PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004695.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The Prime Minister announced today that on the..
recommendation of the Government His Excellency the
Governor-General had appointed Mr Justice-McGregor to
conduct a judicial inquiry into allegations made about
the Minister for Finance, the Honourable Eric Robinson, M. P.
in connection with the last electoral redistribution in
Queensland. The terms of reference for the inquiry are as
follows: " To inquire into and report upon whether any
breach of a law of the Commonwealth or any impropriety
occurred in the course of the redistribution in 1977 of
the State of Queensland into Electoral Divisions for the
election of Members of the House of Representatives,
including the change of the name of a proposed Division
from " Gold Coast" to " McPherson", by -reason of
anything said or action taken. by or on
behalf of the Honourable Eric Robinson,
any action taken by the Distribution
Commissioners or any of them as a result
of anything said or action taken by or on
behalf of the Honourable Eric Robinson, or
any communication by the Distribution
Commissioners to the Honourable Eric Robinson." P. T. O.

The Prime Minister said that the Government had
taken this course upon receipt of a report by the Attorney-
General and the Solicitor-General additional to their joint
opinion which was incorporated in Hansard on 10 April. The
terms of this joint report are attached.
The Prime Minister also released today a copy of
a letter he had received from Mr Robinson.
The Prime Minister saiid that'M Justice McGregor
would be asked to' report as soon as possible and until his
report is received, Mr Howard would be Acting Minister
for Finance and carry out Mr Robinson's ministerial
responsibilities. 000--

ΓΈ 23 April 1978
Prime Minister, Electoral Redistribution of Queensland
We refer to your request for an interim report
herein. We have considered the material which appears
in Hansard and certain further matter sent to us by the
Honourable the Minister for Finance.
We have written to and received a letter from
the Member for Fadden who has neither yet made available
to us the Statutory Declaration incorporated into Hansard
nor any further declarations.
We have also been recently informed of the
existence of further evidence which bears upon our previous
report to you. It is our view that further investigation is
required. The investigation would need to establish the
correctness of conflicting allegations and is therefore
of a nature we are unable to undertake. Whilst it is our
view that the form any investigation should assume is a
matter for the Government to determine, we consider that a
judicial inquiry would be preferable. Yours sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser, M. P.,
Prime Minister,
Parliament House,
I 4

24APR 197
The Rt Hon J. M. Fraser CH MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
My dear Prime Minister
I refer to the accusations that have been made against me
by the Member for Fadden in respect. of the 1977 Electoral
Redistribution in Queensland.
The personal explanation by the Member for Fadden on
7 -April and my statement to the House on 10 April 1978
have canvassed the issues which broadly are:
generally, that I allegedly, directly or indirectly
sought to influence the decisions of the Electoral
Commissioners in the proper discharge of -their duties
under the Electoral Act; and
specifically, that I allegedly so acted to my own
advantage and to the detriment of others including
the Member for Fadden.
I know now that statements to this effect by Mr Cameron at
the Declaration of the Poll for the Seat of Fadden were made
by innuendoes against me and that following certain other
events my knowledge was affirmed in discussions hel. in
your Office in January 1978 and referred to in Mr Cameron's
speech to the House on 7 April 1978.
I gave to you on that occasion in January 1978 and
subsequently by my press statement of 7 April and to the
Parliament by my statement of 10 April 1978 my personal
assurance which I now reiterate that I deny without
equivocation the general and specific import of these
allegations. It is not necessary for me to repeat the specific terms of
those denials. I should only. mention that when they were
made I was conscious of the fact that at all times I was and
remain an elected Member of the House-of Representatives and
a Minister of State in the position of the utmost good faith.

A stain has been set upon my integrity. I continue to be
incredulous that, having given the assurances mentioned
above, I should be seen to be in the position where I must
justify or prove my innocence.
I am anxious that these allegations concerning me an d
involving others should be disposed of as soon as possible.
Since the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General have
indicated that they cannot resolve this matter and advised
that further investigation is required, I repeat to you the
assurance that I initiated and gave the Acting* Prime Minister
in Sydney on 21 April 1978 that I willingly agree to any
enquiry which may be found to be desirable in order to dispose
of the matter speedily.
I am, and have been conscious of the standards of propi~ iety
and good faith required of me as a Minister of the
Commonwealth. Being secure in the knowledge that these-allegations are.
without foundation, I do not see the mere-raising of the
allegations in any way renders me less fitted to undertake
the duties of my office.
if however it is de-termined that a formal enquiry be embarked
upon and if it is your wish, I will seek Ministerial leave
during the period of any such enquiry.
Yours sincerely
Eric L. Robinson