PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004557.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

Th* advertisinlg cal~ pbi9fl against the reLdeyol Government's ur,% num
deciiapn led by the South ' Astralian Prejuier, Mr Dunstan~, h~ s
not prevented hict from uranium development. wlthirx his own Sttc
) sr ipurstan claim~ s that he in opposed to the F'edexal Governmentla.
decision thatmiruing ii% the Northexn Texrrtory should go aheili
to pxrovide uranium tor peaceful purposea. 4
) wp-ver, the facts are that Kr Dunsetan ftin Jicensed a Celln4Tt Conipc..
to c. xplcare for uraniUM in South Australiv.
Trhe exploration firm is Oranerz ( Austrrci L) Vty. Ltd. of-
27 ( Oxford 11; treet? LaCodervilile, W. A, a wbolly owned~ Bubsicaiaxy
o1 I) js mbh, a Geirl4r Itrbium exploratiorn ct's~ pzr~ y wbich is x~ kso
pXpspectinq in the United States and Algeria. UVB nibh is 50 er
. owed3 by a major West German. nuo2ear e( eotricity genrating
Comhpanfy, ytm
Tihe South Aust-za1ian GOViirnment igSue3 t1anerZ with two exploratio
license&, numbers 349 an 350, On 16 TAU90t thisB year, ninV " atys
befoxe the Government mnade~ Its decision8 tha~ t develc~ pnent for
peaveful n~ uclear enex~ y production shoula proceed.
ysr Dphstan has been engaged in discussion w~ th the Atomic EBnexqy
Ci-nov abot~ t South Auati-alia's proponnls for a -uran3ium
enrichment plant at. r~ e'clilfe fox some time.
011 13 October he arid Officials of the 9011th Australian Departu. nt
of ov~ nmic Development had discussions with representatives of Y
Urenco-Contec, the Joint Jritish-GErnalio-Dtc-h consottium formc& d tuil
develop and build-a cerstrifuge for the ernrichmiene of uranium,
tir r~ unatan' 3 discusions with the Atomzic Nnergy Comiission
have continued and thoro bave been further Oxchanges since this.
mneeting with the Drenco-Centec delegation wbich visited AustrI1114
froyn 3A to 24 October.
Hr 2r~ ohtan's actaorn5 thus bellie his woyds. is actions ax s,
wit)) the roverrin~ nt*' t %. VWoch which i& thist Aotraliats jjraijji1
ree~ ve should be vlpdtmee h rtV sneigy ne

Theze is oTiO impoxta-t iffeievAce. T. he (; bNV~ cwalth
has decid~ ed to-ailow developmient to go-Mecad in a rcmnote
paxt of the NoxherA. Territory usurrounded byLinrc ea whijch
is to k4edecisied as-one cf. the world's a 1itr~ it riational -par~ ks._
M4r Dunwtafl-haS issued expl1oration JiAnMi'R fOr two ar-eas, both only'.
kilometres from Adelaide. -5XPOYtSv. Lcence 349, covering
49-squre kilometres irs 30 kdlometz'e sovath of Adelaide.
EL 7> 5o of 195 square. kilometxes ix 30 } hiltnmetr'e~ north of Adela~ ide.
i I Mig