PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004564.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

1OR PI! 28 tNOVI1' tDZRL 17
11013A~ lT = 11114 RALLY
rt is tjceat to be back aigain in TacrnwIfli b( caus I air proud of
," act. j-Iijji it wis my> governm~ ent whiCAl t) 4t Tasmania hzvck. on Ph rp
our oinaeisto thigi groat stato 1-mwe bveen honou-red. Vle h,-v
helpod ciuii~ re develupment i~ Tmia; our freight equaj36i. Lon
.9chorno 11; 49 i; no-ITsaa'* fi~ oiijht dijeadvarataqe..
and our investment , Alowancor is3 respnnsible flT~:
devlOIO* PAM'Ktr ZIS thie new inulti-millljoij doliar hPP$? 4 projc~ o at botirO. u,
z~ ; xnltof the Callaghan Report~ whigh we Lc~ o. 6isioned, tho
ov~~ cn' j-excamininy ways to Iboosti turtUier letvelopimont: i iTdu~ it. ry
tJ4 nsarc! alreacry under * wAy to Oe thow we Qaa furth -r
a., siiit: the fores-Lry, fisjiinqc ancl tjurist industj~ es; ) iovia wti Iiiyh
egpxll pt) Lbtic: 8ervice actilvIties Inc LI! fStage; how we can bokit
c). f cat Cecntralisation f'widr I: o ' i'siania; and tUe feanibility of
! a n~ hingj a pilot indoutrialLJLtcinbAc~~ l
Tho'Hobav~ t area has benefitted frc-4a Connonwealth fund~ ing oft Lbe œ~ irst
. HbaLbrdg -I say " first" brcnuie this q~ overrimenL is oi. t~ I to
tecoi; tructionl of a aecorid biridqu -for Hobart. I was surn) 6, ss d to see
that, Ifr-N~ oIlsen bad Tmomentarily SA~~ Aqc r Fhi Ieo-h
L-c9issS , C yer( hz:) alO issued a joint piAcs8 rt~ ciratio
ku) nfuniq thc ducisions that a Lcco~ n1 bridge be buiilt. P Iiit
fio1 r thLe second bxidge ie iundor way and ozpect to raueiv(.
Iu-h ri.-por in aboLVt sqix months..
J~ IjLttoii will greatly benefiL from " li ti: 4neter of the Atar: cf: iw LUJ. . inioy1
tbo J. t: a new head quarters there-, VjOi~ project will. hav%, e a ma-I~ n) aicft
on~ thfo ova . a creatinig 300 joby; durinq constriiction ( w., hici 1_ 9 suiieuulcd
to i~ i~ ncin 1979) arid up to 200 job~ u once it is openled arid-opuratinq.
i , jnt to pay sppcial tribute at tlila pDInt to the Ta rnqania~ LtiLoriil tt-arn
inf both llo1J~ tW. In my vicw they arpe tho best team thiat TasinfluinI 1-1,1
over had in the Federal Parliamnt. goS/ In Nowman, fijichacel 11odgriv,
B1ruce Goocluck, Ray Groom, and Max 13urr atid tUhe mrwtrrers of tiln
Liberal 60111te team, have boon tirelotia ficjhtert3 for the Tasmaflic;. caxlse.
is little wonder that Ta'.~ nania's I Lteretit,, Iiave been so wel). lct ed
after in tho 1a~ t two years. 2/

Tnle in hnti had lm kace a. 1im1y tout. 11 aild i ksnill eYbCji1t1 1 -r
d-cisioll-since we were clocted. 0111 ro-pon. sibility iu, ajhovc: 011,
to tako0 the decjioins we beliieve -ire riTht for utria Ach. hJ
d~ 1o~ a-ra popular or not. o tire tulfil-ling tHat
L) ur "' olieies a3: e suCC-e n-tq; thloy arl the OD1s' tOCliiC.( 1-hat wifl.
' e 1javt. Aalved Lnhborls irtfaibion. 11111al. jol is "' low rumt~ rnq a
N'llillq. We~ hzwu suopol1-d brei $> u ue ( L raint i1zv. qLr
Autstraijian iadu5$ t7-y theo -e~ l' epri.~ iitesL
~~ r~ ncj thavi: Wi1ll h. ' 11) m~ pixymernL.
