PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005029.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

TPhrei me Minister of Australia, Mr Fraser, and the Premier
of New South Wales, 1Mr Wran, have exchanged l6tters'authorising
tetransfer of certain Commonwealth and Stat' lands details
of which are set out in the attached schedule., The letters also
provide for future exchanges-by mutual agreein~ nt of the two
Governments. The announcement that the way is now clear toiadd areas of
significance to the Sydney Harbour National Pqrk was made,
appropriately, during this week of commemoratilve celebrations
being held to mark the centenary of the estab1~ ishment of the
Royal National Park as the first National Park in At~ strAlia
and the second National Park established in the World.
This import~ nt and historic agreement was readhed at discussions
rep~ resentin& the Commonwealth and the M. inister for Lands and
Services, the Hon. W. F. Crabtree, representin. the State.
The exchangEs follow discussions between the State and Commonwealth
FORdating back to 1969 and reflect the State's desire to preserve
Thefor all tPrMimien ister owAneusft ralia, Mr Frasneir, f icant vantage pointsr
of New Soutokoinn e of the Wran, have excharbnged leoursandtters authgaete worisingay
to the Citransfer of Sydcertain Commonwealth and Sta lands details
of which are setdlands out iPno rthe attackson, North Head, South Head, Maildsdoletters
Head anprfoovrid ef uture exchangesb y mutualland at Greemn Point, Steel Point
The announcement that the way is now cavailatob lbeea ard d aed to the Sydney
significance to the Sydney HarbPoaurrk . Nrka tional was made,
appropriately, during this week of commemorative celebrations
beingo theld to mark the entean ry of the establbiysh mentS tthaoetf ea cqfuoirred
Royal Necreational Park as the firsNt ational Pareas along the coastlinelia
two on Botany Bay and one on Rushcutters Bay..
and the second National Parkt oe isnvt aarbtielioisuthslee dp arklands arounrld. Sydney
and land fimportant and historic agreelopment was reaolsworhyd at discussionst. Marys.
between the Minister for Administrative Services, the Hon. J. E. McLeay,
reTresentingCo mtmhoe nweailtasl tthu rn iwni ll acquireist itle to lands andit
Services, th. e Hon. W. F. Crabtree, representing the State.
The exchanges follow discussions between the State and Commonwealth
dtoccupies at Hols1w9o69r thya ndr eflecrtth e State's desire to presneortv ei nclude
pubfor all time public ownership of the magnificant vantage pointsroads.
o'verlooking one of the World's finest harbours and the gateway
to the City of Sydney.
The main hec. dlands on Port Jackson, North Head, South Head, Middle
Head and Dob'royd Head as well as land at Green Point, Steel Point
and Georges Heights will all be available to be added to the Sydney
Harbour National Park.
Ten other areas in Sydney are being acquired by the State for
recreational purposes. They include five areas along the coastline,
two on Botany Bay and one on Rushcutters Bay.
The State will obtain title to various parklands around. Sydney
and land for residential development at Holsworthy and st. Marys.
The Commonwealth in its turn will acquire title to land it
occupies at Holsworthy and Beecroft Peninsula which does not include
public roads. / 2

Sydney Harbour National Park I
Purchase of the harbour foreshore lands is s bject to an undertaki
by the State that they will be permanently d dicated for national
park purposes except for Tania Park which witl continue to be
used for public recreation and the sewerage treatment works
located at North Head.
" A total of 376 ha is to be added to the Sydpey Harbour National
Park, 254 ha immediately and the remainder when the Commonwealth
removes or vacates its facilities for defence quarantine and
training from the areas concerned", Mr Frase* said.

