PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005015.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I am delighted to be in Western Australia and to be amongst
sportsmen and sportswomen. It is indeed an honour to be asked
to open the " Commonwealth Hockey Stadium" Australia's gift
to Western Australia on the occasion of its sesqui-centenary
celebrations. The stadium is also a tribute to the
hockey associations of Western Australia.
It is a matter of regret that the late Eric Eastman whose
vision this stadium was did not live to see it completed.
I'm sure we all wish that he was here to share this
day with us.
No doubt, the sesqui-centenary celebrations will remain long
in the memory of all the people of the State and this
stadium will stand as a permanent mark of the interest that
the Commonwealth has taken in this milestone in Western
Australia's history. The game that has'just finished has
shown us how the stadium will add to the sporting life of
Western Australia.
Synthetic all-weather grounds are a remarkable development
and this is a particularly fine example. We have just seen
played on it -an excellent game of women's hockey. I had to
put a restraining hand towards Tamie, a former hockey
player herself.
The women's hockey teams of Western Australia have a
magnificent record with one exception. They have been
Australian champions every year since 1962 and nine captains
of Australian women's hockey have been West Australians.
The Western Australian Women's Hockey Association has been
helped immeasurably by the drive and enthusiasm of a large
number of people, but to mention two the names of
Pat Goodrich and Bertha Beecroft will be familiar to all
those who-love hockey in this State.-
The Commonwealth chose a hockey stadium as its gift for two
reasons. First the gentle arm-twisting of your Premier who
is no mean arm-twister, and secondly, the unabashed advocacy
of the Commonwealth Minister for Employment and Youth Affairs,
Mr. Viner. He is a redoubtable Minister, and, I am-reliably
informed,, is an equally redoubtable and active hockey player
in Western Australia. But influence or not, I am very happy
that we have managed to hit on something which will be

manifestly useful and which meets with the wishes
of Government, sportsmen and sportswomen in
Western Australia.
Western Australia has made its mark in sport over many
years. It is still producing stars, and I go no further
than to mention Rick Charlesworth, Captain of Western Australia
at cricket and Captain of Australia at hockey.
Western Australia has made its contribution to Australia's
reputation in international sport, just as it makes its
contribution to Australia's reputation in many other fields.
For example, in cultural affairs, in education,' in community
activities and commiunity welfare and in the development of
the State's tremendous resources.
One cannot be in Western Australia for long without
acknowledging the tremendous part that your Premier,
Sir Charles Court, has played in its development in mining,
and the international trade in iron ore in particular,
which has had a tremendous effect on Australia's prosperity.
We look now to the encouraging prospects of the North-West Shelf
to provide further stimulus to the economy.
Truly, Western Australia is in the forefront of Australia's
development.. But we are not quite at the stage as his
Royal Highness, Prince Charles, suggested of expecting
Western Australia to buy out the East.
The Commonwealth Government, as you know, has its own programme
for assisting in the development of sport and in particular,
the encouragement of excellence in sport. We are assisting
with financing the Olympic Appeal and Australian hockey has
shone in the Olympic Games. I believe that since 1956 it has
never finished lower than sixth in th e Olympic Games and in
that time it has won two silver medals and a bronze medal
a record of which it can be justifiably proud. Also, in
1978, the Australian team won the Bronze Medal in the world
cup competition.
Ian Viner doesn't let me forget that Western Australia has
played a key part in Australia's success and for many years
has provided the nucleus of Australian international hockey
teams, as well as a number of Captains for our teams such
as Ian Dick, Brian Glencross, Kevin Charlton and Ric Charlesworth.
This stadium is the outcome of the dedication of many people the
outcome of energy and single-minded purpose. It is a magnificent
arena, a fitting gift from the Commonwealth of Australia to
mark Western Australia's sesqui-centenary. I have much
pleasure in declaring the " Commonwealth Hockey Stadium" open.