PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005002.pdf 8 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

In making this statement, I should, at the outset, remind
Honourable Members that an advisory committee on Science and
Technology was set up in 1972 when I was the Minister
responsible for Education and Science.
This action was taken by the Coalition Government in the
light of experience and developments overseas. It followed
discussions with leading industrialists, the Australian
Academy of Science and senior Government scientists.
The Committee was disbanded by the Labor Government in
February 1973 and was not replaced until mid-1975, when an
interim Australian Science and Technology Council was set
up, pending the passage of legislation.
On 9 February 1976, a small group of distinguished scientists
and industrialists was formed to advise me on the role of a
permanent Science and Technology Council. The Report from
this group was presented in April 1976. After consideration
of the Report I announced that the interim ASTEC would be
given the primary task of reporting on arrangements for a
permanent Science and Technology Council.
After consulting ' widely and considering the issues in detail,
the interim ASTEC produced a report entitled " Future Arrangements
for an Australian Science and Technology Council". The
Government accepted this report, and I announced the formation
of the permanent ASTEC in Parliament on 19 April 1977. I
also announced then that ASTEC would be a statutory body.
The legislation to establish it was passed by the Parliament
last year.
During its period of operation the interim ASTEC provided
valuable advice to the Government on a wide range of matters,
including: Australia's participation in the first world-wide
series of experiments of a major international research
programme known as the global atmospheric research programme:
Whether Australia should install facilities to receive and
process information from Landsat, the USA's earth resources
satellite:. Arrangements for surveys of our biological
resources, particularly our unique and extensive flora and
fauna. / 2

With regard to the global atmospheric research programme,
the Government accepted interim ASTEC's advice that funds be
provided for Australia's participation in an international
programme to improve knowledge and understanding of the
global circulation system.
On the Landsat programme, the Government's decision to establish
receiving and data processing facilities in Australia at
an estimated cost of $ 4.2 million was in line with interim
ASTEC's advice. Following ASTEC's advice on biological
resources the minister for Science announced on 20 August
1978 that the Government had approved long-term arrangements
for recording Australia's flora and fauna. These included
a new Advisory Committee for the Australian Biological
resources study.
Since the permanent ASTEC was established, its substantial
commitment has been the preparation of the report " Science
and Technology in Australia 1977-78", on which I will have
more to say shortly.
As well as this major task, however, ASTEC has also been
occupied in providing advice to the Government on a wide
range of matters. Some of the more important include: The
Report of the Independent Inquiry into the CSIRO.
ASTEC's comments on this major report assisted the Government
to decide on the Report's recommendations, and on the future
form and role of CSIRO. I tabled these comments in this
House on 11 May 1978.
ASTEC has also, at the Government's request, reported on
energy research and development in Australia. I presented
this report to Parliament on 4 April 1978.
ASTEC's advice, in conjunction with that provided by the
National Energy Advisory Committee, was instrumental in the
establishment of the National Energy Research Development
and Demonstration Council.
In May 1978, the Government asked ASTEC to report on the role
and level of activity, of the Bureau of Mineral Resources.
ASTEC's report, containing detailed recommendations on how
BMR's resources should be deployed to best meet national
goals, was tabled on 21 November 1978. ASTEC's recommendations
on BMR are to be considered by the Government shortly.
In June 1978, the Government requested ASTEC to report on
the direct funding of basic research. The Government is
examining this report as a matter of urgency, and for the
information of Honourable Members, I present that report.
other activities undertaken by ASTEC are described in the
Council's first Annual Report covering the period from its
formation to 30 June 1978. I also present the Annual Report
today for Honourable Members' information. / 3

I turn now to ASTEC's report on " Science and Technology
in Australia, 1977-78". The Council has prepared its report
in two volumes. Volume 1 contains the Council's views and
recommendations. Volume 2 comprises a series of chapters,
each describing the present situation in a particular area
of activity.
Because of the many and complex issues involved, this task
has been a demanding one and has taken some time to complete.
For this reason, Volume 1 was produced in two parts. Volume 1A
was tabled on 26 September 1978. It contains ASTEC's views
and recommendations on the organisation of Science and Technology
in Australia and on the specific areas of fundamental research,
industrial research and development, the marine sciences and
technologies and health. Volume lB contains ASTEC's views and
recommendations on agriculture and forestry, mineral resources,
manufacturing industry, services and environment. For the
information of Honourable Members, I present Volume IB and
Volume 2.
The Government, for its part, has now completed its consideration
of the recommendations of Volume 1A. I take this opportunity
to announce the Government's decisions with respect to those
recommendations. Volume IA of the ASTEC Report is a valuable survey, which has
assisted the Government in its consideration of Science and
Technology programmes. In this Volume, ASTEC has identified
four main areas of concern in Australian science and technology:
industrial research and development; marine sciences and
technologies; fundamental research; and, health.
One of the economic consequences of the increased inflation
of the 1972-75 period was a serious downturn in manufacturing
industry in Australia. This resulted in a reduced level of
research and development being carried out in industry.
ASTEC's examination of industrial research and development
concluded that increased Government incentives for industrial
research and development were warranted. The Council placed
such importance on this matter that the Chairman, Professor
G. M. Badger, wrote to me prior to the last Budget requesting
that the Government give urgent consideration to the Council's
recommendation that the level of Government support for
industrial research and development be increased.
The Government took action in the Budget in accord with the
broad thrust of this request. A joint announcement by the
Ministers for Industry and Commerce and Productivity,
following last year's Budget gave details of increases in
funding for industrial research and development. The extra
funds are available under the Industrial and Development
Incentives Act 1976 and amendments were introduced during
the last sittings of Parliament to improve the Act's effectiveness. / 4

