PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005036.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I L: J 11
FO R I A : j ; D 1 MAY 1979
Mr. Speaker, I move tihat this House expresses its deep regret at the
death on 16 April, 1979, of tlhe lonourable Francis Eugene Stc. art,
a Memiber of this House for the Division of Lang from 1953
to 1977, and for the Di-ision of Grayndler since 1977 and
a Minister of the Crown from 1972 to 1975; and that this
House places on record its appreciation of his long and
meritorious public service and tenders its profound sympathy
to his widow and family in their bereavement.
We were saddened to hear during the recent recess of the death
of the IHlonourable Frank Stewart, a long-standing and highly
respected Member of this House.
Mr. Stewart's untimely death takes from the Parliament a " an
who had given the country much, and had so much more to gi-ve.
His passing takes from hij. s wife and six children a loved
and respected husband and father.
Frank Stewart was born in Belmore, Sydney, on 20 February 1923
and was educated at St. Mary's Cathedral College. FranIk was
always a keen sportsman. HI-Ic had been a first class Rugby
player, and was an excellent tennis player.
Before entering the Parli-ament, he worked in the State Departent
of Transport for 14 years. This period was interrupted by
his four \ ears service in the Australian Infantry Forces
during World War II. IHe served in New Guinea and achieved the
rank of Sergeant.
In 1953, Frank Stewart won a by-election to the Sydney metropolitan
seat of Lano, which he represented continuously until it w': as
abolished in 1977. Hle then contested, and won, the new sc-t
of Crayndler, which generally coincided with the area of his
former division.
DinLg nis 26 years as a Federal Momber he served with
charactoristic conscientiousness on several Parliamentary
comm itte Cs. lie was an active member of the Standing Committee
on Printing from 1959 to 1969 and the Joint Committee on
Parliamentary and Government Publicati. ons from 1962 to 1964.
Frank Stowart held the posi-tion of temporary Chairman of
Committees from 1964 to 1969. / 2

More recently over the past threc years he served
as Deputy Chairman of both the Standing Committee on
Expenditure and the Select Committee on Tourism.
In addition, on numerous occasions, he representcd the
Parliament and his Government at international conferences.
During the term of Labor Government, Frank Stewart held
Ministerial appointments, including Minister for Tourism
and Recreation and Vice-Prcs: ideat of the Executive Council.
He also assisted the Treasurer and other Ministers in
their portfolio responsibilities. As Minister for Tourism
and Recreation in the Labor Government, he demonstrated his
ability as a capable and hard-working administrator and as
a man with a sharp sense of his responsibility to
this Parliament.
Frank Ste. wart was a man widely respected for his integrity and
resolution in holding to his convictions. He was recognised
as an adherent of the " old school" of the Labor Party.
Hle was also a highly principled and deeply religious man a
Roman Catholic who actively pursued moral causes.
All Honourable Members will recall the force and conviction
with which he espoused his views. Though many Members of
this Chamber may have disagreed with him at times, I believc that
his Parliamentary colleagues on both sides of the House had
a respect and affection for him--for his character, honesty
and sinagle-mindedness of purpose.
We all feel a great deal of sadness at the loss of a colleague
who distinguished himself as a Parliamentarian, a Minister,
and a dedicated member of his Party.
On behalf of the Government, I extend to his widow and family
our sincere sympathy at the passing of a fine Australian.