pcocnd bout solution. The real solut. ion
lies in a caCW Veuin a( c: cept. a FaC thioughu'tlL the corxanuni Aty that
wer , a1l hvc cbligat ions to our fellow ct. izensi to) cantributea
to the conmmurtiy aan ~ d not. j ust to Lrab what we can If c: veiy
anti-oc it anlii tt iyti had to ) e proscri bed arid 1ibannd by law,
thui. n we1 would3 be bVhA. Cd) y arnd f1rceduis11 couldt.

AginO~ l, fA. tcVFt unons~ sa ' lm to believe tht anything 0
(' J. Lt-imate to ach iev. e higher: wagcq$ for their o;~ n W~ eTI-3ers
recJatrd.~ ews of the effects of t hoi3r actt( ins on other people,
Vital tclphn sr(~ er vices cann be shut ( down beache~ s f booed
with sewerge, travelic: yo rtyczmde. d ovorsuan under COMMtiOn!,
of syroOYU SJviL'Chip, irdWwt ae told by nil tit. unioni leader&
tha~ t 00: this is justified to atchicCv\' O mncroncy for their
Tihere is a selihess in thiv~;, which is deeply harmjfu) i'
iWi destructiv. e to Austraiamn v3W uos for it is ai way of
stealai, through infla4tion, t-hu savings of tose who
d Xe noCt wiOvers of ' these~ unionsm, and stArtJ ; s a blo~ w a't thc
fouud at ions of economi c recovcoxy an whi'ch manhy thousnids
of people are dependcing; for jo~ bs,
( Muee ag~ ain strvong lasr a second bist Solution A sense
of wb ut. weC own to) othars is equa3l~ ly Am~ portuit 3in Oeia4
with inif lation, sound and rompurisiblo ( ovecrmevt VoliNC: U
are of Courso Onsunti u but Once Lainaa cow." nmunsty attitudes
a re vial. d if inal g. rowth in pro&( uct 3on ri scy by 30. or
i. n a ycar, anO aicomes rise by 13 or an they did last.
yathun imU & ic'r is certiln. And afll the: i M-cffects
of inflton arc sure to follow,~ Laws can help with the~ se
pro~ blems but we cannot live by laws alone.
Wha t is im~ portaint in a sanunm of how~ to deal with oth c: c
ic. in our da~ ily lives. ' The Libera~ l Part. y bus a particlar
Po~ rns~ ibilAit. itti s the pairty whi ch gentuinel y bel1ieves in
e.: iwun t iesponib~ li Aty whi. chi cjnu inaly bel i eves that eac'h
andh ever'y pcrn snhouldi . be~ concerned abou~ t thec wellA-hxuingi
YAohrmebr f ou goci et and we in the Liberal1
Pon: Cy m~ ust take the-lea1din)* d eclr\) oping tbhg sen1se KL
comuni3ty h uvo mural~ ob3. tans. to othur pe~ ople,
who mak4e prof its iutust realise Mih3~ r obl igationi to
cntr~ ibute to wider objectivyes within our ociotyjs
aB tho~ se w; ho tech our c hildren nee~ d to see their pxoesuiun
as nv're than . ir* Kpl' doing n job jiu~ s t as polciticia~ ns neN'I
to rcogn( l( 1ise that Sn gcxIC31ng a country., they are erceating
tho framo: worki~ n whiLch pe ople4 live tlie. ax-l~ vo-: C( I'mL,'. uIIit-y
rcuponsibili ty epitoises som central feutures Ui ourc appyoch
to go~ vernmI~ ent., and of the way of li fe that we b: elie~ ve in.
it is our sense c! the communi ty as a whole that evn1:' Ao ucto0
genui~ ne ly take a long perspotA e andI to conisider whare aut'
act iong~. and3 poli~ cs. wiIile ave hustral ia yourv ahead, cevey,
Our sOUSO of co;: umun.' tty underli nes our whole phil~ osophy of
UKIfc. we bLaeve in freed1om! becaus~ e of Th e fai th we hiave
in the attitudes 1 x tral 3ans h~ ave t~ o onv anocther. iitefd"
ga'f'vor went dov not just 3em IVe goqv6exr nment CxPerdi ture
MOW~ i govarnm4itenit is the only way to achieve thc kinid of
500: tctytixt ? ustralimw want, for it is the only philOophy
of g~ ovefrment whih ro( convlCe WLC bings tagthcy cuojectives
of gjreatern econicO7O gro( wt and wider mia. texia
prosperity with locwerL taxawtion, rcxe cur' civil liber., tius,

Oni J'se~ rrlw odr I t i a ph 3 CwCphy of qloverrm cnvt which
re cIIi es that Zi n atiall t ruet rescalrc-axo thIIe t aIe nts a11
enenfies of thc-people. Il-is; a philosoyhy which p: rotct. P.
tlio; e( vwho mood i'r( tL! c-tiou n d hc lp and opewi oppor uni t ic
for tiU onjt and al.) J ~ lity t flcli that Ohw ideas aiid ast. iratioi";
of peopl e : cc. wV(. the w. e; tpos'sible I t im'n
thcit the lwilytF; arld fc) ny; of peocpice havc: the wid..; lt po~' sab) le
acoejptance Theli wlvo Ooyf frcecdon i is the wa~ y to tthhee. a ke ost
of thoe qrotat tuture that. awitLs Auttra: ia. 1t i~ Cour1
cjrcat. y ofbLit'to moako sure tha~ t tho cof frecodoll