PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00005468.pdf 17 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

o -tecom -our Ip honie-ih: programme,:. and we-ha ve ih the studC3io
the õ Prime Miitter, Fraser. Good morning. Mr. Frazer.
Gu) od -morni'n* g*.. Tha6nk youi very much,-
Compere AiItd in.. Sydijey,. Sue iecker. . God oigSe
Hlecker. iolbol. o Atclhelo i-enerS., Aild good'morning mr. Fr~ aser.
Ptim& Minister
Good' Morningr toi You.
* Ai -thank you very-much'for. coming onyour show?.-I'm sorry I can't
be ww~ ith you, but hontestly. I can't R; eep pace with your jetsetti~ ng,
Prime Minister
Well. -it is'' goocU to-, be on the showr again with You.
itight.' Now, Mr-, Fi'aser, before the listeners ring: in, mnay I-ai
you one question that 1. think really concerns me and I am not
kdocking you. 1,_ 1 think I am really appealing to yov, is that
-II ight?
Primb minister
* Yera, that's f i te. I do not know what ig coming though.
ileckeri usio hn
well, i'a esinItT1% that concerns a lot Of-Wbat I call,
very, ordinary Australians like myself. Don't you-think that some
of: youx f inancial policies are in, danqer of: dirtroying the very..
structure of our natuire; -the family pnit*. A young. ma~ n say, with.
two children earning the average wage of'approximately $ 200, wt
the meager family allowance and the rising costs in. all aspects

AVBC JiQBDiRT( 7Z1R): -2-
leker ( cqntinujed)
of'everyday.. lvinq, not, to nie; it iozi the. interest, rates it he-strying
to buy a iomp, honestly make it inpossible for him to
make ends'Meet, And. with the . res3ult that the inothee is forced to.
go out ' and work'. At. the exene the faaily, and School * leavers.
and ' uni ' studlents have-found their-jobs* taken. ThiUS eally concerng:
nie Mr. Fraser. It is the -stracture of the f anily. pnit that worries
Well, rMiniytha ' en
Whell~ n7 k'tht ' once -lot10; of people.-That ls" why. famnily
allowances were ! ntroduiced-iivthe first place. Y~ ou call it a'tie-acler
acunb'ut * it does happen. to be -$ 1,000 million aer. A so,
hateause we were concerne&' for the position of siiiqle -income
faiiies w-e: : doubled the. spouse rebate on'-the first of-JUIV
or.. it has been. doublea ' now over the time we have he~ az in. officeandthat'made'
a suh* Attntial difference to al). singleicoeenrs
and11m ernrs
flut-, Ilre tax ha168 gone! Up'So much' in' that ' time1.
Wo, you are quite'wqrong. Jthas not' it has not cJrfle up in: that>
tin. fnd ' this is soroethligthat. bir. flayden been saying
No, i as thifikiiig of. Mr,. fayoen, jMi Frasr.
Lot. -mne juL q ive'yom the facts on income tax.-. : In J~ ayden's
sca~ ewenyouj were, earning.$ 7,000 you paid 35 centa in. the..
* dollar, At. $ 10,000 you % were payingq 45'. cents in. the dollar., At'-
$ 1S, 000 you were. paying 55 cents' in, the dollar. -On Our sca]. est,
that we. introduced, you. are paying 32. cents in the dollar up.
t~~'-little over $ 17,000, And at that level with My'. HRdycln
were p.& ying .55 cents in the-dollar.
Blecker M4r. Pruiser,. what about the' cost of living,_ I. mean,_ it* has. jus*' t'
gone up, and up and'' up. so
Prime Minister
Btwages have. gone up by about the same amount as.. the co t of
livirqj and in addition to that ' if ycku look at total disposable
f amily income per capita, or if You look at%_ 46isehold consumption.
* expenditure per capita, bo th of these hAve one up:. over.-the last
five ypars..

Sbcker But whdt about interert. rateq?
Rrimlu Minister
It taker. aJll these: things, into account.
Well, . I'd j. 11-t-ike to'qgote you.
Prime-Min~ ister
lnt. tne, look,. at, soraethinq. 01' ue. if. ypp think* interest rates are
high) now, bec-ause wel have manaqjed the. economy better than mny..
otheri count ries,... over this last year they went-to 20. iper cent In'.
the Unlitedl Stditer,..-They are far higqher. 1n. the United l( ingdom,
There have bee6n difficult world economic circumstances*,
y: do understand that.'
Pkimce Minister
HUt I ( 1o not try, to suggest-: that it isaleanyt because T know
-i'is not. But -if ' you. are criticising. ouir po icier, as. severely.
as% y ott have, you ha've got. to looX at what other-policies would
do to Australia.
ILeckeram. qLueryinqg, Rr. raser, the singlte income family earner, becatise
for instance, if he: earning. this $ 200 a week and he-borrows..
$ 25,000 to. tiry. and get a honie and. it-is fair enough for a young.
couple to-want -a home It' is-qolrt to take him * over a perioa
of 25 years to'pcay that interest back. He is going to pay
at. current interest rates*,
Prime Minister
do not know how you worked that out. Let's as. un that you
have worked that t
Decker I am correct on that..
Prime Minister
W -ll, you migh4t be. Because if you are talking about home
aunership. f or families with. chil1dren, we ha'je increased the home
sav; ings. grant..

