PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004923.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

This Parliamentary year has been notable in many respects.
First, it has been characterised by an Opposition preoccupied
with personalities. They have failed to make realistic
attempts to present and argue alternate policies as
an Opposition should. In this they are led by a man who
talks gloom at every possible opportunity, both inside and
outside the Parliament.
Australians expect the Opposition in the Federal Parliament
to present reasoned argument on important national issues
and to offer costed alternatives. Australians are bored
with the peripheral politics now a hallmark of the Labor
Party under its present leadership.
Although the Opposition sought to distract the nation and
the Parliament from the business of good administration,
the Government has been getting on with the job.
In Parliament this year 211 Bills were passed. The range
of Bills demonstrates in the plainest terms the Government's
desire to act in the interests of all Australians.
Legislation has been passed against tax avoidance in a
number of areas. The Treasurer is continuing to act
swiftly and forcefully against tax avoidance schemes. Your
Government has shown its determination to stamp out abuse of
the taxation laws.
Australian industry has been supported. Legislation to give
greater incentive to industrial research and development has
been passed. An Export Expansion Grant Scheme has been
introduced and the Export Market Development Grant Scheme
has been revitalised.
Perhaps the most significant Bill passed this year was the
legislation providing for the development of Australia's
great uranium resources. This legislation demonstrated in
the starkest way the Government's determination to protect
the environment and the rights of our Aboriginal people.
It also demonstrated the Government's awareness of its
international obligation to provide a key energy source
for an energy-short world.

Decisions were taken that protect Australians against
disruption caused by industrial unrest.
Farmers, experiencing their best seasons for up to
years, now have the facilities of the Primary Industry
Bank for long-term funds at attractive interest rates.
Since opening for business early last month, the Bank
has approved loans totalling more than $ 10 million.
This year, the setting up of the Australian Science and
Technology Council and implementation of a number of
important new policy decisions in relation to the CSIRO
reaffirms our commitment to the development of scientific
research. The Bills arising out of this year's Budget give effect to
the Government's economic management. We have maintained
control on Government expenditure. At the same time, our
commitment to helping those Australians not able to help
themselves remains a continuing high priority for the Government.
In many areas of specific need Government payments were
substantially increased. We raised spending on aged, invalid
and widow's pension and supporting parents benefits by
11 1/ 2 percent and increased spending on pensioner housing
by 40 percent. Assistance to organisations providing facilities
for the handicapped increased by 37 percent and the
handicapped child's allowance was extended to students under
who did not receive an invalid pension.
In the case of home care for the aged even though the subsidy
rate was varied to meet greatly ' increased demand total
spending will increase 14 percent to over $ 10 million. That
makes a rise of 83 percent in home care for the aged in the
last three Budgets.
So despite the Opposition's attempt to immerse the Parliament
in personality politics, the Government has pressed ahead
with reforms that provide increased opportunities for
migrants, for Aboriginals, for the handicapped, the aged
and the infirm, and has further protected the rights of
individual Australians.
The Government will not be distracted from these great
programmes. We have a vision of growth and development for
Australia a vision of stability, security, concern for
effective help for those in need.
By building on the foundations already set down that
vision will be realised. 000---