In 1978-79, an estimated $ 24 million has been provided for
industrial research and development. Compared with expenditure
of $ 13.7 million in 1977-78, this is an increase of 73 per
cent. The increased allocation is financing an expanded
programme of commencement and project grants under the
Industrial Research and Development Incentives Scheme.
As well, it is supporting major industrial research and
development projects, which are in the public interest,
with potential national and international application. The
Government is also aiding the implementation of a number of
pilot programmes in the areas of technology transfer and the
commercial exploitation of Australian inventions.
Manufacturing industry, the mining industry, and the rural
industries generate much of Australia's wealth. The
productivity of these industries is critical to our
prosperity and improvements in technology by innovation and
by technology transfer are ofE great importance to our domestic
and international competitiveness, and the level of employment.
In this regard, I would draw the Honourable Members' attention
to the Crawford Report's broad endorsement of ASTEC's views
on the importance of stimulating innovation in Australian
industry. I am sure that the House is aware that the Australian
invention, Interscan, has been accepted as the international
aircraft landing system of the future. This great development
confirms that Australia is carrying out research at the
forefront of science and technology and is able to apply
that research to practical uses.
However, our economic future will depend also on our success
in devising numerous innovations perhaps of a less dramatic
nature, but in the aggregate of undoubted importance.
Our success with large-scale mining operations in remote
regions, for example, has only been possible following
development of our railway systems to a stage where as a
result of technological advances in the design of rails and
bearings, they are able to support the huge trains and heavilyladen
trucks which carry minerals from the mines to the coast.
Another important innovation is the development by CSIRO of a
" Sirotem", an instrument to dete ct mineralisation buried
under thick overburden. This is an important development
for mineral exploration in tropical and arid environments.
Sirotherm, a process for the desalination of water, jointly
developed by CSIRO and ICI, is currently being examined by
the Department of Productivity with a view to possible funding
under the public interest section of the Industrial Research
and Development Incentives Scheme.

I particularly draw to Honourable Members' notice three
ASTEC proposals aimed at building Australian industry's
technological base and stimulating innovation.
The first suggests that governments and agencies should give
greater attention to the placement of research and development
contracts with industry. The Council believes that " a
closer and more fruitful association between industry and
Government laboratories must be beneficial, and that the
placement of research and development contacts in industry
will substantially assist this association"
The Government recognising that this proposal could enable
industry to develop and maintain improved research and
development capacity is attracted to this concept, and
believes that further examination is required. We have
requested ASTEC to undertake a more detailed examination of
the proposal in consultation with the appropriate Government
departments and agencies, so that the cost-effectiveness
and longer-term possibilities are analysed in some detail.
The second proposal relates to special measures to encourage
technological efficiency and innovation in small companies by
the promotion and formation of research associations. This
broad policy issue is currently being considered by the
Government as a result of its decisions on the CSIRO Inquiry
Report. ASTEC's contributions will assist this process.
The third proposal relates to institutional arrangements for
encouraging the development of research findings. The
Crawford Committee has also recommended that a body to promote
innovation be established. The Government is examining the
operating experience of research development corporations
such as the ( UK) National Research Development Corporation,
to see whether this mechanism would be suitable to Australian
conditions. ASTEC has also recommended " that greater attention be paid to
the marine sciences and technologies in Australia". The
Government accepts this recommendation. It recognises the
great importance of the marine sciences and technologies in
our future well-being.
I remind the House that the Australian Institute of Marine
Science was established under a previous Coalition Government
when I was Minister responsible for--Education and Science.
The importance of marine science in this regard has increased
in recent years; particularly in relation to off-shore
energy resources and the utilisation and management of resources
in our expanded off-shore economic zone. / 6

