PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004957.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The problem of Namibia is one of long-standing. It dates
from South Africa's refusal, at the end of World War II,
to enter into a trusteeship agreement over the old
mandated territory of South West Africa and its claim
to sovereignty over that territory. South Africa
has continued to administer Namibia despite the United
Nations' decision in 1966, that South Africa's mandate
should be withdrawn.
Concerted U. N. efforts towards achieving self-determination
and independence for Namibia began in 1972. These efforts
were un~ successful and, in 1974, the U. N. adopted measures
seeking immediate and unconditional South African withdrawal.
In 1975, South Africa officially recognised the
international status of the territory and decided to initiate
its-own discussions in Namibia towards a constitutional
settlement. The Five Western members of the Security
Council France., West Germany,* Canada) in
1977 advised South Africa that its constitutional proposals
arising out of these consultations would not gain
international approval. Following this advice discussions
were initiated between the " Five" arnd South Africa on how
to achieve early and peaceful independence for Namibia
through an internationally acceptable settlement.
Discussions were also held with SWAPO the Souith West
African People's Organisation. These talks led, early
in 1978, to the formulation of the present plan now agreed
to by both the South African Government and SWAPO. The
plan envisaged, in essence, free elections for Namibia,
under U. N. supervision and control for the purpose of
electing a constituent assembly to draw up and adopt a
constitution for an independent Namibia. The plan, and
proposals by the U. N. Secretary-General for its
implementation, were later accepted by the U. N. Security
Council as a basis for an internationally acceptable
settlement that would give Namibia independence.
The establishment of UNTAG the United Nations Transitional
Assistance Group is part of the plan. Elections are
scheduled to be held some seven months after UNTAG's
deployment, and independence following about five
months later. / 2

Since 1977, Australia has received a number of informal
soundings about a contribution to a peacekeeping force
in Namibia. Representations were made to us, at
different times, by the the Commonwealth-Secretariat,
and by representatives of the British and American
Governments. In July last year, the U. N. Secretariat made an approach
enquiring whether Australia could provide elements
for the UNTAG logistics force. In the light of recent
indications that the U. N. would be seeking to establish
UNTAG very shortly, the Government has been actively
considering a contribution that would be consistent with
Australia's international obligations, its support for an
early settlement of the Namibia problem and support for
the Western and U. N. proposals for achieving it.
Southern Africa is a region of considerable strategic
importance to Australia, indeed to the entire free world.
In the Government's view we ought to do what we reasonably
can to promote conditions there which will bring about
stability and so contribute to security in the
widest sense. The Western initiative on Namibia offers
the opportunity for this and it is thus vital that it
should be successful.
There has been in the past great turmoil in Africa. Many
African problems have been seen to be intractable. Now
we have an opportunity to settle one of those problems
peacefully and in a manner which will deal justly with
all conflicting interests. Wie must not let this
opportunity slip by.
It has been no easy task for the United Nations to put
together a peacekeeping force for Namibia acceptable to
all concerned. Not all of its components have yet been
settled. But it has been made entirely clear to us that an*
Australian contribution would be widely welcomed and, in
particular, would be acceptable both to the South African
Government and to SWAPO. It has also been put to us that
an Australian component would contribute significantly to
the effectiveness of the force.
The Government has considered this question on a number of
occasions in the past. It has weighed carefully all the issues
which are relevant to it. In coming to the judgement that
Australia should offer to make a contribution to United
Nations peacekeeping in Namibia we have regarded as paramount
the importance of having this Western initiative succeed,
the political significance of the area>-, in which the force
will operate and the firm belief that a successful outcome
in Namibia will bring new hope for stability and progress
in what has been a sorely troubled continent. A successful
conclusion to the problem of Namibia should give r-enewed
hope that other African problems can be resolved by reasonable
means. / 3

The Government has carefully weighed the international
circumstances in which Australia finds itself at this
time. It has especially taken into account present conflicts
in South East Asia. It has concluded above all that now
is a time for Australia fully to assume its international
responsibilities. It is not a time for us to stand back
and refuse to be involved because the problem to be settled
lies in a distant continent and may appear to be of no
immediate concern to us. We are fully aware that the conflict
in Indo-China involves grave risks to the region and to
the world as a whole. We have made this clear by our
recent actions. Some would argue that at a time of
danger and difficulty in Asia we should not participate
in this international initiative. The Government
argues to the contrary we are part of the wider world.
We have a real capacity to contribute to the success of this
United Nations initiative. We believe that this is above
all a time when our sense of responsibility in international
affairs and our commitment to the settlement of disputes by
peaceful means needs to be firmly underlined. This is
a time not for withdrawal but for participation, for the
acceptance of a commitment which is within our capacity.
If we are not prepared to participate in an initiative
sponsored, amongst others, by the United States and
Great Britain, adopted by the United Nations and accepted
by the conflicting parties, how can we expect others to
fulfil their obligations to act responsibly and cooperatively
in efforts to settle disputes and restore stability
in areas of conflict?
The composition of the U. N. force รต _-4in Namibia has.
not yet as I said before, been finally determined. The
United Kindgom. has already announced its proposed
participation in UNTAG and it is expected that
contributors will include a number of other western
countries; there will also be African, Asian, Latin
American and possibly east European contributions.
The element which we will offer to the United Nations for
inclusion in the force is an engineer contingent of 250 officers
and men, together with a national headquarters and support
element of 50. If accepted, this unit will have the
responsibility of providing a variety of engineering services
in. support of the operational battalions. This role will
be vital to the success of the force.
It is planned that the U. N. operation in Namibia will be
for a peried of twelve months. It is intended that the
deployment of the Australian contingent will be for that
length of time. / 4

Our defence forces have been given instructions to pay
the fullest regard to the safety of Australian personnel
who may be deployed to Namibia. We cannot say they will
not face any dangers. There are risks involved in any
peacekeeping operation. But all aspects of the situation
in which the force will operate have been given the most
careful consideration and the risks our men will face
are assessed by the National Assessments Board as low.
Australia has played a part in a number of U. N. peacekeeping
operations in the past. It is at present contributing
to them in the Middle East in Cyprus, and in Kashmir.
We cannot be expected nor will we be asked, to contribute
to all future U. N. operations. But, we believe our
decision to offer a contribution to the Namibia force is fully
consistent with the policy adopted in the past by this
and earlier governments. It is a contribution well within
our capacity. It is the right decision. It has been
taken in a conscious awareness of our international
responsibilities at a time when such awareness, by
ourselves and by others, is needed more than ever.