PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005043.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

P. M.
I am greatly honoured to be your guest so soon after my arrival
in your country. It is also my privilege, I understand, to be
the first Head of Government to be entertained in this splendidly
renovated and quite magnificent banquet room a room which is a
tribute to Madam Marcos' renowned artistic talents and great
interest in Philippine culture and history.
Mr President, the warm and gracious hospitality given to visitors
to the Philippines is world renowned and this evening's dinner
exemplifies that hospitality.
Since I became Prime Minister of Australia I have travelled
through Manila twice and had discussions with you and your
distinguished Foreign Minister,' General Romulo. But this is the
first occasion on which I have been able to spend several days
in your capital.
I recall very clearly our discussions in Kuala Lumpur the last
occasion on which we met and I look forward to following up
the valuable exchange of views we had on that occasion.
Our countries are old friends, sharing many common interestsand
tonight I wish to re-emphasise and re-affirm the friendship
between our peoples. For more than three decades our countries
have enjoyed close relations. Australia and the Philippines were
two of the original three signatories of the United Nations
Charter from this region. We have been comrades in arms in two
wars. You, yourself Mr President will always be remembered
for the part you played in the defence of your country during the
Pacific War. As will those countrymen who fought with you.
After the heroic defence of Bataan, and Corregidor, President
Qezon and General Macarthur were evacuated, initially to Australia,
to be followed by our good friend General Romulo. And it was in
Australia that the campaign to liberate the Philippines was
planned. The ties formed in a time of common peril, are now part of the
fabric of the history of our two countries.
Today the Philippines, with population of 44 million its level
of education and technology its support of the free enterprise
system its favourable attitude towards foreign investment its
economic potential and prospects as a growing market is an
important country for Australia.

The Philippines' prominent ro le in ASEAN enhances this importance.
Your country's economy like the economies of the other countries
of ASEAN, has undergone rapid growth over recent years. At the
same time, in the space of some four years, you-have undertaken
a major attack on inflation and created new jobs -for an
expanding labour force.
These achievements are all the more remarkable in the face of the
generally depressed state of the world economy. This, I think
tells us something about the role your country and the other
countries of the South East Asian Region can be expected to playin
the development of the international economy.
In this sense it is particularly appropriate, Mr President, that
your Government is hosting the fifth United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development.
Forums like UNCTAD are crucial in today's world, when the developing
and developed countries must maintain the closest dialogue. In
their endeavours to meet the challenges of the global economy
UNCTAD has shown that it can be an effective force for improving the
existing international economic. system by bridging the differences between
developed and developing nations but much more needs to be done.
There is a need at UNCTAD to pay attention to the problems of
inflation inflation which reduces the growth of domestic markets,
hinders the expansion of world trade and increases pressure for
protectionism. If greater progress is to be made in improving
access to markets, if new market growth is to be generated and
standards to be raised, inflation must be rigorously combatted.
The goals of economic development and the raising of living
standards will best be achieved in a peaceful and stable world.
Unfortunately, it cannot be said that we live in such a world
today. In the Middle East, and Africa there are serious tensions
which are of concern to us both. Fighting in Kampuchea continues
and there is little sign of progress in the talks between China
and Vietnam. Indeed, Indo-China has become a battle ground for
a conflict between Communist States a conflict which has the
potential to draw in the major powers and thereby threaten the
stability of the region.
In such a situation we need to exercise our influence as a force
for moderation and for the peaceful resolution of differences.
We all have a role to play in this. It is not enough to leave it
to the great powers or to the weight of numbers. It-does not
matter whether nations are aligned or non-aligned. What is
important is that nations with moderate views put them forward
forcefully and with vigour, and find reasonable solutions to
international problems.
Australia is very conscious of the importance of ASEAN as a force
for moderation in the Region. ASEAN has emerged as a most
cohesive and resilient grouping of countries in recent South East
Asian history. We fully share and support the fundamental aims
of ASEAN the maintenance of peace and stability in South East
Asia, freedom from Great Power rivalry the promotion of
friendly relations with other countries and the raising of the
living standards of the peoples of the Region.

Let me emphasise, Mr President, that Australia's interest and
involvement in South East Asia is strong and growing, and that
it is a central and enduring policy objective of the Australian
Government to strengthen contacts and relationships with ASEAN
in all fields of common interest. The acronym ASEAN has a
second meaning for us its stands not only for the Association
of Souff East Asian Nations but also for Australia's South
East Asian Neighbours.
It is also fundamental Australian policy to consolidate,
strengthen and develop in the years ahead our already close,
cordial and co-operative relationship with the Philippines.
I believe that the relationship between our countries has
developed very well since we last met in Kuala Lumpur. Our
political commitment to strengthen the relations between our
nations has been matched by concrete actions. We have increased
our political exchanges through inaugural officials's talks and
the strengthening of our Embassies.
Trade between us is expanding rapidly with your exports to
Australia, growing at more than 45%~ per annum. We have initialled
a double taxation agreement and signed an important nuclear
safeguards' agreement, which will open the way for the sale of
Australian uranium to the Philippines.
Australia fully appreciates the problems developing countries face
with their energy programmes and you can look to Australia as a
reliable supplier of uranium and coal in the future.
In addition to the initiatives I have mentioned, it is worth
noting that Australia's two largest development assistance
projects anywhere in the world are both in the Philippines.
Both our countries are concerned that international recognition
should be given to measures promoting the development and wellbeing
of all countries and people.
We share a common concern for the peace, security and stability
of the South East Asian Region to which we both belong. We share
a common concern for economic and social progress and justice in
this region. We share a common support for the forces of
co-operation, moderation and toleration in the conduct of our
international and regional relations.
Our common concerns and purposes will become increasingly
important in the years to come. Thank you for your invitation
tonight, which gives us the opportunity to discuss the issues
which concern us both and a chance to build our approach to
the problems and the very great opportunities which lie ahead.