AhiC Hobart *( 7% fl) 4:.
Rcot. Fron $ 2, pOOO to ' 000, IUut in. addition to: that,. recoc1 -sums
hzave beeni leint for hom~ e onership over the-1Ast two or thlree.
years. It s-very. plain that a lot of, people are building or*
huiyinq _ their oswni homes., A ' cou ntry. can only, or a GovernmentI can
only do what it is:: prepared to tav the people for. Now, it isvery.
easy to * offer additiorial concessionis, but if you are going to
do that and if yoU al-8 ClOiTI to ta% ! people for paying for.
them,., then yq. x are just going to add' quite directly to inflintion.
Blut), 1* wanted to gol; back to. the original point. Wages have gone
up . by about the same as the Consumer Price Index. Disposable
family income has risen over the laat f ive years. Consumption
e , pencditure has risen over the last. f ive . years. . AndI f or the single
income family, which you mentioned,' thie spouie relbate has bteen
vt-ry . sub; 3tanitiaH. ly increaised; in fact, it haa been doubled.**
Thlat was done qui to specifically to asss the single income.
family~ l ' ihat-v?&_ done on ~ the first ' of July this year.,
coip ere
Sue-,-we. havP a f ull board*, .1 think we. n, ight put some of -our
iistenera throu~ h, to-ask their qua,-, stio~ ns of Mr.. Fran er..
The fi-rst one i's Iris.
CAler Godmorniiic qMAr-% Fraser, yyeoome to: Taamania and good'luck -in.
the election s.
VrMe 1Minister
Thank you very much*.'
Mi. a lone 1parent pqnsioner 1: am. grateful for my social servicepayments,,
and ' that I am not really up-against it as are Some. people
in: other countries -of the world, coilld yout tell. me, pl. ease if -the
six.-monthly. adju-stment woulcl be con1tinlued* if the Liberal Party is.
re-elpc tecl.
Prime minister
Yes. The six ninthly adju ' stmhent will be tconitinued.' It. is,' law.
we Introduced it as law, and the next adjustment of colurse comes orv
the first' of November; both fo-r the pension and* there is7 alko an,
ivicrease in. the allowance' for children.
Caller ( Dorothy).
Why. hasit It the -Government beart more concerned, about bla'phemy and
four let. ter words', violence and crude sexual-exploitation on
television.., in what is the main f ami ly -enter ta inment, 1. now theSe
matters have been raised in.-the Senate by Tatsmanian * Senators
Brian flarradine, Shirley Walters, Senator Tate, _ ard I think
Senator Archer.

ABC .1obart( 72R)
P~ rim~ e Minietr
: I am concerned about some of these things, but at the same tim~ e:
there is a wide view in. the Australianl comMUntY that there shouil&
be * a n, inimwn of censorship. There have been a * lot of discussions
in, the televisilon area about selt-requiationt. about maintaining
community standards. 1I think sometiinez,, ttie points You make are
vwr-y,, zeal obnes and' I have-a -sympathy. for them..
Cdaller bir. -Fraser, )-there is'nothing being donIe. I don't really . believe
that ' yo understand the depth' of feeling kn. the community. and
this. is. wlta4 ,' concerns me.
4 Culler Well then I thiinlkyout'd be doing l. sornetirncI pore about it.
Pr im6 miinis-ter
Well,, it:' is -aquestion as to.. how f ar a Covey-iiel Should go in..
censoring what does -appear. on the-television screenis or, on the
f i Irn screens f or.. that matter
Cal3l er
Well, for the: protection of: a' yownger generation,. I -feel sure that
most. people * think that up. to a certain tino 10% O O0 pnSurier. time
that it Is requiked int family: viewing timhe.
primle minister
Well again, -there are many discussions in-the Broadcasting
Tribunal about these inatters-and about the Pxogramnles that are
appropriate.; Can I just say -that I -take the Poin tayo have.
made to -Me. -I1 will take them to heart and make sure that they. are
A ~ brought to the attention of. thie people who ari;_ i' invollved.
Call~ er
! 7-4 1I am sending you a -submission Mr. Fraser, and I ioulId -be, very
rlateful if you' would.
What'wetr your nacte, so that 1-% All know when I get it
Sr.. IDorothy Hawk, 6s, Media 1Ethics Action Grewp..

