PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005533.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

. hAUTRL1,~ EMBARGO: 5: 00 pm
It is Commonwealth Day tomorrow, so it is opportune to remind
all Australians of the relevance of the Commonwealth, because
the Commonwealth does mean much to Australia. It is
particularly significant in 1981 because the Statute of
Westminster, the British Parliamentary Act which led to the
I Commonwealth is 50 years old, and the CommonwealthHeads of
Government Meeting will be held in Australia for the first time.
There is more to the Commonwealth than it being a symbol of
Australia's traditional links with Britain. The Commonwealth
of today has its own identity. ' It has a record of accomplishmients
of which Australians can be proud, and it continues to work
towards solving international problems.
The Corncnwealth is unique from other international organisatiLons
based on geographic, economic or ideological considerations.
Instead, the bond between all-the countries which make up the
Commonwealth is their historical connectioi with Britain.
It is a voluntary association operating only on the basis of
The Commonwealth is relevant in that it provides Australia with
access to the views of 43 countries on a wide variety of topizs
of world i mportance. Australia's membership of the Commonwealth
t ' enables us to influence those views.
There are no obligations involved in membership, no-treaties nor
written commitments, only a dedication to the ideals of
the Commonwealth.
One of the Commonwealth's major strengths is its practice of
holdiipg its discussions confidentially, and reaching decisions
without voting. This enables the members to talk fully, and
frankly but simultaneously making a special effort to reconcile
the different points of view in trying to solve both global
and regional problems.
Then there ' are those critics without any alternative, constructive
ideas, who decry the achievements of Australia's involvement
in the Commonwealth. ./ 2

ii -2-
The Leader of the Labor Opposition, Mr. Hayden, views the
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting as " an anachronistic
institution, a talk-shop of dubious-' value to Australia". This,
is his description of an occasion which brings together some
44 Heads of Government, over 90% of whom-represent Third-World
Those attending will include people-of the calibre of
. Indira Gandhi, Pierre Trudeau, Julius Nyrere, Margaret Thatcher
and Lee Kuan Yew all of whom according to the Leader of-the
opposition are prepared to travel long distances and to wastetheir
time on a useless gathering.
What can one say about such a view? Wel'., first one-., can
say that it is utterly old-fashioned. It is the sort of thing
that used to be said 20 or 30 years ago, before the Commonwealth---.
had been transformed into a multi-racial association of independent
states drawn from all continents. Since then it has become
an important and very contemporary instrument for dealing with
North/ South economic issues, African and Asian issues, as well
other matters of concern to its members.
I have no doubt that anyone meeting Mr. Ramphal, the Commonwealth
Secretary-General, who is known and respected in the diplomatic
centre of the world, and Mr. Hayden would have any difficulty
in determining who was really the anachronism in today's world.
Indeed, after saying what he did, Mr. Hayden had to immediately
contradict himself and acknowledge that this so-called talk-shc'p
had achieved notable success ( his words) at its very last meetinc
in Lusaka, where the settlement on Zimbabwe was negotiated.
He did not explain how an anachronism was able to achieve this.
The only conclusion that one can draw from the Leader of the
Opposition's foolish and insulting remarks about the Commonwealth
is that he does not anticipate ever being in the position of
representing Australia at one of its meetings. For how, after
what he has said, could he ever justify his attendance?
The agreement on an effective declaration against apartheid is
just one example where member nations of the Commonwealth have
overcome their differences despite their varied political groupings
at other forums such as the United Nations.
Australia has a very special responsibility in re lation to the..
South Pacific, particularly since Vanuatu is the newest member
of the Commonwealth.. The obvious connection between South Pacific
countries and us is through the Commonwealth.
Many Australians relate to the Commonwealth at another level.
There are 300 non-government organisations through which Australians
meet, learn and share experiences with overseas colleagues working
in technical and professional fields. Australia hosted the
Commonwealth Broadcasting Conference last year, and we will host the
Commonwealth Press Conference this year. Appellate judges from
various Commonwealth countries also met in Sydney in 1980. / 3

A. job 000---
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be held in
Melbourne ' in September/ October will be the most important
international event ever held in Australia. This will further,
Commonwealth co-operation. Its flexibility and consequent
worthwhile results have already been demonstrated, Australia
having played a major role at the two previous Heads'of Government
Meetings I have attended.
Australia was deeply involved in the Commonwealth negotiations
to bring about an end to the conflicts in Rhodesia and the
subsequent formation of Zimbabwe. There has been progress on. a
common fund for commodities with a significant input from Australia.
At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Lusaka,*' Australia
was responsible for beginnifig a report on the constraints to
world economic growth. Another study intitiated by Austra& lia.
in 1979 has laid down guidelines for international co-operation
in the field of media and cormunications,. an area much politicised
in other international organisations.
Not only will the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting'in
Melbourne later this year the most important international
event ever held in Australia, but it will also be one of the,
most important international events ofl98l. It will follow th~ e
OttSauwm it o Wesern developed countries and the proposed
Brandt Summit in Mexico City. Both of these meetings will discuss
international economic issues, the North-South dialogue. Both
will be hoping to point the way towards a stable and equitable
economic svstem.
It is hoped this will result in a round of-global negotiations
at the United Nations.
The Melbourne Commonwealth Heads cf Government Meeting will be
the largest meeting of Heads of Government of developed and
developing c6untries in 1981. It will also be able to capitalise on
whatever agreements are reached at Ottawa and Mexico City.
That is why the Melbourne Commonwealth meeting has a special
significance. It is not the question of Australia trying to grandstand on the
world stage, but'a serious attempt to bring about practical and
constructive solutions to problems which should concern us all.
Co-operation at such breadth and depth must prove to be useful,
in resolving many world issues. Such a high level involvement
ensures the future development of the Commonwealth, and Australia's
continued recognition of its value.