PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005465.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

' r1er are two Ire t' issue-s I i this c6sarp1qn. Once is
fj)( 011l 3LF 7fC) V'C cj -itfc irs afleC ? tf ime. 6c ty, a
speatk ab. ou t forcigii affh-ix iand dcfcnoic:.
In 1976 i n a mnajor stabtetient on fcreihjn -af fairs 1wa
the. nat~ jin cj the& danqejrs ' of ' SO'VIt power*. I warned
that Soviet mi~ iticiry might was expandiinc~ inexorab-ly.
the Soviet Uionf wa dvvt ing .1 2-. 14 pcr cont: of its ai
i ncomne to defetiue When 1Vmeri: an c: pmc t ure
up, SoV.~ et oxpmcnCtl mU 1 had ( 4OflC When LY! ite(-Aj1
wil-1 cicw,) F,( JVic t. exptmdli turc wafs III f urther. T oify
years of detente, the expanmion of Socvict forcor, cont. all~ n t. Oc
3n thyea rs iScc Uhe war, tfhce Soviet. Union hais had c'( vcntonal
Iilitary fup-r icir ity. T'hc: u~ c ( of t hlit conv. nLi al i" i tary'
stiperiority was iLestraincd bocatac for many years thu lutericans
had nuiclear superiority. Now, the S0viet Union canf iflatc) Amer~ jcnrl
po0Wer i n micletar arms, i f not. exceed it.
( sid in .97C tic-it, . if the Sciv. iet. Union really wttrtet
it waks Up to it to cqivce a sigjn to -the whcyle world that that wasits
ob: jective. We have had certain siqns: fromi the sbviclt Uhxocm.
the huilcl~~ ing* up of military fac. U. i. tics iVeta; t ij in
of it deftenlc tyreaty With Victnam, hort. 1y ( ifter Which, the
Victiiamose-invaded M( m) uchea with the maoral and1 hysioa~ l Skupport
* of thc! J; C) vict tUn. icn andf, ebrect support for-thc v in hc
now. ruilira at a ccnt-o(-f $ 1 , O0O mA Ilion ca. Year.
Josthan aI year ago, thc : Rovie. aricies-marched iint hfjheAnirtan;
the~ . arcjon~ t mid ? Mf)~ t aUrm1n~ y uJ l the world into an
iiioifensive and non-aligqned : ountry. The apolo'q. istz for the
Soviet Union Said this was a dcct(~ liv( e mtovc doemsive aga. inst
whitt.? JWhat. pcsrn. ih( c-eancr could Afqfliaristan post: r to the m i ght.
ati the Soviet Uniion? That rnov(-Ot~ a took tht: Soviet Union
icarer the Indiall Ocean, puttirict it inl a st-rcilesic positiou tn.
cxcrt i. t. ji.-wcr cainst, r'akstan or Iran if potnti* ae
presented themclc) .12.
1* O1~ I~ UIA I I V
i i 4
I. I

Thu IUi\ itcd Stat(-U. vnin. q tile Soi'l: fnio
th-at any ful~ thwlr m1ot'-: wolid bt! J1.3. i : dAd as a recl: thi. to
uhe vital interests of the wo) h. avo n; upprto todL o uni. ted
* States ill what it has IOne. Jlle havil tilp'of): Aod thc ' m hucauso wo
al.-o an at t'j brooaso we havc. corivron and sitn red 0 ct. iv~
QWeeOM CarreS With it lMigtic3 ancd rQSpos5ib iii ty.
Altnouu' 3h -we are onl y 14 mi . l~ ian prnpc, p wo suppa: l; the UI. S.
because w; e annoLt expfect the~ U. S. al1one. to ta~ ko t~~. no actia:
upil which~ our Cvaadamsteul. t imateI'V depend, we mxttt h..
co3Xc& ounnd for o. ur own~ ft. umc an~ d for) our: ci dren., and that1 is wThy
we have offer'ed to allow thn Uj. S. t-h ome part or base pool-
' 14 Cock))' Oul Sound; to Ilse tratvj it. ai.. fhcuj
Oil t he otho hanr d, Iftlyd' 1 ind ~ cated plaiin ly th if1 he hat3
thle mtyh" I tl'd : cpiiall y qfhlt tl-: wa
rfl jjtL-h tht? U. S. to ) io'ii in W A. j~ o'~ f LL2i &) hL
navy Such a * w would': s t ri Iei~ iou8i . y al 11h. e, dr fevcc
re~ ladtonnhjr wit, 1h 1; lo U. S. ec1aus of 0" r nned to ': onltrihub::
to a. yop'oon e ffort, wu r~ c " nort: 5k i groa tor rve~ C'Cillanre Q.
thoO tr.~ e. ina aus otPO~ need-to -work-w iKth-our -ai-i i
lh'a', o off ored thle Un~ i. l.. d State.-s -ac! cess to our aIrœ ield; vw
.(; Oadit ionfs which MIt1 . aintairl Austral ian sovareiqntV.