AAT C L-0.7, tR 7.)
Cal ler ~~ oo~ tnrnin Nr PrMehiister,. All the very.. heat foi-the*
ele%-cti. onhs. Sir, J am: concerned ' about the health -erv!. e.-in: this
country,;,.: lielth izi urancie, etc. . Now'. 1-have a chronic C11 Is
Ialso) havre ark. inomne of.: stiperannhuatiorwhichl is jupt ' Slightly. over
whAat is' Verris-sale to.' enable. me to ha~ ve paissed the ihvalid
pensibii arid-the. beefta 6f-those. thing. I.* pay tile top., hiqjhest*
privte halth inurance that I 6an possibly cje ifnlms
atlaiost on pqverty line. Vogt, X have nol. heiard.. any. of " the policy.
spe echea mntion n chre to try and settle -the-chaos in. our
heoalth servicLis througqhiout " this' countrky, fHa ve -youj any. pla . ns-once
you are ra-eleci tecl?
. t rih e 61ini st er.
IAI. out77, C or 80% of-the tota). costLs of: health go * iii'. the . running-...
of hpital: 4--llo pitials aro undek. the. control of: the states buit sqp
pay for half the cost.-_ Now,, wz. have-with the States restahlisbed
an InquiryY calle&; the . hoapital ot nuiadwa wpe-are hropillq
that -ojl gxI. ve u~ i ai -ihoight how to inaintairt the very. hig."'
qultyatsridices that ' ay-1 nnede d for:, Mistraliann,. hut at:-
the same ti6ie perhaps. to. contain expenciiture a little--
we. hAve. of: cotirse.,-fo peeolp lei who. are. pjoi3ion era,, there
full coveragefor tho~ h r lgbe
Cal ler..
Oth'Ors for disadvanta. jed' eople -; hich dOctojrE are able to:* counitau
diaad* vantaged, I. and thenx the bulMk billiniq Applies and the:
Coimonwealthi meetsF tht. bill on: the Ir. accounft-1. Id o not knogi if
you woula be. covered under. that sort of arrangeiment, bitt V : coul-d
* batter judge. that. if
Caller X'ni under. a privAte health in~ uraluce.
Undex" a-! priVAte li'talth ingurance? 7
Yes, yes, -and they. have treated we wvonderfully,
Prime Minister
wel, It har. been. expensivej and itf-Kaz been expefl3iielagey
b~ ecause of: the: very.. high. cost. of honpital care, quite apart f rom
medical care.. This is where we are hoping, that. the inquliry, the.
Jamnison. Inquir-Y It* is-called -will he' able. to-, qive ' is some help'
irL--the directions3 to-take-

A~ td. if ' you are re. elected, siosyu oe e eisge any
li tiood of premiums and over-payments, over and above rebates,
b Oing :. rebaxtable under taxation. Ar. O we going back to-that system
or: is there no: likelihood* of: that.
Pl'iide Miniister
Plell, this-is one. of the thlings we: wouldI like to do and wve hiave
looked at Bt.~ ut * to make health . insurance rebatable or-tax
dedUctible. w-ould cost-something: like $ 600 million. I kniow thlat
man& y, peoplepi oara strong.. case and argue. for it.. Itwoul
encourage people to. take out insurance.__. it wyould encourage people
t o' look a f ter themselges. -it-is. oile of ' the matters that have been
b& Eore the-Government.~ Wpe have not felt up) to. this poknt that wet.
hnve had the re! sources. to' enable us.-to d t
CAller Would V'ou like to comment on the reported telephone installations
at* both. thecaain-. aicthe site of' the new bricigefor-yourself.
and'Votxr. staff,,_ at . an-estimatek&, cost* of over $ 1 00. N~ jw'. in. view
of.-the' fact tfiat th S* * ecqipinent is. to-be-in,-operation. for one
ddayo ~ nt lyy u tinkthe o~ t ~ fthis are rather exc ssive?
do: ziot-knw anything1' about arrangpments. for the opening of the
b?; idqe. . When I am. going around * I have to:: have adequate
coiamuniat ions foi-my. office, q Ito apart from being involve Ivi
c-n eilection campaign, there is-still administrative Work to do
as. Prime Minister of Australi. aid I do haet. hv ls nd
continuous.-contact with Canberra. so. 1 I have. to. carry. my
Prinno Minister's office around with m~ e quite apart from f i-jhting.
the elPectioni campaign. That would be-the reason for those
P telephone connections even if it is. foir a. day.. I -beliteve that'
whoever is-' Prime fliiiter shouild be' in, contact al). the tinie wherever
he, or -she may. one datI be, beause if an-emergency occurs that
requirbs attention, . the Prime Minister needs to be-on call.
1' raust aprlIaud that-remark Rx. Fraser,
caller Hvillo. Prime Nlihister. Welcome -to: Tas-mania*. TaWa questiopis to yout
tUr,.. Frasers.. on~ the sanue subject,. Tror what'purpose ie8-. th4 floati-ng:.
dock' belig . built inliHohart, andw'ith the state Government asking us:
to.-buy, Tbsmanian, _ and use Tasrnaniairt re: 3ources,. vihy nIot tilie the
ATC expeprtise and'eruploy Tra manians -for the jolt of building the

