PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005064.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

A, ' I
Australians today, perhaps more than ever before, care about
the physical shape and face of our land. Australia is fortunate
in still possessing a range of wilderness areas which contain
frag~ ile and complex environments.
Australia, too, is the last sanctuary on earth for many natural
species. In a real sense we are the custodians of their
survival. We want to preserve and protect our natural
heritage. We kn:. iow that no person, no organisation, no Government Department
can ever rebuild an island, renew a forest or a swamp or
reSurrect an extinct species. No decree of Government can
turn back the clock and save a lost species or a lost wilderness.
That is why a Federal Government has a national obligation
to make decisions on any issue that affects our heritage.
This is a responsibility that your Govern-ment has accepted.
Australia's record of action in the protection of the
environment has given our nation a growing international
reputation. A few days ago, Sir Peter Scott, Chairman of the
World Wildlife Fund said " Australia has made a tremendous
contribution to world conservation Australia has shown the way".
During the week ! asked the Minister for Science and the Environment
to look at the question of banning the imports of products
from endangered animals listed under an international convention.
Australia should not import products from species that are
thrreatened with extinction. Why should we give this kind of
tacit approval to the killing of endangered species.
Accrdna1-', I have' asked the Minister to look particularly
closedv at irnoorts of hides, skins and furs included in this
internatilonal convention.-
Also, this week I announced that there would be no further
exploration for oil in the region of the Great Barrier Reef until
the results of both short and long term research are known.
We accepted the recommendation of the Chairman of the Royal
Commission on this question. I gave a categoric and absolute
guarantee that the Government would not permit any drilling on
the Reef, or any drilling or mining which could damage the Reef.
/ 2

The Government has asked the Australian Marine Science and
Technologies Advisory Committee to recommend a program
of research. We will be considering that recommendation
in the Budget context.
The Great Barrier Reef is a unique part of our natural
heritage. We have acted to protect it.
These decisions follow earlier action by this Government to
ban whaling and to ban the import of whale products fromn January 1981.
We are using the International Whaling Commission to argue
strongly that our policy be followed by other countries.
The Government has appointed Professor Ovington, Director of
the National Parks and Wildlife Service, as the Australian
Commissioner to the International Whaling Commission.
Professor Ovington will lead the Australian delegation to the
31st Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission
in London next month. As a distinguished scientist and
conservationist, he will advise the Australian Government on the
conservation of whales.
In April we Proclaimed the Kakadu National Park, one of.-the world's
tru-1I1 great national Parks. The Act under which the Park has
been established makes sure that traditional land owners are
fully consulted in its management.
In 1976 we moved to stop effectively mining on Fraser Island,
tsis world's largest sand island. The issue here was simple.
Were we prepared to watch mining proceed on a unique and
fragIrile stretch of earth. The answer was a categoric no.
The Government has acted to support the establishment of -the
World Wildlife Fund in Australia. Australia also plays a
leading role in worldwi'de moves to protect endangered species
and migratory birds.
My own concern for the environment and for conservation goes
back many years. I can recall as a backbencher in the late 1950s
expressing concern in the Government Party Room that the
Princess Alexandra Parrot was in danger of extinction. Because
of its beauty, this Parrot was highly prized by overseas
aviarists. I was ' determined that this repulsive trade in birds
sh11cuid s to: D. Subsequently I was pleased to learn in about
Nov\ ember 1959 that the then Minister for Customs, Senator Henty,
had convinced Cabinet that the export of not only the Princess
Alexandra Parrot, but of all native birds, should be banned.
C~ nsrvaton a tht_ tie assoehqgof a dirty word.
It was not a popular issue, but that ban was a start.
From it, the conservation movement went from strength to strength.
It now commands, as it should, great popular support.
Today the Government is playing its part to the fullest extent
in protecting Australia's environment. We have a record of action
to conserve our unique heritage. Wle are meeting the on-going
challenge of protecting what can never be replaced. We will
not falter in that task. 00