Mehave given aqrOemen t if) px-illoi. pl. q I. the J& ssal of
B-52 s thrmuqh 1aWN. At the wmomt A~ hor . can c L* ws are on
lnernss mi: ci ions~ -whichl extene for ovtyl: 230. hour:; 5 F. tu4.'
o fwfD~ wh~ aienri a) o Airport 1w. it) jri~ aL y ansi&, I
Tht! Dopu. ty L~ oader of0 the Astrla .~ IfaLCb or: Parthy has~ nmacd it plaill
tha: t he opposes such an~ Nitj aur11 FrfoCau~ e os thotC need for
xagjional def1encc we? hava e . viv. ed the five. pum Mefnce trea~ ty
. wi th dor M . iay'a; Brti an Now.. Zealan&~ Al thi 0,-
wor~. 7' ki nk in1 (* o-ope 1: um wi. Ih on: : i. 2n: and .1 . e to a. yt. i
, to show the t t11(! f: o kro poople * 2a : dtdofn
l. iberty because wo want to n-.. oia d ibocaon we wa: nt: Lo avo il
tht) a'ui. sl; ake: of 30s beciniev WO W'ifli: fo-r our
(. Ir n ow e Lo ox' and incf OUI.: denc o:
-we are pro': i. diJ( . nq': 0Jt4: r ar: 1S forV IIieui. sha i. a I. I Y
eXV3-paud iivj r1; hee i: ves3, -Uldw bU i Idi~ lwf Up 1bsisic ifa iutt'
especiall..) y i. n Wuhtor n Awn: i lsai. a at Cockburnr Sounds at Lwaro'nth,
zu' 1l w i. h a new stratceq* ic a ir fioe d a-tt Derby Our ctitueis
t~ vlfk. ha. t. thIen i~ s tlire attitiidak of tie ~ As* TT, h ave
a~ r ; hdcy~ n, ~~ i~ is s t Ir 1: 011 clar t is farI) firo;
In 1978 syeMo i n at a prs vofyne in Mani la tM Hay~ dsnl
d~ 011). Y Ru1sf ~ rian hLa. t-hJ 1t CM1.: -u. oo in~ scuat Ih ~-j
A i. Atd)?" 1 ) oru V. ( tfj; Ia rcat h iploscawt t1. q f rlo 0 P

W. Lapolocjia-for tho S'cvie2t Union. ldhaf~: f,: oaighit; he had.
Trell th. at to the12 1 W', luChean1s dcenied their l iberty and1 feicldomi
by the cowblh3)) i) of Of -Vi. attarL'e30 . vri. es alnd Rus: 3idn Material
Tel. 1. ta. t: o U10o A fghais dy i. nq fro Russ . ali s I~ eedI
WA thal; t~ o Itht ' o l. t: s who are t~ ijj. n crital . ish m-ac
dcqrno~ of fi. re~ Lodo With ill the 1flo) Ll i thic comlmuniu; t empilcl, but
under the, shadow of thlt-kinld of ixetaliatcmi wh icl ( oum:) Ced a~ ailla
( It qary and Czechios lovakia. Whatt fores iqhL Lhe Leaders of Lthe
oppos~ i. tjioll had. What an' . utsuddi of Olko ccur: o of
Le! t the eid: of tht" Oppoa tion ex p). aiii his a -tI: Ii. tiudo I-o .1
w~ ho hav'e seien freedont destroyed in their own lands by thow
S3ovi. at Union, Bit(-it i-3 noCt only -Mr. Haxidetl .4v KMr. i
Aokd, after: Ilh nv~; i of Afqhiai.:; Ian-~ hwo ' wcu d walli
T1hc SoviotI: UInion eo): t--i inly o Ad MYh; I.. Xl
1'-aill 110t. OrttO bit for) tilt live!. and ibv1: fA. si~ of onn moj;, e-
Country a1bisoL')) C into Ohe CO) IWfluliSL ealpire. tm. I 1-abou. 1 t
scinatcyl; 1who s~ ays thcn, ranoio morality in the Sovtet,
Ulin jil than~ in Aviz t Calia*? AVO Wo -al. owed, to as; k whc: wumoih ho
pro. iid('. t. Cariter of re-auting I-o thio inv. si-f o t Afglian i-st-an
because there -was an election in the U. S. ati tihough tho(,
P~ resident had been1 respollsiir. -Vor the 1km-Isi. c'fl
-What a su4trly way to tl-ntaf A nda i1.1Y. It VMS S-11,11) 1)
cIe~ Crac~ k at: the presif-elcy of the U. S. W11i. el illdicates
I'll" t.* ir: k1--of WVr:. [ Uaydenl' 3 ihiinq Did llaydem adopl; tiltt
a. tftituho to Ipevot the iXA . P fro. a oil-Aciv in
opjpot~ ition to thin 13aia-t jfivasonl of Af.'. jhin t. n.