~~ t-~ inthe 2ie;,{ twelvie ino~ i'hs .:" S" Pect t0h: At tme. i: a i1' in o,~ tan UL
. htrts ratcs Qokild add m3I to This will h~ esigi -Picant
L~~ ener eCf fec. L-rAor 0-, Co ]), oUSirj
Lu-clt 2; i7i.~ c-1fc ' i i2( i 0? I1 n t Q; LU i5 aa i ngro-f
a k TT* hr it is $ 10O a week e~ w~ rin hx~ ri ev/
& uthnq emo~ nt~;~ e h~ yon pe) VIt ). u-aill'~ aq~
Pros ectUifur infuraased blu~ siness ilivesruiz-il are good. Ucw r* ajo
~ v~~ riwd~ project-worurs 6,00U vnijri rie . q 1cewcvo
Andthi finredoes not revon incle suc fmajo oet st
jqhave anded Lœ 0bor's tax, rip olff. The Qrunshinq tax burde~ n, whIch
. ioreased 12-5i2 undpi bir Whiti-am, 1' s beinig ie1ievod at irdat
lik~ e 1-o tiill-about taxatioii for i momentL bpecause it has become the
Major icsu~ of thii--election camnpaign. Vbu as XLibura15 bmlieve thatb to
a -eduction in thei p~ e1sOn., 1 tax bl) 1J'den i seLil to e conomt~ iu
1fverY Wnd tO 1, ouLstinq job opportunitLi* RcdUcillq thc tay,,. biurecin
L veiiCVtCh e pjiosau-, e TO-3: w~ gi inc reases; recsth uad
3-) 4essure On Pr: ico) a it ells to t" ortrai iIliiatio) rj.
ht; the .3rkmo 1-imet byV n~ ut~ ng miriey directly it os.:' hns
Ii; creoat jobst b" LCau ; e demandl eF, olipioye1v3 a~ re cflomrzq. rl
t-o hire Moroi~ peopleo. Redllc. inq maviial tax, rates Alra3iincc. iVtive
aimd-production. In the Ittt two yoiars. om. tax olh , mges ii-. 1ve ~ v
flL1trala~ axpayel~ u 300) jidllioj
Ith February, Austral-ians w1ilT beconme the ofza-e i~ r~ rej ol tax,
1Auction' IIQw t.-N ; Caleg, aind . in aly ca! 3Q'CS 9rCAt~ y remcc" td mtarqfjinal1
1 7% tt 2es Under thie 1,, yden t scale of 1975, once a ver ; CokrL' ~ ic
4~:~ 3.0~ i0 0 a ycear lie pald uay. or' 45 c~ tt from e-alh (. xtra
Cul~ oar o-f 0o11-Idlq: 3.
flonce, if Mir Hayden's tax -rates w so till ill frt; L-a PCerGCn on"
tvelag-e WVt-' k3' y eariliq~ waiid be lijing 45 conts iii tax fr-mm each
L~ tr d~ rof cn-rrnizlcq. ( 2ompare thxis wz-ith our iiow stamw1& ire rate
tien'm of t; Tw/. payers OA $ 10,000 a yeaK wqil. j Pay a rmayrqina t,
ttaa x-of cd' 32 eet-and they r>" i ne re ijtst th(. ii income tio
to $ IG, 000 a year * qjthout moving onl to a liiqher mnai: qinal vate of-tx
' PoCContbim-d Qettect-' Of faK itidexation andi the new tax scx: ih1 apZ;
br. eaJthf~ iough i. 1 inceti-ves for peoplu w1hoSC ( t'rcno; ien r, 1 ':-pacii
J: ts a-" bout; Wle leve~ l of avero ' e Weekly earnillg. Wih-At is al~ t
Ll quairter ot a iillion low income wrlrs'in taxable irzeomes un., er
~:~ moper year will no loticer pay Ony tai at all,
*' heise people, incli.' ding tens of* thomsaenJs oik perm. oners, widvqc i-n
,; twjcent,~ : it presttnL pay $ 45 ndi1ln in tax. That is im cn'eraqe c,, f
Thoes: e arei tho pvopl h that 1Pir WitlA~ Wan1ts f. 0 forooi to -' ay tax