AflC 1obarct. V Z7. t)
Thayik-you very.. muchifor that question. When Mr. L~ owe spoke to. Ime
about thivi'there.. were other teiideis that were I think just-as
cheap as the SOviet'dco ck,. but I thiiik he . wanted-or wa3 interested-.
in'the Soviet dockmore than in.-the others. Th-recent-tines, ony
iii. thie last few hours, J -have been in. touch' With Mr. Lowe atbout
thi s; behcause one two matters-havae emerged ' which I ' do-not thiink
either hd*:' or: I were aware of atthe timie. Ole-is' that there are
3ome legal' impediments. flki wa tI sexvcn ral~ f~ nsS tht
sftip,-. that ' do.. not fishin . our. economnic zone could come in: and be'.,
pervxecin... U. on. td. er the Fisheries Act as it is, tere as.
nnotreadly a. provision for. that:. Secondly,, 1I antOld Tlow that the
Missians. are-wanting _ a shore base whecre they would house crewis and
where they would chanqq~ over. crews. Now,. Mr-. Lowe had told. me-,:
a~ Irecil, thtiterewould-* bei no xec uirernentjfo' a-. shore base,_ andi
that" that JUPt Va~ r rotpAr t-of the. aLt hdt . hcx'ewa3 riqt
a~.' ance. thnk lmany. Tasriariaiis womil 16ok -with a sli'htly
jaudeiced a an kid o'n Soviet-base being e stablished.
Ahd 1, hope. that Mr. Lowe woul1d tor., h. bnauspe he', aqgreed' wi1th me., and.
wi-th the' CObmronwalth -' that wo. were right to: kfiock-of E the joint.
f~ dirie~ ventre a. prt-of, our p,: otest aclainst the Soviet inva~ sioil
of Afghabistan,, Sbo .1 have teleixed Mr-. -Loile sayin that there are
matters that nenct to' bn: discussed-between the Commonwalth and
4th' 6 State and that' under stand' that the-Soviets are placinq..-
additionial demands on-. him which miqht not be-acceptable and Which
wy4e wouldl need* -to 1iscur~ s and that we. need' to be: inl communication
bEfore. aly., contracts' aye signed.'
Caller GOOd moning HT" Prime Minister. x: would like, to ask you, a
F: questioni about untemployment.-on willesee at. Sevenl last Tuesday..
w~~ nqht thiere wao thte miister for Youth ot
Af alrs and" Willt-see madt -a statemient. to-the. ef fect that there
was somethinq in the reqgion of' 3' 4' young people * loo~ ing: for every.
j'oh in the Sydney metropolitai -area, Mr. Viiner said ah. well,.
don' l'ook ' at'it fron. thait tpoint of vie, disreqard : those figureq,-
look at, it fkom-the-polint of * viepw that we've-go * t-more people into
jobs)-whi' 1e, we'vie been. ia Government -than have been -for: a l1ong time",
Now,. rny . two part qutestion is'this. , I'irstlyi if yon are asking:
for . the other side to, be honest,' why do* your Ministers only. present
thOr side * of * the coini thlat looks most f avourable to. your -pa-cty, and
secondly, if * we. are to: disregard the figur. 1e5 put-out by. the Bureau
of~ Stat i'tics. and-. the CSI oiv u nerploit, h do -We go" to t
bother and * the expense of.-havincg them publshed the f irsit place
if-nobody i1s.-going to. takee then) -into cons ideration.
vrimE, Minister
X.. think that people were making the poinit that ' you arn ih-fadt,
making; they. were making that: point?-' .1 did not see the interview,
but I -'. tinfk-it woula be.. f air enough f or anyone to, argue tbat both-