Aild th is think my :. l~ tj with a-nurho); of N. * S W. r-ii-bers of' Ole
A. f Lar) iaventary supporters of Mr. Wxtn tl,' o so-c'al. 1ld
m~ d) Eat) SOf Oihe Labor) Thtey pkit the ir 3 .93lpacs to ati
advn: t ieome lt .0hlic~ h ixd upon tiv) to), aiUa ti-on of the AINZO. S
allialnce; * Which id th-at AmStl. i. an rilii . tary oxpend itmi,:
shoul ll: ot be ixkICaed 5.' T anll erL~ ue ~ n . ae ht
Ihesta fecli. iiq,; run deiep within the A. L. P.
Tiloy ii. cto farther~ m. I1,11* 1h A i* viol; a Parf; y whiich ca
~~; Aepcr3U ): Qi I [ tnor) -hip) with our, fi: iendn; and a h
diVi'L~ l1L y* ear:; a1iii. A i! W3. And what of ,-) nator Wi-idt, ; jnd~
Wc. Scholo-;, who ; ad im-(: tead of conconli-Iw Onl l. argely
paripwnxil. isa{ ues ini Indo-Chimn aid Yvan, tht PE im wouldA
be beQttr avi. sid' to) C) ~ i~ r2 on AusitrCalia lieithin issue
a-iffcl: u Irlia ;; Ia:. qO position. .' What dot thley
say n0* 01 of tho Wal ill fixAn alnd 1: aq,-' W1,1a3t : won J1d 1c~ y say i. f llke
Stra its of Iformu-z' were blocked anfd all thadt oil. WJA3 : ovi2n' ted
frort cttLi~ aq to Lila Consum41iinq countries oi! th*-. wOx: ld?
What, of Jo,! i iO who viol.) 1. Xllowii i-ni lj ; ttm ii U3t. t and
1. or whoiu her i, 4 11: 1at tlual. of ' pue:. l~ i i . ha, .( i
P. ty sapproach 1: 0 Rus-,; i. atl inviol vementk in A f'han is tan h: acd mo-. I; 1.'
btecn -m(. urficjal -mcln mi~ s). eiditig" Tbal,, thv cot. ci llot) beprouA
ol: st:~ ivA on whiat was a thveat to t4ko stabilI. ity of tGhe
MiC H .4 Nanl: and to WmOE 11npaco" N. doul) L I. I 1C. 1S O t
k mu to f attitulde that he 11a: 1. t i ). ed to vi. C L& ef: io fx
isre at tI P i'dea t.
i I.

areL otIL~ jc fi~ cturs thdit rcecd to) look at 1it cnth.
t~ r* ~ tof~ ths \ hc FWi'r o: ta cnit lt. ooft i 1' mys
wdoicn" ia m: CU in 31cn thwe t l it'oiUc',.~ y ~~ Te . Te C
iscrit'lcr y t c. y thkc cCa-lelt ~ lO f tn L~ tt: 1Z4 I, hINt
Izllis te.* 3irl~ flC) l tCCCw) WA t~ 063I1ciLa1W~ , iT
bee~ t 1eckel for the"" cialist Left.
T1he rinuflctin Ilau. aid3, I~ yc han CIC.) Ic. mrnc. for ~ h
Sod) C-a Ii t belAt thart they could U'ver IVa( e el: L f or t YhC-; FC-vcr
T. he~ SCCJZIISt$ Controls. Uhe b hsardpo~ iuy ~ Ttt:
) Il Jf. r.' S They wi 1.1'. Nn fluelloc. ndControl the dir(., Ct i
of fc)) rc'i( g) nPoli. cy &. if TIIY Jbo GoCCA Mt, asthZh-Xe illyeAd
c otat a tcc. 6c :' his pole SIcI~ izt : ' w M T . c ' Couy ld 3r( t
CoMIa t 1LCAito a~ fill1A* -. SIpnor. of the~ w
jct~ vcsare, shrrtt aid th~ xir instviren; t8-h. Id. Anc
Th. AS b~ y N) r Ilay( ICn i. '. icd to llrde.,' f!* IjC e 3 h
to. thI., ie 8CVQL: tivdawi0fl of hat Jf; oOnroi irC-:( hc
wil oic: nowned on CtCli 11,;. 0000---