.~ qin. Tho govermrnt's ooferminrat. ion to reduce the bui~ duvi of 1: o~
tt: tion dlo -s not v'nCI thei. ii

grerOt 1I_-rCE; by death * 11ti. S Qyvjj X
arc: Aorct~ d to pa.' this As arm~ s
bLtW~ i? an 31) j Wile, p~' tand Cbh113A, il Ic I u~ Lvf
Fc~ d-rn Estate " md (.' ift DLh~ y. U the iifr the x pli ct
iAA eC.~ te an6 t~ ift duty will be emitirciy ab, 3zel
Cc~~ tths kq4t tUh Labclr Party. !, 13 Vrit-1rn ha! it Cc ar in
the torDtni( ilit thiat ht'! wruld rCktumn to thc: coicit
hi 3 vc ' filmace ut114a wlhcr he wa~ n in of " C'. wHigc
H-~ iqsYh~ etlxi s wage Hu~" rSh" e rae!; s 1i-pt! n~ i
VfO i~ nsan,) y5 orly tho 1-it-out sch ebes. r, of orI x am n
lonj~ g cozjt $ 3, uuo rlllo) He hasnw. told 11S bow ox whLere hie
wovii& I~ ctth~~ neyfo~ thi. ~ lt it is C) Cciv ) Ip )-ad 1,. 4 r t~ t
it or pxint it,
~! fieseconombic po1i-C-e8 fte in utte vcc Cn on~ wj Lelt. j look
, it thcix-position on tax ndeaxt. 10n. On SU( I 1y, Mr ilhAtlarn saidj
t~~ t txindex~ ation woU16~ Yh 1" postpri) c. X' 1f0o1 while. on~ Mondlay
1r-11 Onc Mr. Whi tlanM mirreed tb: t+ Labor wrm) 0 briin in fAu' 11
ax . i 11( 1, e Xa t r1 f rOmI -Ie~ t on~ Mr~ l.~ tb
was Saying that he Wanted hif -tax Ano-L:. ationr, aria mr
~ iur~ c3w~ ss~ ynq n Ci~ rs tAt he h'aca not read the p; apers Yet
he( could not vi-ty what WAbOr's POlIACY W6S. 31V W4eCInt:-: 3y night-p
hr iwl~ a~ er u~~ hgthe-' Yo111: 1. bi~ s 31 tax ckt:>, aticmr " t all &, oc
7o 1C) cjSi. vo: 1Y this Cbfltision v' 7) 83 cO tr& t3i(: tion, If'r Vibitlan
~ rn~ edthnt-Mr ) Mu cfoy~ d woull On, Friday n~ lk the deIf-iritive
a -Lc, r e nt cY-whk t L aLborr Ij, oi cy w Li a1p. e r s i c rfere, i 3c IIe d u Ie
ñ. oI1r nvDfl. Nijoh cCaJmtWl' .3 or Mx Hurfo-rO1 4mnd high noon went
DVnti " AiY1. t1ejx lva Y10 es cPori8l8ce Forr Mr Jifxiurd eith(: r
lie wD') t to wat-or a9( 3n, or-mor proba~ bly, the iest_ 01 the plethorx. i
Coi Dorlomic spo ' esmen simply CUS ) Oi trust imi ]-ot to poit nis
foot in it evfm ñ urther.
Pri~ it the confusion aml Y.--ananta of Labor'--~ no~ ~ o~
one ~ rsnt~ m d~ out~ tx~ 1y Ihc> ir schmnlt to abodlipY payo"!
t-a. ' Phis wou( cost Labor' $ 851) 7OVllion 1v thu first lhnaf of 397fn.
pAnd $: L190[ Jiilli > n i7 l97/ 9-
Labor: has said tha they wuu). d finanoe th~ is 1: y raisin() the Aistr,-nan
Staxes. Trhat', l -total of -2_, 75Q milli. on Nbih. I ' hey wou. 13
rip the ptole uf Tm\ uXalin. Thi'y have snrv that-tyey 1,101) d
repetl tb(-l~ aw r1eforfling * tHe ta~ z b5cnios which this qrjVernfl~ nt
bxroutyh). in. a1' hj~ woul~ d raiñ se abo-ot $ 400o iil1~ n th s C
~ l7 etyear. t~ ut thi,; wcjuld -jj fall TAY short-( A the tcLn
rr u3m-t flheV needl to finance the abolitior, of piiAroll Loax a itrctfiil
c'f sSo r c UO million, no ients.

