PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004654.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The Prime Minister of Australia,
The Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser, and the Deputy Prime Minister
of New Zealand, The Rt. Hon. Brian Talboys, issued the
following Statement following discussions in Canberra, and
over the week-end at " Nareen", during which they were
accompanied by the Australian Foreign Minister,
The Hon. Andrew Peacock.
Mr Talboys has come to Australia on this occasion as
a guest of the Australian Government. He is visiting all
the Australian States, as well as Canberra and the
Northern Territory. He is meeting the State Premiers and
Ministers of the State Governments. Mr Fraser warmly
welcomed his visit as a confirmation of the special
relationship that exists between Australia and New Zealand.
Discussions in Canberra and at " Nareen" covered a
wide range of subjects, in particular international trade
issues, Australia/ New Zealand relations, the South Pacific
and the Commonwealth.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys discussed extensively current
major issues in international trade. An expansion in world
trade would facilitate more rapid progress in expanding
trade between Australia and New Zealand.
Australia and New Zealand have important interests in
common with developing countries, as exporters of primary
commodities, in seeking improved conditions for international
trade in commodities.

The Multilateral Trade Negotiations have yet to
achieve a meaningful liberalisation of interna~ tional
trade in co-mmWcdities. The benefits of the Multilateral
Trade Negotiations have to date been unequally shared.
They have tended to favour the major industrial producers
and have done little for commodity producers.
Australia and New Zealand regard improved world trading
conditions for agriculture as an essential ingredient of
a satisfactory outcome to the Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys agreed that there is a pressing
need for substantially improved access for agricultural products
into the markets of the major industrial countries.
Both countries continue to support multilateral
arrangements for appropriate commodities involving both
producers and consumers as a means of achieving more stable
world trading conditions. They wish to see the TNCTAD
Negotiating Conference on the Common Fund resumed at the
earliest opportunity and are willing to participate actively
and constructively in these negotiations to achieve an early
successful outcome.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys agreed that it is essential
for all trading countries to commit themselves to work towards
an expansion of world trade and world markets. Only in this
way can an economic climate be created in which a solution
may be found to the problems of developed and developing
countries alike. A failure in or a merely face-saving outcome
to the forthcoming round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
would give a further impetus to the emerging protectionism

in the major industrial trading blocs. This could have
very damaging consequences for the world economy.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys agreed on the need to
establish an international trading system that will assist
the developing countries to realise their full economic
and social potential. Not only is this essential to meet
the aspirations of the developing countries, but it should
also serve to promote soundly based and sustained world
economic growth. To achieve more equitable arrangements
for international trade, it is necessary for the major
industrial countries to make a new commitment to work with
the developing countries to this end.
It was agreed that officials in Australia and
New Zealand should undertake as a matter of urgency a
fundamental examination of these issues and of the prospects
for achieving the twin objectives of an expanded and more
equitable international trade system. There should be
further discussions between Australian and New Zealand officials
after consideration of these matters at the national level.
The two countries should work together internationally to
press for progress in these areas.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys affirmed that Australia
and New Zealand are linked by deep ties of common origin and
shared ideals and institutions which give a sound basis for
the closest co-operation. The futures of the two countries
are inextricably linked. By continuing to work closely
together the two countries can strengthen each other and

thereby make the best possible contribution to the peace
and prosperity of the region in which they live.
Extensive consultations and coordination between
the two Governments already exist in many fields.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys recognised that there is scope
for further facilitating and encouraging relations by the
exchange of people and ideas between Australia and
New Zealand. To this end, they decided to take several
concrete steps.
These include: S Exchanges of Parliamentary Delegations
on a regular and frequent basis;
S Exchanges of Australian and New Zealand
Government officials from a variety of
areas to work in each other's country;
S Regular consultations on international
legal and related matters;
S Further steps to coordinate the activities
of the two Governments in the field of
development cooperation.
Mr Fraser warmly welcomed a proposal by the
New Zealand Government that a New Zealand-Australia Foundation
should be established to help strengthen relations between
the two countries. Mr Fraser stated that the Australian
Government wished to be closely associated with the proposal
by means of a parallel body in Australia. Mr Fraser and
Mr Talboys agreed that the functions of the respective bodies
should include encouraging the study and discussion of issues

of interest to both Australia and New Zealand and the
promotion of increased cultural and other exchanges between
the two countries. Close contact would be maintained
between the two bodies.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys welcomed the initiative
taken by leaders in the private sector of both countries
to form a committee of businessmen to promote trade and
to assist the development of close economic relations
between the two countries.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys reaffirme. d the signifi-cance
which both countries attached to the maintenance and further
development of bilateral economic ties. Since the
New Zealand-Australia Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA) was signed
in 1965, the value of trade between the two countries has
increased more than four-fold, and has now reached a level
of nearly $ Al billion a year. Each country is the biggest
market for the other's manufactured exports. Mr Fraser and
Mr Talboys noted with satisfaction the recent commitment
to the continuation of NAFTA until at least 1985 and the
conclusion of a more enduring agreement on tariffs and tariff
preferences. They looked forward to a further round of
NAFTA discussions in April at which Ministers would assess
current trade problems in detail and review progress in the
trade field.
The intention of the two governments in entering the
NAFTA was the progressive removal of barriers to trade between
the two countries with a view to the continued expansion of
the free trade coverage. Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys agreed on
the desirability of the further opening of bilateral trade, as
conditions permit, with the objective of encouraging in both

Australia and New Zealand the development of efficient
industries that can meet international competition and
provide increasing employment opportunities.
To help achieve this objective and strengthen the
two countries' economies on complementary lines,
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys agreed that in considering
questions of assistance for the development of particular
industries in which the other country would have an
interest, each Government should take into account the
situation and prospects for the industries concerned in
the other country. A consultative mechanism should be
established to make possible full consultation between
Governments before decisions are taken on these questions.
Procedures should be elaborated at the NAFTA Ministerial
meeting in April.
Mr Fraser and Mr Talboys emphasised the importance
for regional stability and economic development of a
healthy economy in both countries. They recalled that
the 1977 ANZUS Council Communique stated that
" Ministers recognised that the health of the economy of
the three partners is of concern to each, for it affects
their capacity to play the responsive and responsible role
that world and regional circumstances demand of them and
which is their common desire. They therefore agreed that
they would consider their economic relationships and mutual
problems within this larger framework".