The Government has accepted ASTEC's suggestion that an
Australian Marine Sciences and Technologies Advisory Committee
( ANSTAC) be established. The Committee will investigate and
report on the co-ordination of research and development and
the establishment of priorities in this area.
I am pleased to advise the House that this Committee will
be chaired by Professor A. J. Birch, a distinguished scientist
whose wide research experience will be invaluable in this
important task.
Because of the need to avoid the proliferation of science
advisory committees outside the purview of ASTEC, AMSTAC
will be established as a standing committee of that Council.
It will work closely with relevant Ministers, particularly
the Minister for Science and the Environment.
As a general rule, advisory committees such as AMSTAC will
be established as standing committees of ASTEC, particularly
in areas of science and technology where a number of
ministerial portfolios are involved. ASTEC has also
recommended an increase in funds for projects of merit and
promise in health research and basic research.
In the current year, pending consideration of the ASTEC Report
on Basic Research, funding for the Australian Research Grants
Committee and the National Health and Medical Research Council, has
been maintained at the same levels, in real terms, as in
other decisions taken by the Government with respect to the
Astec Report, relate to the rationalisation of funding procedures
particularly in regard to the use of scientific equipment and
facilities through greater empahsis on the centralised use
of equipment, and the need for co-ordination mechanisms
for special requests for new equipment to avoid overlap and
duplication. I take this opportunity to announce details of the membership
of the statutory ASTEC. As Honourable Members will be aware,
the Australian Science and Technology Act of 1978 received
Royal Assent on 22 June 1978 and it was proclaimed on 28
February 1978.
The members of the Statutory Council are: Professor G. M. Badger,
( Chairman) Research Professor of
Organic Chcmistry, the University of Adelaide; Professor
Sir Rutherford Robertson, F. R. S. ( Deputy
Chairman), Formerly Director, Research School of Biological
Sciences, Australian National University; Professor B. D. 0.
Anderson, Professor of Electrical Engingeering,
University of Newcastle; Sir Samuel Burston, President, / 7

Australian Woolgrowers' and Graziers' Council; Dr. L. W. Davies
Chief Scientist, Amalgamated Wireless
( Australasia) Ltd.; Mr. A. W. Hamer, Deputy Chairman,
ICI Australia Limited; Professor B. E. Hobbs, Professor of
Geology, Monash University; Dr. P. S. Lang, Member, Commonwealth
Council for Rural Research and Extension; Mr. B. T. Loton,
Chief General Manager, The Broken Hill Proprietary Company
Limited; Professor Sir Gustav Nossal, Director,
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research;
Sir Arvi Parvo, Chairman and Managing Director,
Western Mining Corporation Ltd.; Mr. L. G. Peres, Reader in
Political Science, The University of Melbourne; Mr. K. C. Stone,
Secretary, Victorian Trades Hall Council; Professor R. Street,
Vice Chancellor, The University of Western Australia;
and Mr. J. G. Wilson, Chairman, Australian Paper
Manufacturers Limited.
The Government is pleased to have so distinguished a body to
provide advice on matters of national importance in the
broad areas encompassed by ASTEC's charter.
I should like to commend the work which has been carried
out by ASTEC over the last two years, and thank the Members
of the Council for their time and effort.
In particular, I should like to thank the retiring member,
Sir Louis Matheson, for his important and valuable contributions
to the Council's activities. Sir Louis served as Chairman of
the interim Council, and when the permanent ASTEC was
established, readily agreed to the Government's request
that he serve for a further period as a member of the Council.
I should also like to mention the valuable work of the
present Chairman, Professor Geoffrey Badger. Professor
Badger has held this position since early 1977 and during
this period, has ably guided the Council in its deliberations.
The Government is most grateful to him for his leadership of
this important advisory body, and I am glad to be able to
inform the House that he has accepted appointment as Chairman
for a term of five years.
Professor Sir Rutherford Robertson has been Deputy Chairman
of the Council since its establishment early in 1977. His
wise counsel has also greatly contributed to the success
of ASTEC, and the Government is very pleased that Sir Rutherford
has agreed to continue as Deputy Chairman.
In view of the importance of the primary industry sector in
Australia, the Government has thought it best to increase the
expertise of the Council in this field. Accordingly,
Dr. Patrick Lang has been appointed as the new member.
Dr. Lang is a member of the Commonwealth Council for Rural
Research and Extension, and also a member of the Universities'
Council of the Tertiary Education Commission. / 8

In conclusion I should like to express again the Government's
appreciation of the work being done by ASTEC. The role of
the Australian Science and Technology Council is a particularly
challenging one at this time, and will become more so in the
years ahead with the increasing importance of the role of
science and technology, and programmes of research and
development which will lead to improved productivity and
in turn to a stronger international trade, through better
products and more efficient techniques.
But research and development can do more. It can be the key
to new industries and employment opportunities, create new
vistas for society, and improve production in all industrial
ASTEC will be an important aid to the Government in developing
strategies to achieve these goals.