Sydniey Ev. rhoLi NationaJd Park
The land to be transferredl imrned. atcly comprises
157.6 ha at North Head, 4.9 ha at Sov. th d, 38,. 3 ha at
M'iddle Head, 38.1 ha at Dobroyd Head, whi-ch does ' not incl~ ude
the ' rea of Tania Park which will continuie Ito be -utilized
for recreation purposes, -0.4 ha at Stool P'intT 1.1 h a at
Green Point and 13.4 ha-at Georges '-1e ig h ts
HolsworthIy and Beecroft Peninsula
The Prend. haasr announced that ti
sell top1; bhe Cominonweajth 13,600 hectares oi
and 2,8? 0) qctares of land which. does not J
at Beecroft Peninsula*
., Both tho*; e) areas have be~ n. used I
for ]) efea. ce jurposesff.
They will ontinue -to-be so used
which will provide, . aaety buffer zone arc
Atomic EKaeroy Comis; Esion's establishment a-t
Ten. SmalL_ Axeas for Public~ Recreation
TeCommonwealth is to sell to tl
areas. ii -Sydney Tfor,' reorational purposes. Ice State is to
Sland at Holsworthy
nlde public roads
y the Commonwealth
e xc ept f or an ar ea
~ und tij0 Australian
Lucaq Heighits.
ke Sta-e ten smv. 11
Detilsaf he nioe pomientar . as ar
I s1 , t t c*-F 13U~ r 1XrsSi et rve
Thi s 5 ha are"-accomrnodat'es a jlipwaSr, Naval
Resoarch Lab o rator, t-he Command Sailing Pl, ol and the R. A. N.
Sailing Association. The latnd is to be transferred imr ediat* l n
l eas ed back, at a nom-. inal. rental,. * to the C 6nronw~ althi pending
relocvatiin of the nwal facilities.
A lease of the area it presentlyloccu-,.) es will be
gCranted to the R. A. N. -Sailing Association when the Cornronv; ealth
lease is terminated,
En-incers Dep.-ot Mo'or e Park I
This 3,6.3 ha area, occiried by tJI'e Arm', separates
PvIrts Of' Sydney Shovwgiound and. the S:' dney $ ports* Ground.
The laind is to be transferred imipkdiat41Y and leased
habvCk2 v nomll. rental to the Commonwe4Jlth poending re). ocatibin.
of th1c e~ 1 ~. isiin

TVie Coi,,! ceaelth liar.; undcriiJ;' n to iise ' its licst
ond. eavours to vacate the land no later thanj 1983 : and carl ier,
if possible.
Bumborah Point -BotPPY BOX
Th is 3.5 2 h a ar ea of CorflaIon. ealthlan h0aji
B6tany Bv: j Port Develop:-ment Project a-rea an4. i s Wesently
being used by the ' Maritime Services Board a's its Nqorks4
construction deo.
the land is to be transferred inunediatleay.
Following completion of the Port Develo~ ment Project
the land I. s to be restored as a recreation reserve,
Henry. Hcec La Porouse
Thi~ s 25.66 ha area of coastal heath land slopes
dovn to irnclude Co-7., wong Ba. y situated between Henry Head and
Bare IsJ. d. The land is to be transferred innmdiately.
Ba. rronioc-v Iod-Palmi fle,-chI
This 21.62 ha area. of rugged natur~ al bu~ hland
comrises the outer slopes anid -vaterfrontage ar oi4d the'
lighthouse reserve on the southern headland ito Br'ken Bay. It
adjoins Governor Pbilliij Park.
The land is t'o be transferred. irm6! diately.
Sifrnal JIlM Vaucluse
This 1.9 ha area is in two ports.
The northernmiost section is to be ' transferred
immedia-tely and'the remainder when vacated b; the tommonwealth.
Ut adjoins the Signal -Station and enjoys magnificent
views alon! 7 the coastline.
The remaining four areas, to be triinsfer~ ed
immcdi. a'-l. are loocted at-
Clark Reserve, Vaucluse ( 0.04 ha)
Nlark I s park, Bondi ( 2.64 hia) I
siPliar it, Bo; ndi ( 9.35 ha)
Burrows Park, ( addition), Clov,; ellyi (. 27 ha)

4 3.
IsriV, ' c'r to ait* ~-lt2
The Commonwealth is to sell 328 h ecI,*' 8. tLs or land
near. Hohworliy for urban development.
The land is to be transferred iniricdiately.
St, Nr: 1. This 109.3 ha area has already be'en trdnsforred to
the State for residential developmient by tVae New ' South Wales
Land Comnr. iission.