R5 e. k'' S~ A
P T. 4 1126 .1IN
I have sent the following message -to the P Iustialian Team
which leaves today to take nart in. Lhe Olym-; : os for the
Disabled, in Holland:
" I would like to exten'd to thec meombcers of the
0198A0us trOalliyamnp iTcse amf orm y thbee stD iEw-abisl1heeCsd tfoo r bD-e thhee lfdor l-1inC'O,: T. 1ng
Arnhem, Holland.
The Government who lehear tedly supports o;_ ir Lcompetitors
in these games whic h bring togethe r sr or n arid
women from all over the world. With rom over
countries attending, these Olympcs il b:
a major sporting event.
We recoanise the roe socrt. ai-d r--reation in
our society and we see this * aann csent.. i-al part
of the Australian life style -through suich1 act-ivities
people come together to share commo_-n r: cret. I
encourage all disabled peopl~ e to your example
and take an active part in s!. or tni a, icj t
For -those of you competing, these Olympics rseoresent
the'culmination of many year: s of dir-d-cat. joi: and hard
work. I congratulate you cr, beinq sele'cted--to represent
our country and on behalf cfL the GC-. ve-nmernt anid all.
Australians, I wish you every siuccess an ood luck."
The Government has demnonst1-rated it's sunpz:. rDrt by making avajhnble
$ 22,500 for international competitI-ion ifor the di-sabled.
In furthe-' r recognition of our interest a-isahed peopDle w
suo-Dort the declaration by -the United 1Nn-i-': ns the inteorna-tiolal
Year for Disabled Persons -in 198-1. it is 7-ost appropriate
thtduring these mont4hs Ieardinc, up t hE ItrntoalY
we should be sen7ding overse'as such a romarlkah I J-group
of Australians.'