Prtimc Mhinister( continued)
tshidaet s iso.-fw thhdet ocuoginh) t shtoo uhlda ppbeen*. e xamWinhielde , unanedim pI loaygpreenet Vwe'imthii TynoSu % MtU hChat...-
higher than anyone in-Astralia would want.,. Otink it.* is-fair
enough' to point' out: thtat -over. the' l68t 12 months ermplbymnent. liar,
grawn Iby-over. 200*, 000,. which. Is in fact -the. est qrowth f 6v
tenl years;-. and teenag. en omn hs q ro wn m~ ore over thed last
12 months than at-' any-tInie over. the last 15 ypars, Giroth. in
emp~ l' 6rment is-very.. imortant. sorry _ to:-use a technical ter[ A.
but the~ pp ripation rate the Sttit in Is-term i'-* all those
pcooplie over the. age of: 15 sibo want' to: participate,. want * to, be. in-.
1! the workforce who*.* are l1ooking. for a-job. 1woerteit
12: -months. the: pArticipaLo. ratei * rose,. which meant. that -the. numbir*
of~ po n trialok ing f or a -J b increased, -Tt. meaft that
housewivea whoriqht otherwise have j* ust been content to-stay-a
hame were wanting: Io;' get baock into the* workforce,. or it could be.
that. people whb. itAd retired' wanted Ito get back ' ajd geL another-job.'
The-lparticipAtion rate rose.. if -it: hkd rernaiiied. the same as. it. was'
12' Monthsa ago, unemrpbyinent would -in: far. t have fallen by' the beatpart
of* 10040-00. I . think that puits the pqrforma.& nce of the last-'
yp~ r into peprspactive. We hahve to lIook at. the6' growth in ernpJloynent
bn4cause thiat'dtqes. point to-the underl'ying strtength of: Australiah
lndustries,; their-capaoiLt1: to sail not' only'in the Aktra3. ian*
inarket-but-ovoriscas--if we: do-not'have pro-fitable and' comptitivL: e
Atistrali an. -iidust ries,-th-eir capacity to. employ. just qe-ts
Caller~ ea 1realise,. this,-b ut * you carefully avoid admitting. in -pub-i-C'
that there is-also that the rate of p , ople who' are unabl. to qestlobs
is. also, inicreasing..' 1' heard f iguren, that just to maintain'
the status qu. o with school leavers. yop d have to create2 O00 jobs
this. year bef'ore Noverrd) er. inv Tasmania1 Yoar Minister is-Saying.
disreqard ' thai:,' Just look at what wle've done"
14' Prima minister..
Well1, it. is-important to* look. at: whkit we havedo.
Yebut not to: the' exclusion of what canrt 1b6. done. I' not
necessarily blainting: the L~ iberal Government for whdt can It be, done,
biit. you are ju st statilig-, half the case that makes5 yolir Party.*
look. good. You. dbn It admit, the' other. side. You say " oh, disregard'
the'. figures that. say.. there are 5.9% vinemployed and 30?, of.-that,
54.9%-are youths under the age of That'doesn't Sex-m to. come inito
your consideration,-yOUr tPartyis considerations at all-. You're-only'.'
Nt-atiig. that which makes your' party l. ook, good, disreqardinq. the
ather side of it al. together..

ATC HOBART ( 711, Vt).
. Prime Minister
Can I have a go. now?
yeah", suve
11tine Ilihister:
W~ 4, jstdonot ' cccpt that beecause if we: were only -wanting...
to.-State the' -sidei ' hich iurde-our Party'% lo ok. good'! suppose wewould
say, jwe: will not pubnlish' those unemployinent '-figures,. sqhich
are-16-fact-polishecL ut is iropprtant* to be, looking at-what * does*
in -facet . hapnpeni. int..' the workforce. lt-is ' inportant to look at-the'
gropwth-iA* emplbyment.' That is--a -very..-substantia tbing lindeed.
Lbt me. look at'it. this ' way. 0n-some fiqw~ esl have had tknot
again' from! the Statistician in-. the lasi,, t. year of-' the Labor
Ver i rent,, there. were -151) jobs a day . created i' But' in. the last
year of: t his ' Government; I tere. 1have. been 5160 iplos a day created
byt,: prodiuctivej healty enterprise. Anid that show4s a4 vexy
conederbleimprovemenit ind9eed., X do: -not say thtere ar-e -not
aitil1 probleras.". qu~ owCijte wrell there arc. That' is. why wie. have
ter Iniig. Programmes which are desi~ gned. specifically -to: ' sit
V. 01n1gq. people-to.. try and providle additinal -opportunities for.
teenagers i6;' paxticular who m'iqhh ho. looking for wovk'.,. Tati
why'. 1i my.-policy s -aeh? I announced. a 7nOw trafiing allowance
w~) L'his'deignd t~ ersuade: young Auatraliafl3 that' f thiey lea. ve
I sch'obl and'have not-got a job i;' is. much ' better, to go. into some
.' fo i-i -of. traininq; and it sorjbto. make the opportuilities
for training available: rather than be., gettinq_ a. uuormploymientbenefit.
3000ornreougAustralli~ s,. afd many of-then,
young i~ u~ tallans, will be asoisted by those prpgranvlm. " 9-uringte
course of. this'year. In. addlition., the re are a reodnm~ rof"
apprentices in-training riqht-, at this moment. I hox e there wil J, be
another record Intake of apprentices at : the begiIIIiIng of: the
19231 year, because we. are -offering special incentives to. employers.
again to do just that. -So we. do recognise the problem and we, a-re
acting oru. the problem, AR a rezult. of.. olti policies, .560 jobs a.
day are bI) 0ng~ cc I., e over 2003,000 through the cur o8 te ya
and that is.-the best result for. over-l0.' Vars. But ' I do* not try
no' ugetesr as' nt diffi ultie. 5o there arn.
As you)-may., be -aware -or as:' joxi are--aware',. ine you have signed',
crrespofldbece on this subject, the laat two -iVghthouses in*
Southern. ITamania are due for cle-rmannincj-within -18 months-,.
I'Mt sorry, I misd little of that.
Caller The ] iqhithouses the-lazst tw-o liqhthouses lflA southern Tasmani4-
are duo; forz do-manning, within 18 months. Ail a PrOfesional'
fi. jherman my. particul. ar concern. i withf MacSiphor(? Island, the