f;,. sjs wy -hy ilnot coicmit th(_ mr1ver:; to ira indeatcion. It
ji; now crycital c)-'. 11r that 4k'hfy ( 10 ynOt_ irntena tD 3TriaiI~ in it.
).: bor wou abol h IL zmnU take fit leastz' f, a Week h-. orjn thc.-man on
t'~ zz~ e rnlngs,
T! tkmOuadnmove t1hci tncenti~ ve we !-ave iliven 14., o) L i; o wLXe:
Ov'px thLme irlev ; nii of t) rthe I trl 1-r-o nc wou,
f,. h 3 ) oey xO uto t Yi n teo iLv ep~~
Otlhwcu-A , e n VfTdiall ( if $ 2 lnillicm. flRA: f,\ 10 1Jiic1iun
Vie thZ aih aI1 1 a p ~ arlt pAe fb in. in th np of Lhs
rzn Ie . L Iœ i e f -aa t o f tb u mat to r s th at ri n p aVr) toold
not InceaS4& eTplovmont. iDr Dn5t~ nd tjiw~ i
A xt -cnll. w3~ ley, of laxqe empoyer5 ralhe tht not one
mrvrye wa~ s prernireCi to toxpcaut arty in~ a: i thfeir
I leeI1 3 z pavyoli~ ta: vere alo Nd. ichn
3 L th0 sf -nppv. nnd mnynj~~ businesLn, nh~ i
1" t-P. y6 nayxf l tax bult would br-t Xult?:-ed t
costs tirdi~~ prsna tn-x commtnmL:.
vb P k ; o ~ Jtr~ g ~ th m 20,000 peopla, o8tiV vounmt g v
Le( n helped by oi~ r tra~. T:-drc WCiWar~ e. e iiendtj 7oru than
0O j-i 11 24ro on t~ r rSnirng bn d j ob a i s tunce chs whi ch 5pe C! 1 1
Lret' 11Ook at the -next pi am k o A'-% abor~ v conoi po., Dl i, M !) i
the " 4a e tr3x On 1) ine' PS, 1O a ba.--e D, 4e 6; wt,~; r
whtll. ae Cofi c Speech w'soAp. ei c rLhsI Te
~ 1~' j~ eiy pec W nly hoL.. s old 4hen Mxr N sa vth;
I i-r I ILt 1 f 0 an 4-r zTuh p 41 o r fok) in dun
In2 f n a oD -on1e t han c vp r age w vA vn inq. Y3 y~ dv
i) h it 1 a' q i -n thnir t Labor ra") te f l" l was,-i r l ; Net
M~ C'opnt essec " T fee Iih Ie go; 01
fn mrh fo7D H n~ economtic . If~ 1elic) uncve f-wi
policy ñ'-Su4thc-economic ar; a he' cz On1V _ i GO 9 J
1, l h i Iamn ' hen djr ! cted his' pre?; sera: t.-ry to " The ya w'aL3 -" D
o t-~ d1e rt~ L -b ec; raidta n d Ryon i wz; 9. ind exatio', PI C
pze63 se: etr sad Thvel œ to uex,. Itom bu
n1 2r -TI n n n-ridly, .1A. t
to wear Kr d& er. E po: itionc0rn ~~

1h1 uty telephonle h[) oCk u) P 1uX~,
-LhP ,100k Up. -If3. S pho-lne 111U~ bavm
n ~ t e'IC Sa , H! r Ha ws a a~ nt ak_ CI 0o fc, tr~ o 3) k rca 1
C-fl ' Cf fI fa~~ W SC~ P. Ce3. F* 1, ho ; iC Lx mu~ C Xti
have wp~ ind--a i L-v rat X ~ x ' 11v
t~ hcri Ile said that " a 3bz o nnrt~ i( r
o~~ rd. nccasar tht qre-3tPJ C03-tOcix
i * 6 p-eserit c ns 1-itut ion is icipLuoi ~ T: ih)~ 4b
On D tLhL mr'D 5t i-mport-Tmt crras where the gow xnmt ), isi sli ( ju-stan~. ing
1i. TiVnut.' policy f1iL'eCb, 4I Ihiim LL3Cs jSi nt.
w~ d to pos~ ia nbc~ ut the tLcde unions. Hr I~~~ wim6J thc-IiE. t wing~ ufl4or
1P) r21 ty7 They * havc. a large voice net: ni~ L pDc. 2cy.
