PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005460.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

FOR l' 5J DTh cobr18
The Liberal National Country Party Government is COMMitted
to poli~ cies which have the utmuost concern for Australian
fai iie s.
Su-tch-programnnes as t e Pai~ ily A 6o w16: ecYern co ing aliout
$ 1 billion a year; the doubling of the spouse rebate for
sin1eicome families; _ and the improved Hoh'Ces Savings Grant
Scheme, introduced in 1977, xinderline that concern.
The Homes Savings Grant Scheme has now been' greatly imrproved
again. flaving in Mind Sydney in particular, where house valutes have
risen considerably, we will be lifting home value lim~ its up
to a maximn~ u of $ 70,000 and, for families with children, the
Tnaxinum grant will he increased to $ 3000.
The Government is also showinj particular concern for families
in nead with a range of support services that develop-ad
during the International Year of the Cbild.
Win are now going to establish crisis; accorqkiodation for
families in distress.
With thei co-operation of the States and voluntary organisations,
we will be es5tablishing a lVational Children's Foundation to
develop a greater public awareness of the _ P-tent o' child.
abuse and to holp tackle the probl. ems of child abuse.

This is a serious social problem that is often unrecognised
Contrary to claims made by the Lab or Party, faniily living bta. ndards
have risen over the past five years.
The Treasurer has made it quite plain that, oni broad-based rieasaras
since 1975/ 6, real private consumptiona expenditure per capita
has risen -by 4.3% and-realI household disposable incojme per head
has increased by 1.9%.
~~ a~ ejbleproof--of -ipoe* Xiigaadrs-& s h~ n i-te-..
increaSinig numbers of telephone connections and motor
vehicle ownership,
In 1975-76 there were 366 cars anid station wyagons per thousand
of population. In 1978-79 this nurmbsr had risen to 395.
in 1975-76 there were 267 telephone services per thoujsand
of population. In 1978-79 there were 310.
in 1975-76 electricity production in Auistralia was 5,500 kilowatt
hours per head; by 1979-80 this production had increased by
to 6,600 kilowatt hourts per head.
What the Labor Party seemns to forget is that the standard of
living of Australian families dintinished daily under the scourge
of inflation.
Labor's expenditure proposal's of $ 2.5 billion) in the areas Of
employment schemes, ho-using, health, education, welf are zind
peiisions and the 250 other programmes to which the Labor Party
is commuitted and which had not been costed, woulcl again spalrk
massive inflation rmncetOf the I1itlan
Indeed, under the policies proposed by Labor, inflation yould.
again approach 20%. That woulcl represent a tax on all.---
Australian fami nil.~

It would appear that the Labor Party are acting on
the advice of their own research firm which described
swinging voters a3 ignlorant.
The ALP will find that Australian voters have a great
deal of commonsense, that they can andc do judge what
is in the bes~ t interests of their families and of
The Labor Party will find that their vote cannot be