FOP. PRESS: P. M. NO 41962,
Joint Statement by the Prime Minister, The RtoHon. RoG. Menzies
and The Rt. Hon. Mr, Peter Thorneycroft, British
Minister of Aviation,
The discussions between the Right Honourable Peter
Thorneycroft, British Minister of Aviation, and the Australian
Government, which began in Canberra on Wednesday, have been
concluded satisfactorily.
The main purpose of the discussions was to review the
working of the Anglo-Australian arrangements for the Woomera joint
project, and to consider the use of the Woomera Range by the
European Launcher Development Organisation ( EoL. DoO.) o
Australia and Britain are partners in E. LoD. Oo with five
European countries Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the
Netherlands who are combining in a programne of work for the
development of a space vehicle launcher.
The initial programme provides for the firing of a complete
three stage EoL. D. O. launcher from Woomera. The first stage of
the launcher will consist of the British Blue Streak rocket, the
second stage of a French rocket and the third stage of a rocket
to be developed under the leadership of the Federal German
Republic. The first series of satellite test vehicles . re-to". be
developed under Italian leadershipø Long range telemetric links
are to be developed under the leadership of the Netherlands; and
equipment for the down range guidance stations is to be developed
under the leadership of Belgium,
Australian membership of EoL. ODO. requires no financial
contribution at least for the programme now planned and EoLoDoO.
will meet the cost of completing the facilities at Woomera
required for the EoL. DO. programme.
Australia's contribution to the Woomera joint project will
be on the basis of an annual contribution of œ 8.7 million for
five years, Australia will also set aside funds for the
development of Australian projects, previously included in the
joint amount0
A party of technical experts from member countries of
EL. D. O. will be visiting Australia next month.
CANBERRIA. 6th July, _ 962,