1 co 2o IUJ: ' BC) 07
o' 0 J is1 tr 1-0r C r o
Aogxmc et ws reachd. 0 1-N bhe fio afm,: c on x w;. ucI
and22duewial -and the [ wrolet ofStaSat's bfoe n
" Th-e St-. ates accept toa the Concotrol hsao
enstoriii to n c1 owIe: -S th e sc axcs bI w. e bCle
" otof the mincerals in ciuestion are of majo0r
importance to the States' and to Aus; traliat s econovy ~ We
both have-a r., ajor mt eorcr miec:-a~ uslri a 11iig h
2. repj) u-I. tt io n Aw l uiitc h a s e nd i nvo stor vrs oeLs and
~ axmnmsidCv elopmeont, andl uccnoic yrovwth-.
" TeStates acept -that Ipacri1l .,-et c: i. rcumsCC,-d>: lc.
wher 0jsoe œ o.~ of actic-n is necessary -to co nt ro..
expchrut s, ih m~ i1wAof cunrJol shouldo aays be th a(
n 1. Im eacn: o . in ; I; ~ t i enhaa nteComn: oi.' e ath a-1-Lz$, a t c
T!-cre is littllo to be g ai n r! byv trvi todeien
Id have to) bo con. sired, a,, nd-0. N ac. oy. on a ca -b-cS
a isas a e sut o onsuitaion bt. cntheD Co:-Inol-Calh the
( 1nK. u -IL ñ e; m-ew
" The maini-ciic to be estalblish ed. in nadvonce are
it is not theo wis-h of either.-(. ovo-inienL o beC
involvedl in ainL oeoca Lnod onl' i
spec~~~ -wkTI, l( Jir. ably ar 01 1),( tOO
-tilecConmnoiv. ealth! and V, , c S1, t-te cone arned., Slbotld
o L~ u s be t-pp) to i. r iI; n ' r; rke-Cbl
s I oS / 2
NO itIctI. V o ul. 140 Olb; o 7b V e
Mach agyov W u tho . S2. u colcexrfliflg ti
pCl' emontatin & C 1kcc ootrols
( iii) thi'u Cun" wutL r Mato should hPWO
SUMOCK infoij Qyn to nwsunsss~ itoh e aKA.
51 I js ta. . Lsol pI a icuiay com m uoi cs T h
Comn: omzon lth should be in a posit ion to sock
: tinforrm: Li. r1n rcon compniX aou toM. aDul
~ i-tct nogutiniat wns as Psi -~ lr of tho ajet ern om ent's a~
both State andi Go nwe1th Govrnments wil
remanl oloe ly in louch in all matters
relating to rc soulce develIopm~ ent
eilhor St& C3 on~ Ccowonealtli shoula be in a
position? to initite discussions on a.
partcicular situation
" As has C1. repdy been anoncd the guidelines
a. nounced last year are not now applying to iron ore and any,
aDlicaticfl of export controls to a particularc marketing
situation in that industry will bc subjeoct to this g'eneral.
agreement. " Because ofL the curr6nt marketing circumstances of
coal, alumina arnd bauxite the~ gicdl el ines at this -point remain
in place for thosc c! ommdii: es. llowcver, consisteont w: ith thi
agree ment, the Comrmonw. ealIth wilIl be in close consutati: Lonl wi til
the States concernedk and the Northern Territory on the need
forP application of the gicl; eline6.'