PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004984.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

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from the Press Office Summary of ABC's 12: 30 News
President Carter sets out on his Middle East peace mission,
expressing " hope tempered by realism". Meanwhile, the Egyptian
Prime Minister called a special cabinet meeting in Cairo to
examine America's latest peace proposals. He said that the US
proposals were positive, and even though they might require
some alteration, the chances for peace were good. In Jerusalem,
the Israeli Foreign Minister said a peace treaty with Egypt
was now a matter of weeks, not months away, but, he said, a
lot would depend on how President Carter faired during his
talks with President Sadat.
Canberra: The government says it will not bow to ACTU threats
over industrial action over tomorrow's first prosecution by
the Industrial Relations Bureau.
Mr Peacock said Australia's offer of troops to Namibia depended
on agreement about the safety of the groups.
Australia's balance of payments continued to improve last month.
The deficit on current accounts fell to $ 95 million below its
deficit for a year. Australia had a balance of trade surplus
in February of $ 158 million, the third monthly rise in a row,
and the best result since December .1977. Exports in February
were down by $ 150 million, but'itnports' also fell by $ 180 million.
Net capital inflow rose sharply to $ 312 million for the month.
Uganda's defence council, the country's highest policy making
body has declared its full confidence in Amin by naming him
Chief of Staff of the armed forces, effectively giving him
day to day control of running the war against an invasion
force from Tanzania.
Rhodesia had confirmed its aircraft attacked a group of
guerillas inside Zambia last Saturday.
Two hundred mile fishing limit around Australia is likely to
be proclaimed next month, Mr Sinclair said.
M-r-Staley said that the ABC should be able to provide country
viewers with sports coverage that they could not get from
commrercial channels.
America's space craft has photographed a ring of particles
spinni-ng round the Jupiter.
Thne Ayatollah has again criticised his government urging ministers
to a:: bandon all trappings of the west inherited from the past.
an energy ct
The Arab world has been told it faces/ by the Andco Me century
unless it acts now to develop other fuel sources.

Seems new secret weapon from the East German Intelligence
Service is love victims are the lonely secretaries of Bonn.
West German authorities have launched poster campaign warning
that the one word that will open the safe is love. Follows
case of German secretary of NATO official. Bonn Government
hopes the information campaign it has launched will make
secretaries cautious. 000---

From the Press Office
In Jerusalem, negotiations on a Middle East peace settlement
between the US and Israel have continued throughout the past
24 hours at a " frenzied, confused pace". Reported last
minute efforts are still being made to prevent a total
collapse of the peace process. If President Carter has to fly
home and admit failure in his quest for peace in the Middle
East, ae then faces severe criticism of his Presidency itself.
Amer-ican-sponsored defence pact aimed atlimiting Soviet influence
in the Middle East and Asia appears to have collapsed. Two of
the major regional partners in the Alliance, known as Central
Treaty Organisation, have announced their withdrawal in the past
48 hours. Last night Pakistan withdrew and the new Government
in Iran withdrew.
Heavy law suits taking place against the American chemical
manufacturers who produced Agent Orange, the code name given
to 245L during the Vietnam war. Biggest case involves $ 4,000 million
to compensate American Vietnam veterans who were exposed to the
chemical. Legal opinion in the U. S. believes the case could
apply to Australia.
Representatives of Melbourne's Greek community are assembling
in Canberra today to see the Minister for Immigration, Mr. lackellar,
in a last minute bid to stop the deportation of two illegal
immigrants. The couple are due to be deported at 3: 00 o'clock
this . afternoon. Reported the case is a touchy one for the
Government. Their daughter has been given permission to stay
because she was born in Australia. Mr. Hamer has telegrammed
the Prime Minister asking for consideration of the case.
Interview with one of the delegation hoping to see the Minister
for Inmigration.
The Aboriginal Land Fund Commission, set up by the Federal
Government four years ago, has spent nearly $ 5 million on buying
land for Aborigines and is looking for more land. Members of
the Fund are currently in Western Australia where nearly half
the money has been spent. Comes at a time when the Commission
has been criticised four outlaying so much to provide land for
comparative purchases, especially in the purchase of unprofitable
properties. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Senator Chaney,
Reported from Moscow this morning that though the struggle
between Soviet authorities and the country's small band of
human rights activists hasn't been in the headlines since last
year's trials, pressure on the activists is as intense as ever.
Salisbury: the Rhodesian Prime Minister, Ian Smith, has announced
that he will now stay on " for the bitter end" despite earlier
indications that he would leave the Government and perhaps the
country in the event of a black administration coming to power.
Some of the most chilling predictions about the future of nuclear
energy are contained in a new book " Nuclear Madness" which is
published today. Book written by Australian, Dr. Helen Caldicott.
Interviewed. ./ 2