T. fhnt-iF wh it ia bor! 3 o-+ ficil: t P) icy. tO IiOq tœ hei. w.
nc~ a' xeo: pcl-iod of Stri3J-es fLm( & 13L~ tr, nl 1 ' Aeh-u, wn they'
~ Ie o0i e. " le havc o that a to\ Drtyi1t
i~ f. x-mn d~ stana car; :) xotect tile pulc Vi(-11arv( k! hA~
in thc Vi. ctorianlP rE1w---t~ i) h en D IT) t-YIE P0,51U11
1ntecse o-I the Ar-TV' C; urniumi moratoriun~ m thL-y Ow. TthrcIn4:
~~ sn ~ o~~ rsdlSI -ute, we shoWecl our d-tti) tht'iew i iVer
z-. Jlowy TaamanjzO5 vi ta2 air Iiaiks to the rrain~ mtnci tr. bc ctt f
:~ the Thcoi Part-v, we have taken the vir:-w that no 1u Eb t~ Ve
. law. . Nh~ nt individuaL r nt have a r. Iqh t o" bf 6 C! t n
intiiario that it i; the r y~ bI. Vr
( 4perv ~ totcect the interests of thpe ivho> Ir, ocoi~ Ly'
~~ E~ p~ ei ~ p rotectancq in~ dividual ursioriidets Lm~ i .& iuiie?, mni
fLi-I. h I e oninl, t -s thlC 1hce to mai~ e the-ir v0-icc~ r; bQW~ xcI2. 6CcY( 9v
f~ ot r ', j-nrt elections Zixre rIow B~ oxy. We. r,
~ n ivi~ uaJ P I~ inst being forvad to join1 unIDIAYs ; amlsj i t
) Ari(~ l~ seCori ' pXy bo~ ycotts havie be( en i1 C. JAIX . C
l~ l~ L~ t~ flt~ t the C iciaticin anfd lu-bitxation
Ioihmni -; r) ir hindrarce Or-! nterferencP vlith illtestatc tr.. t IC
Cota r~ Ia'~ Co" V-mnt 2CZ'iCeC is3 Dow qrolun,, E for 11). 11 o~ r J: Iv ; 1
All hI'jI-at, -q up to a~ fixrm nnz responsible pol.-ly Which h'Izm tht r, 1jPpct
' e~ pnt. IC--uflaonists, ana which protects the(-yiqtj o 1) h(
Avs( iAidual vn! on-At tantl the public.
LnatjjC4 mAn tentlenen, thcre are. marymr-a-Aie irt
~ hi~ h1migAht mnsention. We are: ex-p. mniin our pxograminc! o fl; tni
%' pqrdin~ oi urban public txanspoxt. Wec., xa
pro( g?); 7-to A1~ prOve Cityf and ~~ñ wtr PC) IT( o h

W pea, I ) c~ Ir~, cng A. ti~ Ot4iI~ C~ dC~ E~~~~~
c~ ft~ 6 ; tn~ xa~ rahe. t. 110.11 -ire manV ) r.,-ZflY 1" OYC px C) ri" 1 o
C,-3 1, I rce to ~. out A yp~~ Y~ eh~~ i-
0~ sa ~ lo fC ~ ft vr_ c~ d ) acb
1. e C ie-w -F) aB JC:() I orY I) I" fVnt Opr Itr.' S D L Y ) lav eOt I
Cc-t AilCac 2 --that ' Loazr
, t~ air i nproch c r by-ie bAilCU?! up)
-, il -r Tes pct rieY t ti~ n wcitt
'( VL :' jb.