neI HOBARTP ( 77
1oCalte iuel
Ii oly esience ort the. whole soxith coast bf ' fa-, nania. 1. mijh
I' oint ' out that the area hac no roads'and no. other dw: ellings
and * the whole 8Oknis stretch. of Southern Tasmania is only.,,,
ovelooedby he~ neres5idence-. The. p, pt'b i 9g that h. p ite'
of your speecheg on,-increased need to vigilance on the-coasti
upite of everything., els., _ you hntend-to,-. continue with -the policy.
of-: de-~ annihq:. the lihs nouigt i 11thouse as the nextt
lighthouse to'be-de-manned. I conaider that because of. iti
unique si'tu ation,., because of tthe f-act that it -is of extreme vajiue.
ft herne ' tftha'ti t-provideg weather information aitd-ossibiel
s! ijlig fo,: distress flares,_, that-it. should at-le-wst be. -delayed,-
if not' cancelled.-:
PriM6 Minister.
Wel,* s-aresult of ' what you~ h ave said I will exarni11th
niatter.. and' tee. what ' the position is* Dloes the station have your
namne a-ad'. addres.
primIE" Minister
1Iw-ill write to. YP
Cal le V.
I -think, you can provide an-answer through" the. -Pro fes
F. ishermend'sociaion. of * Tas! mani'. That'Would be-quit~ b adequate.
PVriM4 Minis9ter-
I will do that. but you have rais; ed the matter with me, -so-.
will w* rite to' you and I will write-to the' Profersioflal..
F! s hcrmen!'-Associ atitonl, and-oa raised it* over the airso I will
Sond A. copy to-the. station ini case they walt-to uSe it6 alzo.
Caller I wish yqu every.-succe; 3 iii'J ( inauidible) '. At-. least AuStr& lia6 f eel..
safe' with.' you. I -meani, that's biw 1I cani put -it bost of-,-all.
I would like. to', ask yo) u some quiestions on-taxation.
Comnpere Keep_ it to-just' ne
Caller yeu,., well it'sj a1l in: the one th! ig. Is correct, and'if. it-is-
Correct,.. CouldC yo1X ruake It qtIlte cle-ar to-the electorate*, was it'-
mSr-Hayden when hd' waR T1reasurer that ' abolished the-corlcessional--:'

Citl er ( OAile). -12
U rebate. Vleople no longer. receive the relhate for pzayiiu1 for their:
c1hildren's -education1 or their' heal th, or their, deatal carean
they, receive no tax vehates. for insurancer, to coverthr
children. -A1c1 a1 60_. was he -renponsihle for, bringing in-* the -tax
t6. roff-the. pensioners of ore-of.. the! ir incortie... Coud you make-it..
quite clear if that _ is _ tr', e,, to the electorate.
Pcirie* Minister
Ile". was. cert4Ifnly. rezponsible for bringing in'the legislat ioil that.-
destroyed all those rebAtes. for.. peoplea.
C a Iler
Well,_. that' what I wanted -to* know.
prirh~ i. ite
And-one of the thintjs we. 10oked at ' war thp Cost-of r-. tbihn
thozse rebates anrl. it* woitd have bden abotit $. 1O800 milliori.
Hlut ht. had beeri. spending. the money itn. all sorts of Other ways1 and'
At had: got-comn~ itted in. other programmer. We: jiust have not been
abl e. to do so. Whon we-have * had resources t6. sperid we, thought we:
ought to: do-it on-reducing the gonera I.-level" of tavation wh-ich was
too hiqh, aud ie-have reditced tbat-level bf, taxation..
]? enpl&' have forgotten those, 3 sorts-of things and 1. wondered if. X
was orein rwehr 3: wan ccrrect, or-not.-
Ptiimo Ministet
You were corrcOI.' People: forget, very. qutckly. 1ar afraid.-
? 4r. Fraaer.. Look, I Irt a fanrme,>* fl'. the south east drought-areal.
What T want to-know is, is it po~ sible that-grants Could b) Et madC--
available to those affectpd by drought for-say,. three years orlohger,.
or-failing . that, low,-ititerest d: ouqht relief ' made* available
throuqh the Primary, lndustry DBank, instead of-the through' the.
State's AgricuJltufa. Bank Thp policie* s of the Agricultura). Bankare
too restrictive, To quote an example, when. a ' loan is tak'' Ol out
they want mortqage.. over. the property * and then won't allow
developmentt I or-capita). expgenditure, without their approval> w" So' the.
n( et re-8uit is that.. wc have to boxrowr money, at. norma. Comnercial,
raten at. 10%. or 11.1 inftld_ of -to: 5s' as under the drougitrelief

IWC,_ HOBART. ( 7ZR...
Weol, 1 Iwould bie c: isappointed to find that, State i's applyi3ng.
niedsures -that Aire -too retstrictive, I w-ill Iceytainly look into that,
I rcetlyanoucedsoaeadditional * drought rel. ief _. easures in
ag-reement wih eA-ern Aiistrall~ j. 1-.* hve approached * all th& e other
Prxemiers sayin* 4 that I believe. some oif'the provisioflS are too;
restrictive especiallyin-. NSW. and n1ow you are telling me about,
TAsmani~ a. Bicause ini. a number of -the States, the car: ry-on. loan,
or; the re-stocking.. loansI. are very. very, small inaeed 1Ihave
recently(, agreed': to: exte . nsions with. Sir! Charl'er Court for.
Wentern Australia. In additilon to.* that;:. for: proper ti e that,
are iK~ oth'eir second-or-thid or-foulrth. year of droughit as . someof'them
-are Western Au. 4tral ia, _. wehave provided special
texten aiois,. mroratotilumn. period.. aud rYealIly . doing -what we: canto*
assi~ t. -Now, _ bec ause TIas dissatisgfied wihSO~ e of'the measures,.
a ee ao got the -Commonweal. th and' State off icials * together
and-some impirovemnents * were agreed ' to. but I. still Wa3 not happy,
aind -eter Nixon was not happy with . the renult,, o. Y approachied
th& Premieis-again-and ' especial ly:, asked them to:-look at, carry-onft
lotns an~ d.. re-stockingj loans to: see wheuther or not larcjqr. sums
should not be-! provicld.-. T-will get a special. report on. the. sort of.
thing.. that youi pentio'ned-and again, if tje station hap. your name
and* adcdress,.. IU. you -couldI lealve ie, j: Il write to yo) u abocut it,
-AWoetoyuoe eo ths, and I thank you for the help
yu -id But what I * want to ) kno is wheP. re married people,
particuilarly in. the 35-40 age bracket, _ are re-educated -Under the
NIRAT-scheme anld-after qt( Dlifyiig cannot get a job in the-area-in
line with their ' new qualificaEtions. . And because of this
re-allocation roii~ that the local' people have first hit a
it in; -the. cities,. what can-the -Government do to' helP them -get a
anmdo ve and -sell houses and all the rest of it-t o. ece
Piime Minister
WO d. ave re-JIocation as,. Ustance, and. I would preparet-to. 1ookat
the. assistance that is available to help famniliesr morVe, to. see
that'it. is reasonable enough.. adequate. The People to-go to to
speak to. aboutt thaiy ould he. a Coimmnonwealth Bmployrent Service
office. Cal ler
I ' ve done. all that,. but the.-thing i -they say that if thdre is'a
local. applicant say in ME-lboutrne an: 1 you were going to-Melbourne,
who's got the same quaififcations,, then they have firSt preference
and'you can't get the-grant.

Pri* L* e Minister
Pfirue are ycpA qualified in?
Primin Miiiister
Aftd, it' is. al accoulltinj jo: b that you want?
Ca~ ler
Pkiwc Minister.
Well agailn, could I itake2e ont inqdiikies oil your bi~ half? Tire.'
ypu from Hobart?
co>. ' rom: the-nocth. Oe-" t.
Prirn(' inister
Fztom the-noxth..* west?
Pirimoc Mi.~ nister
W -Il again, if the statidn has got your name and ac1: e;, could 1
rake.-some inquiries on. yomr hebal alid what emploVient office hve
you : regiptered with
Cl le'r
AlLthe State.. ones MeboLurpe and Adelaide.
Prue? f~ jili~ t.
Ail. ri-ght. Well I will rake6 some. inquiries ant I sigll be in-. touchwith
' hank'you, and that wan our lait call. Sue?

AIC, 1.
1hat's-the last'qitestion 1r
like to say b~ zatise 1-ani e lit
yo-u, especvially h Y telephone
applau'd yopur-replyj*, anho ti
about communications. L. Can t
at Ptijcie Minister stigu o
Oh:_-elltakyuvr uh Franer, Ithere'Is -just . sornethrIqg vi
tie bit. nervous when .1 am.. tall'iig
I prefer face to. face.... I. meant to..-
E& questioh,_ to" the" lady who as!( ed
imagine. anybody. quibblIig over
Ai~ d I appl'Audied your reply._
ic 117sorryI mak~ ej. yqtt nervous, dcid-not think I did..
lnecker Yer,,. li1ttle* bit. Just alittle bit, but -1 am a-fan of-Vor s.
Ru Iiae o. be ipartial on. thlis programme. T would just.* Iket toyoxi
Mr. Fiaser,, to' keep your attention if yucl mns l
you. r business-on. the. Russian docks',.. because as-. that lady ' said a
16L of: Ta: 3manians are vory_. very, concerned about this.
Prime M~ 3S
Well,. I-am concerned'now beb-ause-I * think the Soviets are tr. i ng.-
to-put cotiditionn on-Mr. Lbwe which I believe most' ' raman iabu
would f ind qIuite unnacceptable,
Uiecker Yes3. And-there is -a great amnount, of' feeling . on it-
Rime Minister
The ie~ a -of: having a Russian enclave on the rive& r, wvhere they.
would beL* housing..-their. crewa and'all the rest
Frightens uu.
Frime Minister
x just'do not tbink that ' People'wantit
B ic k e r
Vo I ' always -no, I caii't, Vat sorry. Mr. Fx.' aser, wheheebin
is. on., ' are you going. to* put-ytir feejt up andl breath aigho
relief when, your bl. anket is. on-the media?-
5 wl

1' rirn M, at,
OP.. the* Saturday or. on the Stinday?.
No-j the* two day-; we-have the blanket oix-the. niedia._
Vrim6 iunister
Olt, no. The. Friday i. one of thea bunieut ilayS I have, bacaure
o. baCk dorni to my, own el ectoratel 90TIg o., to Stawell,
1, qp_ t6' Ararat I' go to-Portlancl, and ' then I have a meetifiq with
Itenry Bolte in-Warrnambuol that night. Then on the Satu'rday i
go arounid'the. PQlling j_ ooths in. mry. own eleotorate have in.
every-election, and this is: my .12th election; I just go. around
the polling-, booths and thank my own hblpers, j the' pvtople who arehianding.
out how to.. vote cards. I. have a1ways voter-A at Nareen,,
wb. ch ' is' a very. smaull* polling booth-where 80,90 or 101)' people Cast
theilr: vote's in the course of. the dai~ l:, so there is jxust a bit of
tracition attached'to that.-RaL they, still are two Vercy huny
d ays,
Becker You rather thrive on. it thouqh' don It y
Prinio Minister
Well, it keeps you, going and* it is: alwaiys interesting to'know
wW' 3. t * people * are saying, and Rnow what pepple are thinking,. Yom jet.--
unexpected rerults Sopletirnes. Today, most-of the phone calls that
came in seemed to. bie very, 5uppor tive -Other ti~ tis Yom get
attacks left,. righl-t andl centre, and'then sometins yoU~ gjet questions
( iilaudible) tu anythincj at all that -migh't hei appaarirtg on radio andtelevision,
or-in. the new~ spapers. People just have their own
concernS-. They.,-are niot* necessarily -anything. to. do* with Caverruyentv-y
. Thiey. ring youi up) about those. I always, like to know what ppople
are thinking of,-0ndI: like* to* know what their attitudes are,
AArel6ctian periodl, j tink,' crystallisesG all these things.
I dou't think I am as. frightened of. now.. Would yott agree that
p0o1ilicu-, like showhusirnes~ s, is utterly', utterly. ruthless,
Vrimhe Mini.~ ter
I;. think it ls-. Ig-showbusiriess as. bad as that?
Betcker Yen. Stabs õ in. ' the back all the time.
PcImoMiiute I. think ' It. is. a pity. Somebody, once said that it is' not ' where yo~ u
end upilife -that-couits,. it, -io. the way. you~ wcilk through life.

Reo~ ter
Ilow true,.
Prime Minlsb~ r-
I" thitik " if a -1. ot more ppople could tink ' of. it that w
because -it isthe way you qo-. throuqh thin'gs, the way you behave
your just ' normal daily attitudes to--the -people-you. meet-
~ ker
A) dW you are such-a-f amily'' man, that is Why 1 war. concerned. forthe1
lower iniomc-ftmily, Mx Fraser.
Prime M1iister
YX Ifnow you ai. e.
1' rimn Minister.,
I cannot fabricate wealth of this country.. 1can" t pluck it
down out'of the skyO What I can do is: to crezate the Cil: Cumstances
where Aastralian iniusties cant do better, can sell move, and
can eraploy more-and create qreater re-al' prosperity for a3.
Au. tralians, bui 1 caninot say this exists hy plucking it* out of:
the clouds, Jbecause politicians have done that too often and it
just ' does., not work.
M aY vf c -iere
ZM.. Fraser', thar$ you very much for coming.~ in this morning1